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Edwin Roberts, Staff Reporter - Editorialist |
and Guest Editorials by Others |
June 12, 2024
Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist
who has served nearly 50 years in prison for the killing of two FBI agents, was due to have his first parole hearing since 2009 on Monday, his lawyer said.
This is an interesting case, in the first place doesn't the FBI have more important cases to investigate than stolen cowboy boots. But then perhaps they were their boss's boots. After all Indians aren't known for wearing cowboy boots, and they should have had boots aplenty after the Battle of the Little Bighorn including Custer's which were certainly of great quality, and handmade. Well this poor guy's been in jail nearly fifty years for the crime of Bootnapping and murder after the pursuing Agents were shot down by individuals unknown and this poor sap had to take the rap. I had a friend had his boots, and the rest of his clothes stolen after an evening of Ménage a Trios with a couple of high class hookers who felt they hadn't received adequate remuneration and perhaps this case had a similar origin. Well the FBI always gets their man, or was it the RCMP, guilty or not! (I wonder what became of the boots, perhaps J. Edgar Hoover wound up wearing them?)
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2024
Your Daughter Could Be Next
February 26, 2024
The latest atrocity caused by the actions of the corrupt administration in Washington is the murder of a Georgia nursing student by an illegal alien while out for a morning jog. This is just the latest crime committed against American citizens since the Biden Administration threw our borders open to everyone and anyone wishing to enter our country, regardless of the laws on the books restricting illegal entry, and without them submitting the proper documentation that might allow of legal admission. The crimes committed by these illegal aliens in the meantime run into the hundreds of thousands including Murder, Rape, Assault, Kidnapping, Robbery, Theft, Carjacking, Extortion, Sex Trafficking, Drug Smuggling, and numerous others crimes. Why our citizens are not howling for relief from these illegals being given unfettered license to go where and when they please in the country, and in most cases accommodated and fully supported while they remain illegally within our borders, only adds insult to injury. The present administration and numerous Congressmen are complicit in the commission of these crimes, making them, in the eyes of any citizen with a functioning brain, accomplices. They should all be turned out of office as soon as humanly possible, and in the meantime hounded and exposed to all actions necessary to see them impeached, defeated in the next elections or forced to resign. They are vermin of the worst order a blight on Law and Order, and enemies of Democracy and Civilization!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2024 |
The James Gang Rides Again
February 20, 2024
The most famous gang of bank and train robbers in US History was the James Gang of Missouri led by Jesse and Frank James. Their infamous reign was brought to an end when Jesse was shot and killed by a gang associate pretending to become a member of the gang, who shot Jesse when he was unarmed and his back turned, and is forever known as the "Dirty Little Coward". The new James Gang is led by the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, assisted by her primary henchman, Judge Arthur Engoron. As did the original gang, they lay hands on their ill gotten gain by preying on honest citizens. If and when their crimes are brought to a conclusion depends on just legal action, and failing this, action by a private citizens who step in to accomplish the job.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2024 |
Vim and Vigor
January 14, 2024
And so, in absolute desperation the administration trotted out the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden to inform us how vigorous and alert her husband is, and fully prepared to serve our country another four years as President. I’m not quite sure what kind of Doctor Dr. Jill is?
A Medical Doctor, the former White House MD doesn’t think so and I certainly give more credence to his opinion than Dr. Jill’s. We have had very vigorous Presidents in the past, most notably Teddy Roosevelt, but Ike played golf, and earlier he’d played football at West Point including a notable game against the Carlisle Indians when Jim Thorpe played for than team. Ronald Reagan was a noted Horseman. As far as Joe’s vigor, perhaps we need the child that declared that, “The Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!”
All I’ve ever seen Biden do is jog about three step’s when approaching the podium, in obvious imitation of Obama. The rest of the time we see him stumbling up and down stairs, lost on the stage once he’s read, or tried to, his lines off the teleprompter and having to be led off by the hand, falling down when attempting to ride a bicycle, and dragging a flimsy beach chair to the beach where he plops down under the umbrella until time to shuffle off for his Pablum, then off to bed, until his vigorous next day starts about ten or eleven in the morning, and after a two hour lunch it’s hard back at work until four when his exhausting day concludes. It makes me think about that old saw about fooling the people, and frankly I’m not buying it! Let’s Go Brandon!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2024
For They Have Sown The Wind
December 22, 2023
Democrats, the Deep State, and RINOS are faced with a terrible dilemma, the Biden administration is an unmitigated disaster. Everything was better when Donald Trump was President. They know Biden can’t beat Trump in a free and fair election. They know also, because of the intense scrutiny voting will receive in November it will make cheating extremely difficult. They therefore are using every dirty trick in the book to attack Trump in the meantime. The most recent outrage is the move by hack Judges on the Colorado Supreme Court to block Trump’s name from appearing on the Presidential ballot in that State. Their justification for this move is an 1868 Law passed by a Radical Republican Congress to prevent former Confederate Officers from having any political influence in their home States to oppose the ongoing policy known as Reconstruction from exacting revenge on a prostrate South. This led to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, which was the only means available to oppose this evil. That there corrupt Judges are now receiving hostile threats is entirely understandable, but of course deplored by the hacks lined up to attack Trump at every turn. As the election draws near expect the volume and intensity of the predicted Whirlwind to rise exponentially.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 - 2024 |
Locking The Barn Door After The Horse Is Gone
December 1, 2023
The man that stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times has been charged with attempted murder. Isn’t that sweet? Sending a man to Federal Prison is supposed to be punishment for his crimes, not to make him a potential victim for attack by other prisoners. Tell that to Whitey Bulger and Jeffrey Epstein! Well of course we can’t, they’re long dead, both murdered in Federal custody. I hope the families of these innocent victims, innocent in the sense that they weren’t sent there to die at the hands of other prisoners, are prepared to bring massive lawsuits against against the Government for failure to protect them. When Al Capone was sentenced to prison for Income Tax Evasion he first went to Atlanta Federal Prison. Brain-addled by Syphilis and weak he fell victim to attack by two Southern peckerwoods. One of them was murdered in prison by an assailant unknown and the other crippled for life.
The Government didn’t protect him but fortunately Al’s friends did. Of course the Government is incapable of running anything successfully. Private Penal Systems are far more successful in protecting their charges, as well as obtaining productive work from them. Of course many Governors are opposed to this because it deprives them of chauffeurs, chefs, maids, yard boys, and general flunkies. Of course George Soros throws his money into electing Attorney Generals who don’t believe in sending anyone to jail, leaving innocent citizens as their prey.
I believe in prisons like Parchman Farm, I.e. “I’m puttin” that cotton in a eleven foot sack, got a twelve-gauge-shotgun at my back!”
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 - 2024
Crisis in America
October 30, 2023
The failed Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has just made a trip to China to kiss the ring of Dictator Xi Jinping, while declaring eternal friendship and cooperation between his State and the Communist Country presently the greatest threat to World Peace, of the numerous countries that fit that description. In the meantime residents continue to flee the State of California like rats leaving a sinking ship, and whores parade the avenues and boulevards of her cities in g-strings and thong’s advertising their wares. His trip is a photo op to bolster his image as a replacement for the witless nincompoop Joe Biden as a Presidential candidate. Unfortunately he’s the only aspirant in all Fifty States capable of doing a worse job.
In the meantime support for Republican Donald Trump continues to grow by leaps and bounds in spite of the plethora of fraudulent criminal charges brought against him in desperate hope of derailing his candidacy. The Democrats now have another threat to their program of destruction of Constitutional guarantees with the election of Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana as Speaker of the House of Representatives. A well liked man of rock solid Christian values, and a man of real honesty and integrity presents a real threat to their chicanery and deceit. Depend upon the lies and phony stories of their propagandist in the fake news media to come a flying.
All the while our country remains in mortal peril with millions of illegal aliens continuing to pour across our Southern border, many from enemy terrorist countries, obviously bound for terrorist cells in our major cities, with others headed for sleeper cells to await further instruction. American Citizens continue to hemorrhage what little savings they have left as the economic policy known as Bidenomics ravages our Land.
There remains one hope, and one hope only for the salvation of our country from total ruin, and that is the candidacy of Republican Donald Trump for reelection as President. All else is darkness and despair. Not only should you pray for success but throw your efforts into supporting his candidacy as if your life depends on it, as in fact for many of us it does.
God Bless America and Make America Great Again!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
Biden's War
October 9, 2023
Make no mistake about it, responsibility for the war of destruction being waged by Iran’s stepchild Hamas against Israel rests squarely at the door of President Biden and his administration. The relaxation of President Trump’s sanctions against Iran, the release of billions of frozen dollars to Iran, and the diplomatic conversations with Iran about restoration of the Nuclear Agreement have emboldened the Ayotola Komeni and he has orchestrated this strike. Realizing that under Biden, U.S. Foreign Policy has become a paper tiger and he has little to fear in the way of repercussion. The destruction encompassing the entirety of Israel is massive and the death toll, primarily among civilians, approaches one-thousand, with the injured being many times that number. Hostages in great numbers have been taken, primarily civilian ranging in age from children to the elderly. Bodies of the dead have been desecrated and mutated in barbaric fashion. Iran and her proxies do not recognize the Geneva Convention so Articles of War do not apply. Israeli forces have cleared their country of the enemy and have been striking known Hamas structures in Gaza while the search for the hostages is ongoing and will continue until every one of them are accounted for. It will be a long and bloody engagement as Israel has declared war against Hamas and promises to root out and destroy this evil.
Now we learn that American Citizens are among the dead and injured, and a number of them taken hostage. This makes the strike by Hamas not only against Israel but against our own country and civilization as well. We also learn that some weapons in the hands of Hamas have come from Afghanistan and were from the eighty-billion-dollars of U.S. property abandoned to the enemy when the President ordered the cowardly withdrawal from Afghanistan in the dark of night. Biden has announced that our country will supply everything and anything Israel requires in the way of support. This being the case, why are not our Special Forces not en route to Israel to aid in the rescue of American Civilians held hostage, and to avenge the deaths of those so brutally slaughtered? Put your money where your mouth is Mr. President, or are you going to remain the bumbling figurehead of a President continuing to lie to the American People while doing nothing?
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
Is Sen. John Fetterman Really Lennie Small
September 21, 2023
Of Mice and Men is a famous Novella by John Steinbeck later turned into a Movie Classic. It is the story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two itinerant farm workers in depression era California. Lennie is a mentally challenged man, but strong and hard working. George is his friend that travels with him and looks out for him as they struggle to scrape together enough money to buy their own little place. It is a tragic story but well worth reading and watching the movie.
Now we find a similar situation in our own US Senate. John Fetterman is a mentally challenged man elected to the Senate by the citizens of Pennsylvania. He is physically strong, but incapable of buttoning his shirt, attaching a belt to his trousers, or tying his shoes, much less being able to tie a tie. Consequently his attire consists of elastic waistband athletic shorts, a hoodie, and slip on shoes. Looking out for him much like George looked after Lennnie is none other than Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader of the Senate. To accommodate his handicapped friend, he has altered the Dress Code of the Senate which had been formal coat and tie since its beginning Centuries ago.
Now you are able to wear whatever you choose, which allows his brain addled friend to shuffle into the Senate Chamber in his casual attire and sit at his desk, drooling and staring vacantly into space while the Senate conducts it’s business. Schumer has indeed found a home for his friend Fetterman who can retire at the end of his six year term on full salary and medical benefits for life. How fortunate this story has a happy ending, unlike the tragic ending of Of Mice and Men!

John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
The California Pretty Boy Has Presidential Fever
September 14, 2023
Governor Gavin Newsom of the failed and bankrupt State of California has visions of sugarplums dancing before his eyes. He has contracted a case of Presidential Fever and if Democrats can successfully dump Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the 2024 Ticket he could well be their boy.
Competence and Ability obviously play little part in obtaining a position of leadership in the Democrat Party and he’s well short on both accounts. His latest move to make him more acceptable to all States is the revocation of a law passed in California seven years ago restricting travel to States who’s laws do not conform to California’s woke laws. Since the law restricted travel to over half the country it would have hurt him on the National Stage. He’s hoping it will be long forgotten by the time primaries start rolling around next year.
It will be interesting to see what other twists and turns he makes trying to distance himself from the California maladministration and wokeness, not to mention his glaring violations of Covid restrictions and his obvious hypocrisy.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
The Biggist Jerk
September 2, 2023
It takes a lot to be the biggest jerk in the Republican Party but Adam Kinzinger pulled itoff without a hitch during his two years in Congress. He voted twice to impeach then President Donald Trump and stood with Democrats to hold him responsible for the protest of January 6th which they lyingly refer to as an insurrection. Of course there are plenty other jerks in the Republican Party once you add up all RINOs, Never Trumpers, and Trump Haters. None of their criticisms carry weight as Trump was a very effective President in spite of the two phony impeachments and lying accusations against him. What is the primary reason for all this animosity? Well it’s, either outright jealousy or greed because their ox is being gored by a Trump improvement. They are the disgusting scum of the Republican Party and should be ignored and shunned by all honest Republicans. The fact that Kinzinger is now employed by CNN should give you a clear picture of where his loyalties lie.
Now as spokesman for one of the most untrustworthy TV News outlets he’s attacking another Republican, Governor Ron DeSantis. You see, so called President Joe Biden is on his way to the area of Florida most damaged by Hurricane Idalia for a photo op. He never goes anywhere other than a photo op unless it’s for an event or occasion that he can’t politically ignore. Regardless he often blows it by failing asleep, misidentifying persons he’s supposed to recognize, looking at his watch, or callously recalling an event for his own life that he compares to a present disaster to illustrate his deep compassion. Take for example his recent photo op in Hawaii where fire swept through an entire town, destroying it completely and leaving more than one hundred dead. To draw comparison he recalled a fire in his own home that nearly took the life of his wife, his cat, and nearly destroyed his precious Corvette. In fact it was nothing but a small kitchen fire which was quickly extinguished and threatened neither his wife, his cat, nor his precious car. Then when at the actual site he makes a joke about needing boots because the ground is still hot. Then, adding insult to injury he falls asleep during a memorial service for the deceased. Why now should DeSantis show up at a disaster site he’s already visited and has been talking positive steps to alleviate the suffering of the survivors just to add coverage to what’s nothing more than a photo op for Biden. If this scumbag Kinzinger is so concerned why doesn’t he show up there himself along with the phony President?
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
A Pitiful Remnant Of A Once Great Army
July 8, 2023
Anticipating US entry into WWII in 1939, the Commanding General of the US Army ordered a large scale military exercise to be conducted. It took place in a large part of Louisiana in late summer and early fall and involved 400,000 men. It became known as the Louisiana Maneuvers. A great deal was learned from the exercise and many who became great leaders in the coming war emerged from it including General George S. Patton who became the greatest US General of WWII. To imagine a similar exercise conducted today would expose our military leadership as the incompetent and inept frauds they are including the Commanding General, Mark Milley. It would also expose the deplorable state of present personnel, and their inability to operate successfully in the field. Thought it would be virtually impossible to conduct an exercise of this magnitude today, our Republican Congress should order the military to conduct similar, though smaller exercises so the state of our military capabilities and efficiency could be assessed.
There is little doubt in the minds of former military leaders that it would be a monumental failure, a failure for which the present administration bears great responsibility. Unfortunately, exposing this failure would be the only way to convince the American People of the need for a competent government in Washington to address the deficiency and take steps to remedy the deplorable situation. Unfortunately our enemies are already well aware of the situation and only the threat of Nuclear War has prevented the outbreak of hostilities well prior to today.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
US Military Leadership
July 7, 2023
The highest military position I held was Platoon Officer in Vietnam, but in observing US Military Operations then and since, and the study of those past, I feel competent to remark on their effectiveness, or lack thereof.
Korea turned into a debacle when MacArthur lost control when Chinese Communists hordes surprised his forces by a well planned crossing of the Yalu River, drove the US Army South in disarray, and to the East US Marines had to withdraw as well but did so in complete military order. Fortunately the greatest US General since WWII, Mathew Ridgeway assumed command. He restored discipline, stabilized a line across the peninsula, and proceeded to destroy Communist forces with air and artillery power into a figure that may have exceeded one million. Eventually hostilities ended in an armistice and the country remains divided between Communist and Free.
Next came Vietnam which ended in a U.S. withdrawal and eventual victory of Communist forces from the North. No great military commander emerged from this conflict.
Next came the very effective battle to drive and destroy the forces or Iraq, which had invaded the neighboring country of Kuwait and overthrown government there. A complete victory was lost though, with the failure to go on into Iraq and eliminate the evil government there. The evil Dictator of Iraq remained in power, and consequently eliminated the leaders that could have established a competent government had the regime been destroyed.
Then came the most effective terrorist operation in history known as 9/11. Commercial airliners were hijacked and turned into flying bombs, taking down the two World Trade Center buildings and delivering massive damage to the Pentagon. Only one of the four aircraft failed to reach the target. Obviously the FBI, CIA, and our Intelligence Agencies were all asleep at the switch. This atrocity occurred shortly after George W. Bush assumed office but most of the blame must be attributed to the previous administration.
Then in fraudulent attempt to attack Terrorism the US declared war on Iraq on the totally false premise that Iraq was manufacturing Weapons of Mass Destruction that turned into failure, and the ensuing result was no Weapons of Mass Destruction, and massive losses of US military personnel and the total disruption of Civilization in the Middle East, which has resulted in mass emigration of peoples there into Europe creating the chaos existing there to the present day.
Then came the most recent disaster, Afghanistan. We went after the Taliban there who were aiding and abetting World Terrorism, and sheltering the genius behind the World Trade Center attack. This woe begotten land has been fought over for centuries with no conqueror achieving ultimate success. Effective operations were conducted by the CIA in managing the Tribes in facilitating driving the Russians out, but when the Army went in that tactic went out the window. Our greatest generals rotated in and out, none of which would measure knee high to a giant like Ridgeway. Glowing reports of success came and went and the end result was the greatest debacle of US Arms, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment behind, and carrying out the deal bodes of thirteen service personnel unnecessarily killed due to the incompetence of military leadership, and this same failed leadership remains in power today, while the most incompetent President continues to declare it a glowing success.
To quote the words of Sheriff Ed Dodd from the magnificent play, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, “I may not be the smartest feller to come down the pike, but I damn shore know the difference between when it’s raining, and when someone’s pissing on my boots!”
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023
Cornered Rats
June 22, 2023
A cornered rat is a dangerous animal and Washington, D.C., aka The Swamp, is full of them. The cornered rats I’m talking about are members of the so called Deep State, which includes criminals and traitors in government offices, the Biden Administration, the Congress, RINOS, and Never Trumpers. They never expected Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton, which fortunately saved the country from the most evil woman in elected politics, and they’ve been beside themselves ever since trying to destroy him. They well know that if Donald Trump is elected their day in the Sun is over and not only will their political careers and influence be at an end, but many of them will be facing prosecution when integrity is restored to the DOJ and the FBI by the appointment of an honest Attorney General and Director of the FBI, and the rooting out of the dishonest scum at the highest levels of both organizations.
In desperate attempts to prevent Trump’s election, fraudulent criminal and civil charges have been lodged against him, in hope that convictions will stop his run, and if they can stack a jury with their ilk, hopefully jail him for life. The DOJ has been conducting the most ruthless manhunt in US History to identify every individual in Washington, DC on January 6th to protest the fraudulent election of Joe Biden so they may be charged with a crime, whether real or contrived. The corrupt government presently in power has called this mostly peaceful protest an insurrection, yet the only person to die by violence that day was a protester murdered by a Capitol Policeman who was never charged with a crime. If they are successful in finding Donald Trump guilty of a crime they have fraudulently contrived and preventing his run for the Presidency they may find themselves with a real insurrection on their hands.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
Baffert Returns With A Vengence
May 22, 2023
At one time the Kentucky Derby was the premier horse race in America. On the first Saturday in May the cream of American Thoroughbred three-year-olds gathered at Churchill Downs in Louisville from all parts of the country to contest the first leg of a series known as The Triple Crown. That is until the controlling executives of the track, as greedy a bunch of Oligarchs as to be found in America, have turned it into an invitational rather than an open race. They, for unreasonable reasons of their own, have excluded specific Trainers and horses from competing in the race.
The primary victim of their ire has been the Hall of Fame Trainer, Bob Baffer. Two years ago his colt Medina Spirit was a clear winner of the race. However, several days later the post race drug test revealed the presence of a banned substance. The Trainer was dumbstruck, he knew the drug had never been administered to the colt. To make it clear the drug is in no way a stimulant, it is an anti inflammatory drug injected to reduce heat and swelling in a joint, and if used too close to a race can lead to a breakdown in a joint that has not completely healed. Thorough investigation into where the drug, and it was a virtually minuscule amount, could have come from pointed to a salve that had been administered the colt for a skin rash. Nevertheless, the track proceeded to disqualify the colt and rule the Trainer off the track for two years. A World renowned race track veterinarian has assured me that you could rub a bucketful of the salve on the horse and he wouldn’t have run any faster. The amount actually found in the salve, which is made of a number of ingredients, amounted to a grain of pepper in a salt shaker. To put this all in layman’s terms, it was like disqualifying an Olympic Gold Medal Winner from victory because he was treating a case of Athlete’s Foot.
So for two years the most successful Trainer in America today, and a twice time trainer of a Triple Crown Winner, and numerous other various Triple Crown races, was excluded from the Derby. He did, however, have an entry in last Saturday’s Preakness that won the race, spoiling the Derby Winner’s chance at the Triple Crown, as he could only manage to finish third. As Baffert will have as many as three colts entered in the Belmont Stakes three weeks from now his chances of winning two legs of this year’s Triple Crown are good, and next year with his restriction at Churchill Down lifted, he’ll likely have one or more entrants in next year’s Derby and though the executives of Churchill Downs won’t like it, there’ll be nothing they can do about it, and the Derby will again be the premier race after a two year hiatus.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
If Americans were as serious about Politics
April 14, 2023
If Americans were as serious about Politics as they are about Sports Joe Biden would have been forgotten long ago. How this brain-dead excuse for a Leader ever became President boggles the mind of any intelligent man. He had a long unbroken record of zero accomplishment, and was a proven cheat, liar, and plagiarist. He replaced a man that had given the country four years of accomplishment in spite of all the obstacles thrown in his path, and if they were considered in the same way coaches are, he replaced a man with a winning record, though he had none of his own, and he hasn't won a game since. He has, in a very short time established the most dismal record of failure in the entire history of the U.S.Presidency. Those responsible for allowing, as well as aiding and abetting, this to happen are Scoundrels, and should be tarred and feathered, and run out of Politics forever!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023 |
Sixty-Two Years of Failure
February 8, 2023
I consider the necessary qualities desirable in a President of the United States to be Honesty, Responsibility, and Capability. Unfortunately, the last time a Democrat President measured up to these standards it was sixty-two years ago when Harry Truman occupied the Oval Office. Coming, in many ways unprepared for the massive responsibility of the Office he ascended to upon the death of Franklin Roosevelt, he ably stepped in and did a masterful job in steering the country through the ending days of WWII, into the Cold War conflict with Communist Russia, and meeting the treachery or Communist aggression in Korea. There was never a taint to his reputation for Honesty, his Responsibility was displayed for all to see in the plaque on his desk saying, "The buck stops here!" , and there is no question of his Capability in his handling of the jobs just described. Sadly, no Democrat that has occupied the Office since has even come close to measuring up to these standards.
The next Democrat President was John F. Kennedy, who assumed the Office with great expectations, and an adoring public and press. His Honesty was first on display when he broke his word to the Cuban Brigade on the beach at Bay of Pigs, when he pulled the promised air support, leaving them to fight and die unprotected, until out of ammunition, the survivors were forced to surrender. His Responsibility was subsequently on display, when he washed his hands of the matter, and blamed the disaster on the previous administration. His Capability was on display when he authorized the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam, which led to even more incapable leadership of the country until the tragic conclusion of that God forsaken war. In a strange manner of Deja Vu, he met his own death by assassination just a short while later.
Lyndon Johnson was hardly Kennedy's choice for Vice President, but he was reluctantly taken aboard in an attempt to lock up Southern votes in the expected close election. He played little part in the administration other than ceremonial until the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas which thrust him into the Presidency. He ignored the wise advice of his friend John Connelly to choose his own Cabinet, and went with the one he inherited from Kennedy, acquiring the worst Secretary in the history of the Defence and War Departments in the process. Though he won reelection over Goldwater due to cleverly playing on fears of Nuclear War, he turned out an abject failure. The Vietnam War became a quagmire and a disaster under his mishandling, and his attempt to give the country Guns and Butter resulted in the War on Poverty, under the guise of his Great Society Program, which destroyed the work ethic and morality in the Negro community of America. His failure was so complete he declined to run for reelection, and retired to his ranch in Texas. During his time in elected office, with his first election to the Senate by a fraudlent vote count, he became the first of Presidents to amass a fortune while in public office. History will regard him as one of the worst of Presidents, and he may well top the list in spite of strong competition from at least three following Presidents.
Republican Richard Nixon won the Presidency in a landslide victory over Democrat Hubert Humphrey, not once but twice, only to be done in by his mishandling of the Watergate break in, and had to retire in disgrace, leaving Gerald Ford in the office until he was swept out by the election of Jimmy Carter, a former peanut farmer and Governor of Georgia. The office turned out to be well above Carter's level of capability, and all chance that he would win a second term were dashed by the Iran hostage crisis and the subsequent disastrous rescue mission which was a total failure. Though he was a hypocrite in some ways, he was honest, and retired to his peanut farm to live out his days teaching Sunday School and working to insure honest elections around the Globe, though he remained ominously silent about the most recent Presidential election here, the most fraudulent in U.S. History.
With his overwhelming victory over Carter, Ronald Reagan restored faith in the Presidency, and no sooner had his hand come off the Bible after he completed the Oath of Office, that the Iranian hostages were released and flying back to America. His brilliant eight years gave the country renewed prosperity and respect, a goal for all future Presidents to aspire. Retiring into his Sunset years at his ranch in California he spent his remaining days riding his horse around the ranch and doing chores, a lifestyle he relished and well deserved. His Vice President, George H.W. Bush followed him into office, only to be undone by the Independent Third Party candidacy of Ross Perot, that siphoned off enough Republican votes, to throw the victory to the draft dodger from Arkansas, Democrat Bill Clinton, in his run for reelection.
War heros Washington, Tyler, Grant, and Eisenhower have all advanced to the Presidency, but for the first time in history, America elected a draft dodger, the Good Time Charlie from Arkansas, William Jefferson 'Slick Willy' Clinton. He was assisted in his first election by the third-party candidacy of Ross Perot, who siphoned off enough votes from George H.W. Bush, to throw the victory to him. He gave us an administration ripe with scandal due to his promiscuity land the machinations of his evil wife Hillary. His desire to be liked caused him to swing to the middle of the road politically, and his compromises gave the country relative stability and prosperity, and he left office a popular figure. Having failed to accumulate any significant wealth during his time as Governor and President, someone is his organisation figured a way to parley political influence into a fortune, and he and his wife have lived high on the hog ever since. Truman said, “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook.” Clinton became the second President to attain this goal, and he certainly wasn't to be the last. The Hillary Clinton foundation is the bedrock upon which this lifestyle is maintained, and it's all tax free, an influence peddling and protection racket that is the envy of every consigliere that ever lived.
Following Clinton into the Oval Office was George W. Bush, Republican, and son of the former President. He gave the World eight solid years of disaster. First was the 9-11 attack, more attributable to the Intelligence failures of the previous administration than his, that threw the nation into chaos. His war in Iraq, begun on the totally fraudulent claim that Saddam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, destabilized the entire Middle East, with deaths running into the hundreds of thousands and causing millions to relocate in search of a safer life. The mass immigration of hundreds of thousands from the Middle East into Europe is a consequence. Thousands of our military personnel gave up their lives or were shot to pieces in this useless war and now Bush shows up for photo ops with survivors, and hosts barbecues at his ranch for them. He is nothing less than a War Criminal, as are several others in his administration. He should be despised and reviled by every decent American Citizen. He is without doubt one of America's worst Presidents. He did not grow wealthy in office though, which is one of the few good things to be said about him, but then his family was already wealthy.
Following Bush into the Oval Office was the greatest enigma ever encounter in U.S.politics. Barack Hussein Obama hadn't a single name familiar in America. His place of birth has never been accurately established. He claims he was born in Hawaii but his birth certificate from there has never passed the smell test. His relatives in Kenya insist he was born there. The legitimacy of the whereabouts of his birth could likely have been put to rest had President George W. Bush directed the FBI and CIA to investigate, but, as in so many ways he failed our country, he failed to order this investigation. Though Obama passed himself off as African American he was anything but. A legitimate African American was either brought to this country as a slave, having endured the dreaded Middle Passage, or are a descendent of one, and were born in this country. Obama's father was a scholarship student from Kenya belonging to a family that had never experienced slavery. He abandoned his wife and child, returning to Africa, and only saw his son once after that. His mother remarried an Indonesian Muslim after that, if she had ever indeed married to Barack's father in the first place, and Barack spent much of his childhood in Indonesia going to Muslim schools and attending Muslim religious services until he was returned to Hawaii in his teenage years to be raised and supported by his maternal grandmother, the breadwinner of his Hawaiian family. After he graduated from college, records of which have been sealed from investigation, he moved to Chicago to find employment as a Community Organizer, until he was elected to the Illinois Senate while passing himself off as African American. His tenure there was undistinguished, as was his next stop in the U.S.Senate. From there his next stop was the Presidency, even with a background of association with two of the most Un-American individuals to be found in our country. In doing so he defeated two of the most despicable individuals ever found in the Republican Party, John McCain and Mitt Romney. He utilized his eight years in office to subtly destroy American greatness. He appointed to the Judiciary political hacks, willing to render decisions on political grounds, and ignore the Constitution completely. He forced into retirement scores of competent military officers, advancing toadies and those willing to confirm his policies, which has given us the most most incompetent and incapable leadership in the entire history of our country. He disparaged our country in the eyes of the World by his public advertising of America's failures, ignoring the preponderance of successes our country has achieved. He left office having amassed a massive fortune that could never be accounted for by the salaries he had earned in all his previous jobs and positions, becoming the third President to accumulate a massive fortune in politics.
Obama's heir apparent, the evil Hillary Clinton, though favored in major polls and by the media, was surprisingly, and fortunately, defeated by Republican Donald Trump, which was a massive leap forward in restoringng America's greatness. Trump tried with might and maine to fulfill his campaign promise to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN but was foiled at every turn by enemies both within and without government. He learned to his dismay that the government agencies of the Legal, Intelligence, and Judicial Departments were in many cases corrupt and working against him. Much of their activity was not only malicious, but criminal, if not outright traitorous in many instances. In spite of all these obstacles the economy was soon booming, Americans were prospering, drug trafficking was held to a minimum, control of the Southern Border against the inflow of illegal aliens was becoming more and more effective, respect for America by our friends and foes was on the rise, and I could continue citing positive achievements, but all this was obvious to Americans with their eyes open, in spite of a constantly lying press, and he should have been a shoo in for reelection but for the most fraudulent election in America's History.
To the fore as Democrat candidate running against Trump in his reelection campaign came the unlikely Joe Biden, a former U.S. Senator, and Vice President under Obama. That Biden was even considered for this candidacy boggles the imagination. He was twice rejected decisively as a candidate before, he is a proven cheat, plagiarist, and liar, not to mention his bizarre prediction for pawing females of all ages when in range of his clutches and sniffing their hair. That he has amassed a fortune for himself and his family by parlaying political influence much as in the manner of the Clintons, proves again the certainty of Truman's assessment of getting rich in politics. Previous to Biden's Presidency it had been said that any American boy could grow up to be President regardless of humble beginnings, such as Jackson and Lincoln, that were born in log cabins, and proved brave and forthright in their future lives. Now it is indeed for certain this is true when a man with such obviously disqualifying characteristics as Biden's can be elected to the office. Well at least declared the winner, regardless the suspicions of fraud that rose after late election night peculiarities and in the following days. Nevertheless, Biden was declared the winner and since his swearing in over two years ago, everything positive in our country is in decline. The economy, law and order, drug interdiction, border control, and relations with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, just to name a few. How much worse it will get is anybody's guess, and many think we on the brink of WWIII. This all totals up to sixty-two years of failure by Democrat Presidents and their administrations, and it will be at least sixty-four before we have opportunity to remedy the situation by electing an honest, responsible, and capable Republican President. God help us!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023
Happy New Year!
January 2, 2023
Only minutes into the new year Ukraine unleashed a missile attack on a Russian ammunition depot near the Eastern border of the country. Fortunately, for Ukraine, a building adjacent was being used to house Russian soldiers, and it was demolished in the blast. Russia, that lies about everything, admits to sixty-three fatalities, which means the toll is well over one-hundred, with casualties probably in the three-hundred range. This is the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal new year, though hardly one for innocent Russians being conscripted to fight an unjust war they have no heart for, that's killing them by the scores daily.
In the meantime Russia continues her war on innocent Ukrainian civilians with missile barrages into populated areas of major cities. Iran continues to jail and murder her citizens that are peacefully protesting government suppression of women. They also continue to supply Russia with the missiles that are raining down on Ukraine. That the rulers of Russia and Iran are the most evil living today is inarguable. Had the U.S. still a real leader, with assistance of Israel which has, the leadership of Iran, along with her nuclear facilities and weapons factories, could be wiped out in one fell swoop. Sadly, none of that will happen.
In the U.S., our country continues to deteriorate with every tick of the clock, while our President, wholly responsible for the deterioration, basks in the Sun on a Caribbean island. The one hopeful event is the takeover of House majority by Republicans. Sadly, with the Senate still in Democrat control, little can be done until a new President is elected.
In Europe the situation grows worse by the day due to the shortage of energy and heating supplies, and all because of their shortsightedness in relying on Russian supply, while refugees continue to pour in due to the destabilization of the Middle East which was caused by the fraudulent war on Iraq initiated by the George W. Bush administration and based on a total lie.
China continues to grow more powerful by the day with the rest of the world unwilling or powerless to stop them.
All in all there's not much to celebrate, and if you are a religious person it's time to pray fervently for the future of Civilization and the World.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2023
Turn Out The Light, The Party's Over!
December 17, 2022
As the revelations from Twitter continue to come to light it is becoming more and more obvious that the fraud involved in the Presidential election of 2020 seen prior was only the tip of the iceberg. The lying expounders of The Big Lie hoax have become rather silent as a consequence. Honest Americans are looking forward to the forthcoming Congressional investigations in anticipation of the additional fraud that will come to light.
All this should have been ammunition for the Trump campaign to use in propelling Donald Trump back to the White House, where he would be now but for the most fraudulent election in American History. Sadly the likelihood of this diminishes by the hour. Donald Trump has gone into the most incredible self destruct mode since Gary Hart, when asked about his reputed womanizing, denied it, then dared the reporter to "put a tail on me", only to be caught with his girlfriend just days later. At the revelation of Twitter's first release, Trump's demanded that all laws, including the Constitution, should be suspended, and he should immediately be returned to the White House.
This was obviously the most asinine statement he'd made in a lifetime, and as a consequence his support has been evaporating by the hour. Then he comes out with an "Important announcement ", which turns out to be the sale of some sort of crypto cards depicting him in heroic attire at $99 per cards, and the evaporation of his support accelerates. The fact that these cards almost immediately sold out, garnering Trump a cool million bucks, first baffled me, and then I realized people are buying these cards as an investment, hoping their value will appreciate, as has happened with many baseball cards. Individuals I have spoken with, formerly staunch Trump supporters, confirm my own feelings, and some of his most trusted and visible supporters are also expressing dismay at his actions k. lt looks to me like it's all over but the crying.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
What You Got To Say Now
December 13, 2022
What have you got to say now Pence? With the revelations of collusion and conspiracy pouring out of Twitter it becomes more and more obvious that the Presidential election of 2020 was completely fraudulent. Of course Donald Trump knew that in the early morning hours of the day following election day, and has maintained it ever since, in spite of Fake News, Democrats, and RINOS calling it the Big Lie. When Congress convenes in January, with an honest party controlling investigations, it is a near certainty that when executives of other social communication platforms are questioned under oath, that similar fraudulent activities will be uncovered.
The last day to possibly stop the fraud from being successful was January 6th of 2021. In spite of objections to the returns of several States, the Vice President certified the fraudulent results, and Joe Biden proceeded to be sworn in as President on January 20th. Pence declared, when questioned, that the law was clear, and he had no alternative than to certify. In other words, Pence is saying he had to certify the fraud regardless. His action only exposes him as the coward that he certainly is. Had he refused to certify, serious review and investigation would have taken place, and the election results of several States sent back to their Legislatures for critical review. Now he has the gaul to fancy himself as Presidential material. How could you possibly trust a man like that? We know his wife doesn't, she doesn't allow him in a room where unescorted women are present, and insists on always going along. Like many other lifetime Politicians, I wouldn't trust him with my back turned!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
What Really Happened
December 11, 2022
What really happened in the Presidential Election of 2020, the World wonders. This site gives you the most succinct description of the fraudulent Presidential election of 2020 by examination of gambling odds as anything I've seen.
No one picks up on a fix quicker than the odds makers because they stand to lose the most in case of fraud. If the identity of the individuals that made huge bet on Joe Biden to win when the odds of a Donald Trump victory were at the highest were revealed it would lead straight to the heart of the conspiracy to fix the outcome.
Donald Trump knew the victory had been stolen from him during the early morning hours of Nov 4th, and has steadfastly maintained this ever since, in spite of all fake news sites, Democrats, and many RINOS labeling it The Big Lie.
Though many allegations of fraud had been made prior to election day, they started to pour in after the early morning turn around of electoral votes on November 4th. The election would not be certified until the following January 6th, and Trump wouldn't remain President until Inauguration Day on January 20th, why didn't he immediately order the Attorney General to fully investigate all these allegations, after all, he was still head of the Executive Branch of government? Well he didn't, and the opportunity for a full investigation is long gone. Subsequently, Joe Biden was sworn in as President, and the country is suffering from the most corrupt, and incompetent government our country has ever known.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
Trump Was Right
December 6, 2022
The revelation of the conspiracy between censorship officials at Twitter and the FBI and Democrat Party officials only adds to the mountain of evidence that the election of Joe Biden was replete with fraud.
President Donald Trump was right to advise his Vice President not to certify the election, which would have forced a deeper investigation than the non-investigation that had taken place that far after the election. The Vice President, Mike Pence, however, exhibited his basic cowardly nature, and approved the certification of the fraud. Now the brain addled Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office and the country has never been so ill run, with disaster looming on numerous fronts.
In the meantime, rather than addressing the criminality involved in that election, the Department of Justice and the FBI focus their objective on arresting supporters of Donald Trump, and fabricating charges against him. The Department of Justice and the FBI are now the prime criminal organizations in the country and every honest American should realize that.
The late Hunter Thompson was right when he said: “Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime.”
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
I Wonder Who, Who Wrote The Book Of Lies?
December 4, 2022
Of all the Attorney Generals in the history of the United States, none have risen to as high a level of corruption as has William 'Bill' Barr. Coming into the Trump Administration on the heels of the incompetent Jeff Sessions, and the corrupt Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder, he was perceived as a breath of fresh air. After all, he was a lifelong Republican, and supposedly a man of great integrity and dedication to the law. In actuality he was nothing but a plant by RINOS and the Deep State, though it took some time for that to become apparent. For awhile he appeared to be a Trump partisan, fooling many Democrats, but that's hardly a surprise, for Barr is a clever man and Democrats hardly the brightest lights to be found in Washington.
Some Democrats called for his impeachment, further attesting to Barr's suversive ability. The first evidence of his fraudulent intentions came when he assured the American People that Jeffrey Epstein had committed suicide in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Then came the Presidential Election of 2020, the most suspicious in all American History. Prior to the election Barr had instructed his field agents to investigate anything they perceived as suspicious, subtly indicating to them that it really wasn't necessary. As the election swung first to Donald Trump, then in the wee hours of that night and in subsequent days, to victory for Joe Biden, allegations of fraud poured in, but de Tar Baby, in this case the Attorney General, he doan say nuttin! Then when pressed a few days later, he declared that though there had been irregularities, they were insufficient to affect the outcome of the Biden victory. A quite remarkable conclusion from a complete non-investigation, and he's continued to spout that line ever since at every opportunity.
Now, seemingly out of the dark of night, an honest man has taken control of the social communication medium of Twitter, and has released previously hidden internal communications disclosing full blown conspiracy between Twitter, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Democrat Party to suppress all information detrimental to the Biden campaign prior to the 2020 election. It now appears highly likely that this collusion was also taking place with other social communication platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. A complete and thorough investigation is now to be expected from the incoming Congress. As a consequence of this explosive disclosure, I wonder what the Fat Fraud Barr will have to say now?
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
There's A Sucker Born Every Minute
December 2, 2022
Currency was at one time made of metal, which gave it intrinsic value. Then came paper currency which was backed by Gold, guarantying it's worth. More recently it is backed by the integrity of issuing governments, giving it value so long as trust in the government remained. The failure of paper currency backed by various governments, however, is replete with horror stories of dramatic failure. Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic come immediately to mind. Then along came an entirely new form of money, Cryptocurrency, which few had the slightest idea of what it was. It became the refuge of swindlers and con men, and greedy investors around the world flocked to it and have subsequently been relieved of billions. The recent failure of FTX, based in the Bahamas, a haven for swindles and illegalities for centuries, is now dominating the news.
CEO of this cryptocurrency exchange was the U.S. born and educated, Sam Bankman-Fried, who has just replaced Bernie Madoff as the greatest con man of all time. He is presently being detained in the Bahamas by their investigative regulators, though the fortunes invested appears long gone and unlikely to ever be recovered. Where these missing billions have gone is a problem for various governments to sort out. That various individuals involved with FTX have squirreled this money away in third world havens without extradition treaties is a distinct possibility. Bankman-Fried may well be detained, but unless he is firmly confined to a cell, escape from the Bahamas would be easily accomplished. The same fast speed boats that once ran narcotics to the U.S. mainland could easily be put to the same use to sprint him away, though the U.S. would hardly be a refuge. Liaison with an ocean going yacht would be his best bet, which could then carry him anywhere in the world. We'll see how all this plays out, and if necessary, we'll follow up with an article titled On The Lam.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
Dishonor in the Court
November 30, 2022
The U.S. Tax Code is complex, and in the case of most large businesses requires the assistance of accountants and tax attorneys to insure compliance, as well as to maximize company profitability after taxes. Tax returns are then submitted to the Internal Revenue Service with payment. If the filing is judged correct that ends the matter. In many cases, however, there are questions to be resolved, requiring conferences between company and IRS representatives, followed if unresolved by a tax audit. If still unresolved the issue goes to Tax Court for final resolution. If it is determined that fraud is involved, the culprit may be fined and possibly sent to prison. In other words, the IRS is the Federal Government's authority to insure compliance with the Federal Tax Laws, and to insure collection. Congress is empowered to make the law but once done, it becomes the responsibility of the IRS. It is certainly not the responsibility of Congress to review tax documents that have been properly filed, approved, and paid.
This is what makes the recent ruling by the Supreme Court to grant the Congresses' request to have access to to the tax records of former President, Donald Trump so absolutely outrageous. In the first place a request of this nature has never been granted. This is a move by a highly partisan Congress to brand President Trump as a tax dodger by labeling his legitimate deductions as fraud by taking advantage of so called loopholes. That these deductions are completely in accordance the law makes no difference to Democrats, who will spin it in partisan fashion to their advantage.
Our Constitutional government is established with three separate legal branches to protect the citizens of the country from governmental outrage by one of the other branches. They are Administrative, Legislative, and Judicial. That the first two have been corrupted beyond belief is glaringly obvious. This makes it the responsibility of the Judicial Branch to prevent this outrage, but they have now abdicated that responsibility by approving this request, throwing all three branches into a state of corruption.
That the Justices that voted to approve this measure are devoid of honor is without doubt. They are not only devoid of honor, they are unfit to hold a seat on the Supreme Court, or for that matter, any court whatsoever. Once the new Congress is seated in January, they should be immediately impeached and removed from the court.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
Simply The Best
November 22, 2022
Donald Trump is inarguably the best President since Ronald Reagan. In spite of having to fight conspiracies, lies, fraudulent attacks, and malfeasance, both from inside and outside government, he managed to a great degree to restore American Greatness in only one term in office.
To start with, his election saved the country from eight years of the corrupt Hillary Clinton, an accomplishment that should have earned him lifetime acclaim. In addition he secured the Southern Border, and cut the flow of illegal drugs across that border to a trickle. He removed the bottleneck of government regulations that allowed business and industry to thrive. Unemployment fell to it's lowest level in years, and employment across the ethnic spectrum rose to record highs. Inflation was held in check, and tax revenues rose due to lower rates of taxation. China was held responsible for the economic crimes perpetrated against American business and industry for years, and tariffs were raised to compensate. The domestic petroleum industry, which employs hundreds of thousands, achieved record production that keep fuel prices low with a surplus available for export. Deadbeat NATO allies were exposed, forcing them to pay their promised share of NATO expenses. A strong foreign policy held enemies in check and respect for our country was restored among allies.
When external threats to our citizens were discovery, the threats were neutralized, and our enemies trembled in fear when US drones were reported overhead. Then came the flu virus know as Covid 19, accidentally released from a Chinese biological warfare laboratory to spread havoc around the entire World. Chaos and confusion were the order of the day, and lies and exaggerations about the seriousness of the infection allowed voting regulations for the upcoming election to be drastically changed, often illegally, but the changes were allowed to remain in place. Mail in balloting and ballot harvesting led to irregularities and fraud on a massive scale. These changes were primarily in so called swing states, and to the detriment of the sitting President. All this, however, was still insufficient to stop the reelection of Donald Trump.
In the wee hours of that night everything changed in the swing states, with Trump holding onto a slim lead, large blocks of votes appeared from virtually nowhere over the next days and weeks, to swing the election in favor of Joe Biden. There should have been an investigation in massive detail of all the numerous irregularities reported, but the tar baby, in this case the Department of Justice, he don't do nothing. And why not, you inquire? Why because the most corrupt and complicit Attorney General in our nation's history chose not to. He issued a statement, however, that though there were irregularities, they were insufficient to offset the result. How he arrived at this conclusion as a result of his noninvestigation should have bogged the mind of any thinking man, but Democrats accepted it as Gospel.
When you realize this is the same man that told you that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it becomes even more obvious that he is a liar of the first order. Then, on January 6th of 2021, the last opportunity to force an investigation of the result went out the window when the cowardly Vice President chose to accept the fraudulent election result, Joe Biden was sworn in as President and everything, Democracy included has been going downhill since.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
November 6, 2022
The Devil Went Down To Georgia was a #1 Country hit in 1979, doing very well on the Pop Charts as well. The song starts out with the title line, followed by, "looking for a soul to steal!" Well just last week, the Devil being unavailable, the Democrats sent their best possible replacement there, looking for an election to steal. The replacement they chose was none other than Barack Hussein Obama, and he was there to support their party's two race baiting candidates for Governor and Senator of the State.
Their candidate for Governor is Stacey Abrams, an African American with little to qualify her for the job other than she ran once before and lost, only to declare, once defeat was assured, that the election was stolen from her. Her only other claim to fame is writing juicy romance novels, but nothing to rival the greatest romance story of all time penned by a Georgian, Gone With The Wind. Her opponent Brian Kemp seems to be holding a secure lead in the race so it may soon be back to writing for her keep, other than continued race baiting, which has made !multimillionaires out of the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Obama himself.
The Democrat candidate for the Senate is present Senator, Raphael Warnock, also an African American, sometimes Preacher, and full time race baiter. His Republican opponent is a well known Georgia hero and Heisman Trophy winner, Herschel Walker. Walker is also an African American and a legitimate one,. He was born in Georgia in 1962, his parents are descendants of slaves in Georgia, and their ancestors were captured and enslaved in Africa, marched to the coast in a coffle, and held in a barracoon until a Slaver arrived to purchase them for transport to the New World. Those that survived treacherous Middle Passage, were then resold in Eastern and Southern port cities for a life of labor on the farms and plantations of the U.S.
It is highly ironic that the Democrat Party chose a complete phony to stump for Walker's opponent. Obama is anything but an African American, no one in his family was ever a slave, nor made the treacherous Middle Passage, or any of the other things that qualifies a legitimate African American. His father came to the U.S. as a scholarship student from his birthplace in Kenya. He impregnated Obama's mother and they were married shortly thereafter, though his marriage to his first wife had not been terminated, making him a Bigamist, and Obama illegitimate. Obama was born the following August, and a birth certificate attesting to his birth in Hawaii exists. There is suspicion, however of fraud in many quarters, and that his real birthplace was Kenya, which would have made him ineligible for the Presidency. Regardless whether or not he was born in Hawaii, a black man, mixed-race in Obama's case, is not automatically an African American just because he happens to be living in America. The con game Obama has played that he is an African American has gone on long enough, and it's time for someone to call him out on it, and who better than Herschel Walker.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Goodnight Irene
October 26, 2022
The debate last night between Dr. Mehmet Oz and Lt. Governor John Fetterman for the open Senate seat from Pennsylvania was anything but that. It only exposed Fetterman's complete unfitness for the position. Fetterman had suffered a debilitating stroke several months ago and in spite of offering evidence from a Doctor that he is fit and able for the job, it only exposed the fact that this Doctor a nothing but a Quack, and was probably hired at Rent a Doc. Fetterman's hearing, comprehension, and speech are impaired, and full recovery and the time necessary are a huge question mar. The State of Pennsylvania can not take the chance of sending a man in this condition to Washington.
In fact, sending Fetterman to the Senate would only be adding insult to injury, the injury being the fraud sitting in the Oval Office, whose mental condition is as bad as Fetterman's, or worse. Unfortunately,short of an Act of God, the country is stuck with Joe Biden for two more years, if in fact, the country will last that long under his maladministration.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
The Creep
October 16, 2022
The disgusting, perverted behavior of President Joe was on full display Friday in California. While posing for a photo op after delivering some sort of speech at a community college, the Creep that is Joe Biden appeared. Like a Vampire who rises from his crypt after the setting of the Sun to go in search of attractive young female victims to sate his thirst for human blood, the Creepy Joe Biden appears whenever he's in arm's length of an attractive young female, and he grabs, gropes, and sniffs various parts of their bodies in his perverted lust. His comments while engaging in these activities are often bizarre, and his victims often exhibit signs of embarrassment, discomfort, or disgust. The examples of this perverted behavior are so numerous that they can't be discouted as accidental occurrence, when it is so obviously his Modus Operandi. While our domestic fake news media chooses to ignore these episodes, the rest of the World does not, and he is rightfully held up to ridicule in news outlets abroad, and in social media everywhere.
His disgusting behavior is not only in full view of the public, but has obviously been going on in his own home. A picture is in existence of his present wife Jill, sitting on his lap when she was son Hunter's thirteen-year-old babysitter, or was it a lap dance instead? After his first wife's unfortunate death in a traffic accident, who does he marry a year later but former babysitter,, twenty-five-year-old Jill. They have between them one daughter who is in and out of drug rehab.and a diary she left behind in a halfway house reveals she was made to shower with her father at a young age. Growing up in such a dysfunctional environment may well account for her later problems in life. There is also a picture o of him kissing his teenage granddaughter full on the mouth while on stage. That is normal?
In short, he is unfit to occupy the Office of President because of these acts of public indecency, as well as myriad other reasons including senility, incompetence, serial lying, dishonesty, corruption, and the fact that he may not have been honestly elected in the first place, though that may never be conclusively proven, it remains fact to the vast majority of intelligent, honest American Citizen.
Since the Biden Administration assumed control of our government it has brought the country to the brink of disaster. They have taken a strong economy, a secure Southern border, a robust petroleum industry, a respected foreign policy, and a government as honest as President Donald Trump was able to make it under the difficult circumstances he encountered, into failure in every respect. Our citizens are facing record inflation of a 40 year high; our Southern border is throw open to everything and everybody that wishes to cross including drugs of all descriptions, and potential criminals and terrorists from god knows where; a prosperous petroleum industry scuttled for the pipe dream of the Green New Deal; our foreign policy is a joke and neither friend nor foe respects us; and a government corrupt to the core that no honest citizen has any faith in whatsoever.
In the early days of flying, a tailspin meant certain death to the pilot until one courageous Major took his aircraft up above 15,000 feet and deliberately put it into a tailspin, determined to solve the problem of recovery or die in trying. Successful, the solution was taught from then on to every student pilot, and what once was once a death sentence became a simple maneuver to recover. Our country is now in a tailspin and no single Democrat has the solution, most especially the President. Vote for a Democrat in the forthcoming election at your peril, and the peril of our once great nation!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Please Mister Putin!
October 4, 2022
Please Mister Custer is a comical song released in 1960 that supposes to be the plea of one of General Custer's troopers who had a bad dream the night before and fears death and disaster in the operation planned for the following day. Of course it is a matter of historical fact that Custer led a battalion of cavalry into the Little Big Horn where they all met their deaths in battle with the Indians. This seems to be the similar attitude of the Russian citizens being conscripted into the army to join the fight against the inoffensive neighboring country of Ukraine. Though certain death is not necessarily the fate that awaits them there, it is a high probability. Since they would not be fighting an invading army, or repulsing one, it is hardly a patriotic war to them and consequently they are fleeing the country like rats leaving a sinking ship. No reasonable man would feel otherwise, but those that can't flee are being forced to fight for the vanity and ambition of the evil dictator ruling the country, Vladimir Putin, who cares not a damn for the lives of his countrymen. There are many Russians that support Putin's war in Ukraine, but they change their minds in a hurry if they discover they will actually be sent there.
Though deposing Putin would be a good, solution there seems to be little way this can be done at present, leaving assassination as the ideal means of ending this evil war. This would not only end the war, but remove one of the most evil despots in world history. It might also give Russia opportunity to become part of the civilized world. Let us pray that some honorable man soon finds the courage and the means to carry out this noble act.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
The Cult of Thuggee Reborn
October 3, 2022
One of the most infamous and evil organizations ever known to man was the Cult of Thuggee in India. They were a professional gang of robbers and murderers who fell in with travelers, befriended and gained their confidence, then executed their evil plan and buried the bodies. They professed to worship the Hindu Goddess, Kali. They were eventually eliminated by English authorities and the menace was ended. Another organization exist today of similar depth of evil in the Religious Police of Iran.
A young Iranian Kurdish woman was apprehended just over three weeks ago by these Religious Police for improperly wearing a head scarf. She died a few days later, reported by Iranian authorities as consequence of a heart attack, but in actuality was murdered by these filthy perverts. As no autopsy was conducted we have no idea what abominations she was subjected to prior to her painful death.
Protests have erupted all across the country since as the government makes no effort to apprehend or punish the murderers. As a consequence the protests have only grown larger, and government actions to suppress the protests have been to murder over fifty protesters. Foreign denunciations of these government actions only reinforces the well known fact that Iran is ruled by as evil a regime as exists on this Earth. For the good of the unfortunate people of Iran, and the benefit of World Civilization, this unmitigated evil such as is represented by the leaders of Iran, and especially in the person of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, should be blotted from the face of the Earth In the meantime our own government is negotiating with Iran to restore the Nuclear Treaty, that had been cancelled by President Trump, which would allow Iran to develop a nuclear bomb, with which their avowed purpose is to destroy the State of Israel.
It is well known that Iran is one of the greatest sponsors of world terrorism. The director of this evil program was once Qasem Soleimani. He was assassinated in a targeted American drone strike in Baghdad, Iraq, on the orders of U.S. President Donald Trump. Subsequently an arrest warrant was issued by an Iraqi court for President Donald Trump in connection with the killing of Soleimani. The arrest warrant was for a charge of premeditated murder, which carries the death penalty on conviction. A reasonable response to this outrage would be to eliminate the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, by the same effective method by which the World was rid of Qasem Soleimani. When we had a President with the guts and determination to act decisively in benefit of Civilization and World Peace this could have been possible, but under the present administration of incompetence, ignorance, and weakness, nothing positive can be expected.
In the meantime the murder of Iranian protesters will continue and the repressive actions of the Iranian government, and the perverts of their Religious Police will continue unabated, and the civilized world will continue to shudder in horror.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste
September 30, 2022
And so is a country! Joe Biden never had much of a mind to begin with, it's a proven fact he cheated his way through law school, and that's no sign of superior intelligence nor integrity. A man who cheats in law school is only continuing a habit established much earlier in life. He graduated college and law school with undistinguished grades, then remarkably, ran successfully for Senator in Delaware at the age of 29.
It was during this campaign he established a lifelong reputation for lying. In the Senate he was little more than a political hack, going for the most part in the direction the political winds were blowing. He was possessed with enormous vanity however, and to be honest, I've never seen a speaker more enchanted with the sound of his own voice. This characteristic inspired him to run for President twice, only to be humiliated in both efforts. It was during these campaigns his lack of original thought was revealed, when he was exposed for plagiarism and his numerous lies. This should have ended his career on the national stage, but Delaware astoundingly kept returning him to the Senate. Then along comes Barack Hussein Obama, the mystery man from God knows where, who chose Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate. Successful in the election, Biden's unremarkable eight years were noted for little more than his numerous gaffs. He didn't let the grass grow under him during all these years in Washington however, and began accumulating massive wealth for himself and his family. In the next Presidential go round, Democrat Hillary Clinton, the most evil woman ever involved in national politics, was defeated by Republican Donald Trump.
The next four years were distinguished primarily by two things, a successful national policy established by President Donald Trump, and unending and traitorous efforts by Democrats, the Deep State, RINOS, liberals, the media, big tech, and many others, to discredit and destroy him and his administration. In choosing a candidate to run against Donald Trump in his reelection campaign, and with Hillary Clinton being somewhat out of favor with Democrats, they reached deep into the well of failure and lack of accomplishment and chose Joe Biden. Realizing his deteriorated state of mind, they cleverly kept him locked in his basement bunker, while continuing their lying and slanderous attacks on Donald Trump. In spite of all this it became obvious during the afternoon of election day, that Donald Trump was winning. This called for fraud on a monumental scale during the dark of night to produce enough fake votes to swing the election back to Joe Biden. Though there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fraudulent and suspicious activities reported, no real investigation was ever conducted, and Biden was declared President. Hardly had Biden been inaugurated that the serious state of his declining mind was exposed, and he was not up to the task of either President or Leader of the Free World, and it becomes more and more obvious almost every time he's in front of a TV camera.
Now the state of our once great country is little better than the State of Joe Biden's mind, and it grows worse by the day. It has now become obvious to everyone with a level of intelligence above moron, that the administration of Donald Trump was a success, and that of Joe Biden a fraud and a disaster.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Time For A Real Revolution
September 29, 2022
Czar Nicholas, II, heredity ruler of Russia, was deposed in late 1917, just following the tragedy of WWI, leading to a Soviet takeover of the government. The Czar, his wife and children, were then held captive for some months until they were brutally murdered, disfigured beyond recognition, and buried in an unmarked grave in a forest. Unmitigated evil has ruled the land ever since, with the exception of the period when Mikhail Gorbachev was leader from 1985 to 1991, when he attempted to steer Russia into the civilized world. Unfortunately he failed, and Russia regressed to the previous state, and unmitigated evil again rules the land.
The current leader, Vladimir Putin, a man of boundless lust for power and fame, has launched an unprovoked attack upon the peaceful neighboring country of Ukraine in order to restore boundaries of previous Russian domination. His expectations of quick and easy victory "ganged aft aglay", and seven months into the war his army is in a quagmire of death and destruction.
Unwilling to admit defeat and loss of his absolute power, he is sending more and more Russian soldiers into almost certain death in desperate hope he can turn the tide of defeat. That the majority of the Russian people are opposed to this unjust war becomes more and more obvious every day. Russian soldiers, when opportunity presents, are surrendering to the Ukraine Army to escape Putin's slaughterhouse. Mournful church bells toll the funerals of the tens of thousands soldiers slain all across Russia, as parents, wives, lovers, children, siblings, and friends weep and moan. Thousands of families and conscription age men are rushing to the borders of neighboring countries to flee this evil, and protests are erupting all across the land. The borders are being closed and eligible men snatched and impressed into the army.
The protests are violently suppressed, with arrests of participants, including women, ruthlessly carried out. Jail terms of ten years are being threatened to all men attempting to avoid conscription, and soldiers that surrender. The time has come for a real revolution in Russia, all patriotic citizens should rise and strike at every opportunity. Putin and all his henchmen should be assassinated or murdered. All Russian officials aiding and abetting Putin's ruthlessly orders are deserving of the same fate. Let the reserves just called up turn on their officers and slay them, and surrender en mass to the Ukrainian Army. Let the evil cancer of Soviet Communism be wiped out in the same brutal manner as was the murder of the Romanovs when it came to power. Bury every one of these evil scum slain in unmarked graves as befitting of enemies of civilization, and traitors to the Russian people. God damn the lot of them to Hell!
The time has come for every civilized country in the World to turn upon the Russian government with every means at hand. Turn also on every country aiding Russia in any way, whether it be supplying arms and ammunition, or continuing trade with this evil empire. Seize every ship upon the high seas flying the Russian flag or carrying Russian cargo. Sell these vessels and cargos for the benefit of Ukraine, and if unable to do so, torpedo and sink them. Though many are too blind or stupid to understand, Putin's Russia is at war with the free world and must be obliterated from the face of the Earth by any and all means possible!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
For Whom The Bell Tolls
September 27, 2022
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
The mournful sound of church bells tolling is now heard all across Russia. They are tolling the funeral services of the forty-thousand Russian soldiers killed in Vladimir Putin's war against the peaceful neighboring country of Ukraine. These men have not died repulsing a foreign aggressor, nor in counter attack to regain terrority lost in battle, no, they have all died in battle for the vanity and monstrous ambitions of their Dictator, Vladimir Putin, and they have all died in vain.
Russian losses in Ukraine have been staggering with over four times as many Russian soldiers killed as Ukrainians. Their wounded numbers are on the same scale, as are losses in weapons, ammunition, tanks and military vehicles, aircraft, and missilery. Replacement troops are becoming more and more difficult to find, with the jails emptied of prisoners willing to fight for a pardon, young men snatched off the streets in press gang fashion, and now a mobilization of 300,000 reserves. The unfortunate citizens have no heart for the fight, as wives and sweethearts are unwilling to see their men, mothers their sons, sisters their brothers, and children their fathers, perish in Putin's meatgrinder war. Russin men of military age are scrambling to get out of Russia by any means possible. Most legal exits have now been closed and the only means of escape now will be across little watched and guarded borders, but I expect thousands will continue to try. Putin has now toppled from his pedestal as the most admired man in Russia to become the most hated. Hundreds of thousands would welcome opportunity to put a bullet in his black heart. If someone has opportunity and courage to execute this noble act, even at his own peril, he would immediately become the greatest hero in all of Russian History.
Putin in his madness has come to resemble Hitler in his willingness to destroy his own country if his goals are not met. He is now threatening Nuclear War, not only against Ukraine, but countries supplying her with the means to to take this war even more aggressively against Russia. Every step must be taken by every civilized country in the World to supress Russia by every means possible. Similar action should also be taken against every country supplying Russia or providing her aid of any kind. This includes such countries as China, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. The leaders of every one of these countries are richly deserving of the same fate as suggested for Putin. No more better time than the present to rain down Cruise Missiles upon the leaders of Iran and Syria. Death and destruction for these scum would not only be of value to the civilized world, but citizens of these unfortunate countries as well. I have no expectation any such thing would happen as many of the leaders of the so called Free World are so feckless and weak as to be nothing but craven cowards. Nowhere else is this description more accurate than of the fraudulent President of the United States. What the ultimate outcome will be remains to be seen, and we can only hope that enough good men do the right thing to achieve a positive outcome.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Remember The Alamo
September 24, 2022
Texas was first settled by various Indian Tribes over 10,000 years ago. First conqueror to invade the land was Spanish Conquistadors looking for gold but they didn't stay. Over time some successful settlements were established by the Spanish along the Rio Grande and the French in the East in the rolling hill country where they found the natives weren't hostile. Time went by and the land was ceded to Mexico, but never truly settled.
During this same period the Comanche Tribe acquired the skill of horsemanship from Pueblo Indians that had learned it from their Spanish masters. Soon, mounted upon the herds of feral horses descended from those ridden by the Conquistadors that had escaped into the wild, they became the most fearsome cavalry ever know in the Western Hemisphere.
They soon ruled the plains of Texas, which accounted for roughly three-quarters of the land and continued to do so for nearly three-hundred-years. They lived upon the vast herds of buffalo roaming the plains, and by raiding settlements along their borders and into Mexico. They became a deadly thorn in the side of the Mexican settlements which the Mexican Army could do little about. Mexico could march an army into the land in reprisal only to find their villages had disappeared and the Comanche horsemen only fell upon their flanks and rear to pick off stragglers and steal horses at night.
In effort to establish a buffer zone to protect their settlements they invited in the expanding population of Americans from the East, who came in search of land to settle upon. As more and more Americans flowed in, pushing back the Comanche as they came, they soon outnumbered the Mexican inhabitants.
As time went by and the Anglos, as they came to be called, grew resentful of their Mexican overlords. Eventually they formed a government and declared independence from Mexico.
This, of course, drew in the Mexican Army to dispute the claim. The first engagement occurred at The Alamo, an old Spanish Mission and fortress in San Antonio. After a thirteen day siege the defenders lost the battle, most killed in battle, and others executed after capture. Only a few, mostly women and children, and a slave, escaped death. The cruelty exhibited by the Mexican conquerors and the fact that the Mexican General, Santa Ana, had ordered the bugle tune, El Degüello, which meant no quarter for the defenders, played just prior to the attack soon became widely known.
The Army of Texans being assembled thirsted for revenge, and REMEMBER THE ALAMO became their battle cry. The next battle occurred at San Jacinto with the Army of Texans victorious, capturing General Santa Ana in the process. This marked the last invasion from South of the Rio Grande until the present day, though title to Texas remained claimed by Mexico until the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after the Mexican War.
The Republic of Texas, as it had proclaimed itself, remained independent after conquering the Mexican Army until they petitioned the United States, and became successful in becoming the 28th State in 1845. This of course gave them security from further invasion until the corrupt and incompetent administration of Joe Biden took control of the Government of the United States on January 20, 2021, when the Southern Border was thrown open to any and all Illegal Aliens wishing to enter.
The security from foreign invasion that was guaranteed Texas upon entry into the United States was revoked, and Texans feel rightfully betrayed and enraged.
Unwilling to stand still while hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens pour into the state, the Governor of Texas has begun bussing these invaders into the Democrat run so called sanctuary cities of the North, Washington D.C., and enclaves of rich Democrats. This is bringing home the outrage of this invasion to the scum responsible for it, and they are howling.
The State of Florida has now joined Texas in bussing these unwanted invaders away, and hopefully other Border States will soon do likewise, as well as other communities where they had been relocated in the dark of night by the Biden Administration. Remember the Alamo should become the rallying cry of outraged American Citizens until this illegal invasion is halted, and all Illegal Aliens are sent back from whence they came.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
The Thug Goes To War
September 21, 2022
The great generals of history can be counted using only two digits, the failed generals run into the thousands. The latest addition to this list of failures is none other than Vladimir Putin, Russian Dictator. He launched his unprovoked and criminal war against the peaceful neighboring country of Ukraine expecting a hasty victory, so he could gaze into his mirror, mirror on the wall, and see his dream come true, Vladimir the Great of Russia. Instead, Ukraine has fought his army to a standstill, and in addition to over forty-thousand Russian dead along with the commensurate number of wounded, he has lost thousands of tanks, trucks, military vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, artillery pieces, and stores of ammunition, explosives, and supplies. His dream, his reputation, and his legacy now lie on the dung heap of history. His army and his country have lost heart for the fight and he's resorted to clearing his jails for more cannon fodder, and they are being forced into combat with bayonets at their back. In his monumental vanity Putin sees himself as a great general but nothing could be further from the truth. His background and his life's work has been in the KGB, a criminal organisation to spy on other Russians, their modus operandi is fear, intimidation, jailings, abuse, torture, murder, and assassination. He is nothing but a crime boss, running the state with the same ruthless methods he learned in the KGB. His generals directing the war in Ukraine have all failed or fallen victim to Ukrainian steel and shot, and they seem to be of a class that has risen to prominence through political favor rather than ability. He has sacked many, as well as other officials, but no improvement has yet to be found. The methods his army has used are no different than what the Poles and Germans faced in WWII, rape, pillage, and plunder. Ground retaken by Ukrainian counter attacks, and intelligence intercepts, have exposed thousands of war crimes with more being uncovered by the hour. Recent setbacks of Russia forces have resulted in more Russian War Crimes including massive missile and artillery attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine. He is now threatening Nuclear War against Ukraine and countries supplying her. The civilized world must not stand still for anything less than complete Russian withdrawal from Ukraine, and full reparations to compensate and repair all the damage done there.
Many nations of the free world have stepped up to do their part in supplying Ukraine with weapons, ammunition, aircraft, supplies, and training. Many have also imposed sanctions on Russia and every little bit helps, but the free world nations need to step up the heat on Russia to full blast until the criminal regime now controlling the country is toppled. Many years ago our great President, Ronald Reagan, labeled Russia as the Evil Empire. Scumbags in our country, primarily Democrats and liberals, ridiculed him for it but he was 100% spot on. The same designation still appiles, and in Spades. There is no more evil man on the face of the earth right now than Vladimir Putin and civilized nations should not rest until he is burning in Hellfire. All war fighting assets now supplied to Ukraine should be increased to the maximum she can utilize. Sanctions against Russia should be maximized to completely strangle her economy and sanctions should also be imposed upon countries presently trading with Russia as well. International trade in Russian petroleum is the primary commodity supporting Russia's war effort. Bringing it to a halt should be a primary goal. Another military asset that should be supplied Ukraine are seaborne warcraft that could be utilized to stop Russian ships and cargo from sailing the high seas of the world's oceans. The free world should conduct siege warfare against Russia militarily, economically, and diplomatically until Russia surrenders and atones for her crimes.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Filthy Perverts
September 5, 2022
Over the past few years honest Americans have learned that FBI Agents are nothing less than thugs, pompous brutes and toadies with badges that allow them to do anything they want to American Citizens that opposes a corrupt Federal Government and the Deep State. This includes Swat Team raids on harmless citizens, with a fake news TV network standing by to record the outrage; arresting them in commercial airports, handcuffing and manacling them, then perp walking them to the paddy wagon and hauling them off to jail; and fabricating charges against them so they can spy on their political network. Now we learn that some of them are filthy perverts as well. The raid on Donald Trump's private residence was, unprincipled, unprecedented, and previously seen only in Third World Countries and Dictatorships. Not only did they show up in the dark of night, but they ordered that surveillance cameras be turned off, and his attorneys out of the building as well, to assure nothing they did while there was observed. They searched every inch of the building included the private quarters of his wife and son. What did they expect to find in his wife's panty drawer and son's collections of things young boys are apt to accumulate, the Nuclear Secrets they've implied Trump had in his possession? Trump and his wife were righteously outraged and she refuses to ever again wear her wardrobe that was pawed over and rummaged through by these filthy perverts. I hope she has her wardrobe properly washed and cleaned to remove any trace of filth left there by the perverts that pawed through them, and donated to underprivileged girls. Donald Trump's legal team has been able to convince an honest Federal Judge to appoint a Special Master to determine what of all items seized from Trump's estate was legitimately taken and what was stolen. I've no doubt the Justice Department will go in search of corrupt judges to nullify this legitimate decision and obey the orders of a corrupt administration.
If there's any doubt now about the complete and utter corruption of the Federal Government from the Biden Administration through the Department of Justice and the FBI it is now perfectly clear. If honest American don't rise in righteous indignation and go to the polls in November to return the Congress and Senate to Republican control honest government in our country may be gone forever.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
The Fat Fraud
September 2, 2022
The fat fraud, former Attorney General Bill Barr, is still invited in front of National TV cameras to spout more of his voluminous lies. Have Americans forgotten how he assured them that the Jeffrey Epstein murder was indeed a suicide? It was only the most suspicious death to occur in a Federal Penitentiary in a hundred years. He was a Deep State plant all along who was recommend to President Trump as a principled man that had briefly served in the George H. W. Bush administration in the same capacity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once in office he played his part cleverly and well, even convincing many Democrats that he was a Trump ally, some of which called for his impeachment. He continued in his insidious role until the time came to strike, and like Brutus who stabbed Caesar in the back, he did the same to Donald Trump. Though there were two highly suspicious past Presidential elections, that of 2020 was the most suspicious in all U.S. History. More than suspicious, it was completely fraudulent and more evidence of this surfaces almost daily. This was the time for Barr to act and carry out the infamous act he had been sent to do by proclaiming the second monumental lie of his lifetime. With no substantiation of a thorough investigation to back him up, he declared that though there had been irregularities in the election process, they were insufficient to offset the rightful result. He claimed that he had authorized FBI Field Offices to investigate election irregularities that came to their attention. It was no more than a suggestion, and they quickly got the hint and did nothing. He did not order a full investigation of the hundreds of irregularities that had been reported which may well have exposed the frauds that took place. No, his order to investigate was nothing but a smoke screen.
Then, the evidence of crime and corruption that the Hunter Biden laptop had exposed was actively covered up by the media and government officials prior to the election by insisting to the American People that it was Russian disinformation. The Department of Justice and the FBI also played an active part in this coverup. All this occurred while Barr remained Attorney General, but he said not a word. Once the fraudulent election was over and Biden declared the winner, Barr's work was done, and rather than complete his term in office until properly replaced, he resigned two days before Christmas saying he wanted to spend more time with his family.
Since leaving office he continues to toe the Deep State line, lying about the legitimacy of the Biden election, and opposing everything supporting Donald Trump's valid claims of fraud. Since the infamous Gestapo raid on Trump's home he continues to support this illegal act by a lawless Department of Justice and FBI, further exposing himself as the fraud he is, and he has now secured a permanent spot among the greatest criminals and traitors ever to serve in the Department of Justice.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
An Ill Wind
August 31, 2022
"It’s an ill wind that blows no good.", is an old English saying meaning that a misfortune for some may be of benefit to others. A good example would be a ship blown upon rocks in a storm and wrecked that yields valuable salvage washed ashore. The most devastating wind to hit our country since the administration of Barack Obama was the fraudulent election of Joe Biden as President. All successful programs of the outgoing President that had led to a booming economy, energy independence, renewed international respect, a stronger military, and scrapping of disastrous China, Iran, and climate policies, have all been scrapped, and our country is now awash in disaster. Inflation is now at a forty-year high; recession is in the offing; domestic petroleum production has been scuttled and gasoline prices are double what they were before Biden took office; our military has deteriorated to dangerous levels of preparedness and recruits are becoming extremely difficult to find; our enemies in China, Iran, and Russia routinely thumb their noses at our foreign policy; and our once secure Southern border has been thrown open to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and drugs, sex trafficked victims, criminals, and potential terrorists are flooding into our country. Ordinary Americans are suffering; crime is epidemic in Democrat controller cities and states; and homelessness is out of control.
There are, however, individuals and groups that are benefiting handsomely from the situation. Cartels and coyotes are raking in fortunes from the money they charge for escorting illegal aliens into our country, many of whom are abandoned in desolate areas of the Southwest where many are meeting their doom; the lucrative drug trade has grown exponentially across this border and hundreds of Americans are dying daily from the effects of these illicit drugs, many of which are little more than poison; and China, where most of these drugs are manufactured, benefits the sales of these drugs and from every American death from talking them. Most ecstatic are the druggies in our country, drugs that were hard to find and expensive during the previous presidential administration are now plentiful and cheap. The fact that some may contain deadly toxins doesn't seem to bother them and they're dying in droves. Their attitude seems to duplicate that of President Joe Biden who is spending the majority of his time on vacation, LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Birds Of A Feather
August 26, 2022
I have friends from Delaware who winter in Florida. One has a friend that lives in the exclusive neighborhood where Joe Biden has a home. He informed us that local contractors refuse to perform work around Biden's home because he never pays the bill. In other words he's a deadbeat. Why then is it surprisingly that he lets students who have defaulted on their college loans off the hook? They're deadbeats, birds of a feather!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
How Dumb Do They Think We Are?
August 23, 2022
Just a week ago the President signed into law the ill named Inflation Reduction Act. The bill was sponsored by the vain and not so bright Senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin. It is a scaled down version of the Build Back Better bill which would have been an even greater disaster had not Manchin, showing some signs of good sense at the time, blocked it. Schumer and his Democrat cohorts sweetened the pot with sufficient bribes for Manchin to entice him to string along, so there he was, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, as Biden signed the bill and passed him the pen. As with most Democrat bills passed of late, it raises the inflation rate and the national debt as well. It throws money at Green New Deal nonsense to mollify the Looney Toon left of the Democrat Party. As a sop to the voters the prices of some prescription drugs are reduced to fool them into thinking the act is to their benefit.
When Joe Biden was certified as President the Inflation Explosion Act was set in motion. No damage could actually be done until he was sworn in and up to that point our nation was in good shape. Inflation was minimal, employment was high, gas was cheap and the domestic petroleum industry was producing everything our country needed with a surplus for export, the Southern Border was under control and illicit drugs were expensive because so little was getting through, and Iran was deterred from producing a nuclear weapon. Once Biden reached the Oval he began nullifying every positive move Donald Trump had made to set the country on the right track. Inflation is now out of control, with the highest rate it's been in over forty years. By economic definition the country is also now in a Recession. Gas has doubled in price and more, and our domestic petroleum industry has been chocked into nothingness, while necessary crude oil supplies are being imported, much of it from our enemies, at record rates. Layoffs are growing as businesses cut production and close factories. The Southern Border has been thrown open and hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have entered our country, with thousands more crossing each day. They bring with them not only a desire for a better life, but many are unfortunate sex trafficking victims, others riddled with disease, many of them criminals or perverts, and some possible terrorists. Illegal drugs are pouring across the border, including massive amounts of Fentanyl, manufactured by our prime enemy, China, and it's killing hundreds daily. The Administration is reopening talks with Iran in order to restore the Iran Nuclear Treaty, which was a green light for Iran to eventually develop a nuclear weapon, with which they have declared they will destroy Israel.
Only a few months ago I lost a great friend and comrade from the Vietnam War. He died from a cancer caused by Agent Orange. During our last conversation he stated, "I'm circling the drain." Under the Biden Administration our once great country finds herself in similar predicament, CIRCLING THE DRAIN!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
Democrats Hire A New Whore
August 22, 2022
She's not very pretty, so that's not the attraction. In fact she reminds me of the old joke that goes, "Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone!" The whore I'm talking about is Liz Cheney, who pretends to be a resident of Wyoming but in actuality has been a resident of The Swamp all her adult life. The citizens of Wyoming rejected her last week by greater than a two to one margin in her race to continue representing the State in Congress, so come January she's out of a job. Didn't take long though, for her to find another. She got dressed up, put on powder and paint, slipped on high heels, sashayed to the corner, hiked up her skirt, and found herself a John. Her proud new customer is none other than the Democrat Party, a long time whoremonger. Her trick will be campaigning on behalf of Democrat candidates for Congress and the Senate whose Republican opponent believes, along with Donald Trump and the majority of Republican voters, that the election of Joe Biden was fraudulent. You go girl, but considering how badly you were shellaced in your most recent election it may not turn out quite the way you and your John are hoping.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
What's Next, A Night of the Long Knives?
August 20, 2022
A not so impossible scenario given the corruption and criminality of individuals presently occupying the highest levels of government power in Washington, D.C., including the President, the Attorney General, and the Director of the FBI!
A very informative story about the FBI can be found in a chapter from the book, Kingdom Of Fear, by Hunter S. Thompson. The story is, The Mailbox: Louisville, Summer of 1946, and it concers a visit to his house by two FBI Agents trying to implicate him, a nine year old boy at the time, of a crime.
"These thugs, these pompous brutes and toadies with badges & plastic cards in their wallets that said they worked for J. Edgar Hoover and that they had the Right, and even the duty, to put me in jail, because they'd heard a "Rumor in the neighborhood".
I learned a powerful lesson: Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime."
What he had to say in 1946 still applies today except the thugs and pompous brutes now work for Christopher Wray, and their intent is to put the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, in Federal Prison.
The Gestapo like raid on the residence of Donald Trump a few days ago was only a prelude to their next move. Once they have fabricated charges against Trump and his associates with the volumes of personal material they stole during the raid on his home, along with whatever fraudulent material they planted there, FBI Swat Teams will be conducting Midnight attacks on the homes of Trump and his associates, to haul them away in shackles and chains to a Federal Prison, to await trial in Federal Kangaroo Court.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Never Trust A Liar
August 19, 2022
An old Italian grandfather, imparting the wisdom of his years to his grandson, informed him that; "You can sometimes trust a thief, but you can never trust a liar!" In my lifetime I have observed this to be quite true. The Russian Collusion story was a hoax. The Steele Dossier was a hoax. The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian Disinformation story was a hoax. Everyone, whether in government or out, in Congress, or in the media that told you these stories were true are liars. So why would anyone other than a Simple Simon ever believe anything they told you again?
There have been three highly suspicious Presidential elections in our nation's history, including the most recent. Donald Trump believes that election was stolen from him and so do many of our citizens. Possibly even a majority if you include those that believe it was but say otherwise for political reasons. There were hundreds of irregularities reported in the election process, only a few of which have been even cursorily investigated. It is highly unlikely that a thorough investigation will ever be undertaken to determine the truth of the matter. Trump's claim that the election was fraudulent has been labeled The Big Lie by the majority of media outlets, and Democrats, liberals, RINOS, and Big Tech are going along with it. Has it ever occurred to you that these were the same sources of the stories that The Russian Collusion story, the Steele Dossier, and the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian Disinformation story were all true?
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
A Nation in Transition
August 10, 2022
The fraudulent election of Joe Biden has, within only a matter of months, thrown our country into full blown recession. Biden and his administrative mouthpieces lyingly insist this isn't so. Transition is one of the terms they choose to label these periods of negative growth. Our nation is indeed in transition, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with the economy. Our great country, once a beacon of freedom to the World, is fast becoming nothing more than a Banana Republic or a Third World Country. A Southern Border thrown open to millions of illegal aliens from Mexico, Central & South America, and God knows where else, has flooded the country with deadly drugs, sex trafficked victims, criminals of all descriptions, and the maintenance of all these unwanted invaders thrown upon the backs of the Taxpayer to the tune of billions of dollars. Glaring indications that many institutions of the Federal Government have been politicised to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency are too numerous to deliver a complete accounting here, but a few are as follows: the Russia collusion hoaxes; the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation hoax; two Impeachments based upon fraudulent accusations; the lies coming from Congressmen and Federal Officials in support of these fraudulent activities; and the Swat Team arrests and raids on the homes of Trump Supporters.
The Gestapo like raid on the home of former President Donald Trump two days ago is conclusive proof that this is so. We can no longer trust any proclamations coming from Federal Officials, nor the honesty of any action taken by the Department of Justice or the FBI. Criminal actions previously taken by Government Officials have gone unpunished and are likely never to be. The elections in November are critical to the restoration of honesty in our government, and the Presidential election of 2024 even more so. If overwhelming Republican victory is not achieved in these two elections the result is apt to be civil war, and the only restoration of Justice in this country will be by the actions taken by Courts of Minute Men.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
Fearless Leader
July 27, 2022
Where Is Their Fearless Leader When His Army Needs Him Most?
Just over six months ago Russia invaded the inoffensive neighboring country of Ukraine. The reasons given for her doing so were all lies, of course, and I won't bother enumerating them. The real reason was pure and simple, a land and power grab. Russian Dictator, Vladimir Putin, expected Ukraine to be conquered in short order, but her army has fought his to a standstill. "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley". The fighting in Ukraine has taken a heavy toll of Russian forces, with over forty-thousand of them slain with the corresponding number of wounded. The Russian soldier sees no point whatsoever in continuing this war, and morale and discipline are at dangerous low levels. Without a general mobilization replacements have become hard to find and Putin has resorted to emptying his jails to fill the ranks. Now is a time when his army is sadly in need of a boost of morale and enthusiasm. What a better time than for Putin to visit his troops at the front to rouse them to greater effort for the greater glory of Mother Russia and their own personal honour. Where, the World wonders, is he?
During WWII when the German invasion of Russia was going well, Hitler conferred with his generals at that front on several occasions. After the disaster at Stalingrad, a blunder entirely of Hitler's own making, he never visited the front again. The German Army fought on valouriously, but her generals knew the war was lost. Hitler, through his incompetence in military operations, and his disastrous orders and decisions, had destroyed the greatest army the World had ever know.
One of his generals on the Russian front had advised his trusted contemporaries and subordinates, that if Hitler visited his headquarters again, he intended to arrest and execute him in the hope of saving his country from further disaster. Sadly, Hitler never again visited the front. When the end of the war came it found Hitler hiding in his bunker in Berlin. Rather than go to the ramparts and die like a soldier with a weapon in hand, he chose the coward's way out, suicide.
Hitler had been a soldier in WWI on the Western Front. He was also a powerful, inspiring speaker. Vladimir Putin has never faced combat or delivered a speech of any consequence. His background is in the KGB, Russia's Gestapo like organisation who's specialty is espionage, kidnappings, torture, assassination, and murder. This is the man that rules Russia with an iron fist, and no more evil man is living today on this Earth.
I expect Putin to remain safe in his Kremlin lair, well guarded against treachery, as he well knows an appearance in the camps of his disenchanted army could mean his death. The Free World can only hope and pray that somehow the Hand of God or man will stay his malignant life before the whole World is plunged into recession, famine, and possibly nuclear war.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
A Successful Wartime Tatic
July 18, 2022
On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, sixteen days after Germany invaded Poland from the west precipitating WWII. The attacks against Poland were unprovoked and undeclared and only for the purpose of dividing the country into two dominated regions as per previous secret agreement between the two aggressors. It was a brutal reign of terror that eliminated Poland as a military force in the war that soon engulfed the entire World.
On 24 February 2022 the Soviet Union again launched a brutal war of aggression against a peaceful neighboring country, on this occasion the country of Ukraine. In his naivete concerning military matters, being a former KGB Agent his line is more of spying, torturing, poisoning, assassinating, and murdering, he expected a quick victory much like what had been achieved in Poland. Ukraine, however, has put up one Hell of a fight and has fought Russian forces to a standstill. Fortunately Ukraine has received much support from the West in the form of sophisticated modern weaponry. Additionally they are receiving moral and financial support, and nations of the Free World have imposed sanctions against Russia, but much more is needed to turn the tide of Russian aggression completely.
Ukraine's only access to the World's oceans is via the Black and Mediterranean seas, and consequently have no great Navy as such. Russia, however, has a massive Navy and her vessels, products, and cargoes sail the World unimpeded. This is a situation that must not be allowed to continue.
It is time for Ukraine to begin issuing Letters of Marque. This is a time honored procedure for commissioning private vessels to seize enemy shipping on the high seas, escort them to friendly port where the ship and cargo are sold under the jurisdiction of an Admiralty Court, proceeds to be divided between the country issuing the Letter of Marque and the vessel owner. No Russian owned vessel, regardless of whatever flag of convenience she should be sailing under, should be immune from seizure, nor any vessel carrying Russian cargo. This would strike a great blow against Russia in the cause of freedom and justice for Ukraine as well as allowing brave and enterprising ship owners, captains and crews to reap rich rewards.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
America Loves A Hero
July 14, 2022
Bravery in dangerous and life threatening situations is a character trait universally admired and revered. In our country. The Minute Men that stood against the Redcoats; our great heroes of the two World Wars, Sergeant York and Audie Murphy, a lad who rushes into a burning building to rescue a child, all are recognized as heroes of their time. Even a man on the wrong side of the law can be hailed a hero if he is brave and stalwart in his actions. One such man was the bank and train robber Jesse James. When his criminal career was finally brought to conclusion it was by the hand of a man universally known and despised as The Dirty Little Cowar. Robert Ford committed the infamous act by shooting James when he was unarmed with his back turned.
Cowards are far to abundant in our country today, and the most despicable and despised are police officers that have failed in their duty to protect when innocent children were being murdered. The two most glaring incidents are the Parkland school shooting in Florida of 2018 and the Uvalde, Texas school shooting of less than two months ago. In both cases police officers stood cowardly by for an inexcusable length of time even when heavily armed, well backed up, and protected by body armor before finally moving to the scene of the atrocity to confront the killer. There is no excuse for their failure, and at the end of their days just as expressed in the words of the song High Noon, they will lie, "..a coward, a craven coward, a coward in my grave."
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
And They're Off
May 5, 2022
Only two days until the first Saturday in May, traditional date for the Kentucky Derby. To most Americans it is the most important horse race in our country, to Kentuckians everywhere, the most important race in the World. Some years there are one or two dominant colts that dwarf competition, in others, a wide open field of capable colts that are yet to be sorted out relative to ability. This is one of those years. The recent series of important races considered Derby prep races are sending seven impressive winners to Louisville, as well as six that were respectable seconds in the races, and three more that were thitd. They represent the finest racing in the States of Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, California, Arkansas, and New York. Then there's one from Saudi Arabia, one from Japan, and the Winner of the Tampa Bay Derby, all talented colts, and of the twenty, only one I feel has no business in the race. With a field of this size not all get a clear run, for there's always the chance of a a slow start or stumble out of the gate, bumping, interference, and running into a blind switch, so luck as well as skill and ability are at play. Luck as well as skill play a part in handicapping the race but I'm going to take a stab at it and predict these four colts in the order they will finish: 1st #3 Epicenter, 2nd #6 Messier, 3rd #10 Zandon, and 4th #12 Taiba. Good luck and may the best horse win!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022 |
America, Rise and Act
March 3, 2022
Well before the conclusion of WWII in Europe, General George Patton recognized our real enemy. It was no longer NAZI Germany, they were beat, the real enemy was Communist Russia.. Her vast army was sweeping West against what little that was left of German forces in opposition, raping, looting, and destroying as they went. Patton wanted to advance his victorious army as far East as possible until they met Russian forces, a move which would have saved millions from Russian destruction, domination and slavery, including Berlin. Unfortunately, however, a line of demarcation had been agreed upon at the Yalta Conference by an ill and weakend President Roosevelt, and General Eisenhower, commanding the Allied Armies insisted upon its adherence. Eisenhower was indeed a splendid administrator, but his decisions as a General often proved disastrous. To cite the major ones, including the aforementioned, they were the failure to close the Falaise Gap which would have trapped the bulk of the German Western Army and brought a much earlier conclusion to the war, and his throwing logistic support to General Montgomery's Bridge Too Far debacle rather than Patton's victorious Third Army, which would have brought an end to the war in 1944. Once hostilities ceased and Germany surrendered, Patton was in favor of turning the German Army East and keeping them fighting, which would have driven the Russian back to the boundaries of her own country, for which he was labeled insane, and worse, by liberals, politicians, and Communist in own country. The Cold War and the present terrorist attack on the free country of Ukraine prove how right he was.
On March 8, 1983 President Reagan labeled Russia an Evil Empire, for which he was ridiculed by Democrats, liberals, and appeasers. The ongoing War Crimes in Ukraine in the unprovoked war against her by Russia proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the correctness of his declaration.
The war in Ukraine is partly being financed to the tune of $70 Million per day by purchasing Russia's oil. This is an atrocity, having our own country financing an unjust war and the concurrent war crimes ongoing there. Russian oil should be embargoed, and none should be allowed sold anywhere in the World. If politicians won't put a stop to it, it's time for the American People to rise up and do the job. Ships carrying Russian oil should not be allowed to enter U.S. ports. Port workers should strike and refuse service and offloading of this oil. Ship's crews should strike and refuse to move ships carrying it. Truckers should refuse to haul it, and no petroleum company should buy it. Of course this will drive the price of gasoline up, and every penny in price rise creates a drop in Biden's approval rating.
A simple solution is at hand however, immediately remove restrictions placed on our domestic petroleum industry and restore full production as it was under President Trump, and open the Keystone XL Pipeline. Americans would again be able to afford gas for their cars and the Evil Empire will be driven further back against the wall.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2022
Teaching Children to Hate
November 29, 2021
America has produced a number of grear songwriters, most notably Stephen Collins Foster and Woody Guthrie. Not far behind them ranks the late Tom T. Hall. Of his many memorable songs his absolute classic is Watermelon Wine. It's a story of an old man who reveals the important lessons he's learned in life, "Ain't but three things in this world that's worth a solitary dime but old dogs and children and watermelon wine" To narrow it down to a most pertinent issue of today the following line applies, "God bless little children while they're still too young to hate" Children are the most precious asset of Civilization, and their molding into future citizens is the most critical task of society. The sole purpose of this so-called Critical Race Theory is to teach children to hate. The situation as it exists today finds children of all races going to school and playing together happy and companionable, and they'll continue to grow up this way but for the interference of the Race Baiters. Unfortunately the Race Baiters are manifold, and reap rich rewards for spreading their message of hate and discontent. Who are these Race Baiters you ask? Not only the shameless hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, and their ilk; many media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN; organizations such as Black Lives Matter; and social media censors of truth like Facebook and Twitter. The primary, and absolutely worst of all however, is the Democrat Party. The con job they continue to foist on our black citizens is the claim that but for their crucial intervention, the Republican Party would put them back in chains. The purpose, of course, is to convince them how well off they are with welfare, food stamps, assistance to unwed mothers, and other government giveaway programs so they will continue to vote for candidates of the Democrat Party. They want to continue to promote Racism in perpetuity to insure their continued dominance of the country politically until the end of time. Until this malignant and despicable activity is stamped out once and for all there will never be true racial equally in our country.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Thirty Pieces of Silver
November 7, 2021
Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Realizing the enormity of his crime he attempted to return the money but to no avail. In shame and disgrace he hanged himself. Thirteen modern betrayers have committed a similar act, but this time against the American People it was their sworn duty to protect, and the party they so falsely represented. What the sum of their booty was it must have been substantial, for their political careers are at an end and they are no longer welcome in honest society.
The so-called Infrastructure Bill does nothing to improve life in our country, it is a pure and simple Democrat boondoggle bill, it rewards the undeserving, penalizes the hard working, honest taxpayer, and generously rewards the politically connected contractors that will execute the so-called Build Back Better program of Joe Biden.
The betrayers are as follows: Reps. John Katko (R-NY), Don Bacon (R-NE), Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ), Fred Upton (R-MI), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Don Young (R-AK), Tom Reed (R-NY), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), and Rep. Dav id McKinley (R-WV). Like Judas they will come to realize the enormity of their sin, and whether repentance leads them to the extremity that Judas chose, they deserve no better.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Tarnished Hero
October 18, 2021
General Colin Powell has died, ostensibly due to the effects of Covid-19, though it seems everyone of an age liable to die for any number of usual reasons other than murder or automobile accident is declared to have died of the dreaded Wuhan Flu. He had a storied career, rising through several administrations to the positions of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State. During the Gulf War he is credited with the “Powell doctrine” of using overwhelming, disproportionate force against any enemy, but this is nothing more than the ancient military doctrine, so well expressed by General Nathan Bedford Forrest as, "Get there first with the most." His undoing came when as Secretary of State in the George W. Bush administration he appeared before the United Nations to perpetrate the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. Upon discovering he had been fed fraudulent information by the Hawks in the Bush administration, his honor besmirched, he fell out with them. In his undisguised ire, however, he fell out with the entire Republican Party and became a willing tool of the Democrats, supporting in subsequent elections, the campaigns of Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. Additionally he was a constant critic of Donald Trump. He became a Benedict Arnold to Republicans everywhere, and they universally despised him. He remained a tool of the Democrat Party, but a tool is not really a friend. His final days became a bitter draught to swallow, and he died an unhappy, disillusioned man. At the end he may well have lost much of his will to live. Watch the Democrats clamor for his body to lie in state in the Capitol, just as they did for another of their tools, RINO John McCain.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021
The Standars of a Man
September 30, 2021
"To ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth. This was the ancient law of youth. Old times are past, old days are done; but the Law runs true, O Little son!"
Fair enough standards to expect of a man, they are the standards I’ve set for my grandsons. How many of our Presidents do you think would measure up? I’d venture that Ronald Reagan was the last accomplished rider, though the Bushes have probably sat on a few horses, and Clinton, Obama, and Biden have likely ridden a few on the Merry-Go-Round. As for Marksmanship Reagan attended the Cavalry Shool and it was part of the curriculum. The Bushes trained as Pilots and Aerial Gunnery was a big part of the course. Clinton, Obama, and Biden may have popped a few balloons at the Carnival but that would be the extent of it. As for Truthfulness, every President since Reagan with the exception of Donald Trump has lied to the American People, with Biden presently setting a mark I doubt will ever be broken. To sum it up the American People aren’t doing a very good job of choosing the Leader of our Country!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
They Drank The Kook-Aid
September 16, 2021
The California gubernatorial recall election was unsuccessful and the state remains the most incompetently administered in the Union, with a Governor incapable of occupying the position of Dogcatcher. That's about par for the course however, the man in the Oval Office isn't capable of being a Wal-Mart Greeter, the Secretary of Defense has lost eighty-five billion dollars in inventory and not fit to run a 7-11, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of I wouldn't trust as a school crossing guard. Overall the entire country has never experienced such corruption, incompetent administration, and failure to achieve desired objectives. A massive turnaround will have to occur in next year's elections, or the path to Third World status that Democrat administrations have had the country on since the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson will be unstoppable.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Will They Drink The Kook-Aid?
September 14, 2021
In 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana, cult leader Jim Jones convinced 909 members of his cult to drink Cyanide laced Kool-Aid. All died. Today in California citizens of the State face a similar decision. In the Gubernatorial Recall Election will they behave as sheep, like the victims in Jonestown, drink the Kool-Aid and vote to retain the present Governor, or will they act as responsible men and women and cast their vote for a replacement?
Gavin Newsom is inarguably the worst sitting Governor in all the fifty States since the resignation of the disgraced Governor Cuomo of New York. As well, he is inarguably the worst Governor in the entire History of California, and there have been some doozies. California, once the Golden State that beckoned millions to the Pacific Coast, is now a total mess. Anyone living there with eyes to see is well aware of that, so there's no need in providing a list of the disasters. Newsome is so desperate to retain his undeserved position that he's called upon lying scum, both in state and out, to come to his rescue. Leading element of the media spreading untruths and malicious allegations against his primary opponent is the Los Angeles Times. Hollywood, a den of vice and iniquity, has paraded many of her glittering stars of the Silver Screen out in his support. To top all this, the two biggest losers and untrustworthy individuals in the Country, President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris, have also appeared in his support.
Retention of Governor Newsom leads only to further deterioration and ruin of a beautiful State. Successful recall offers Californians hope for a better future. It is a no-brainer for San Diego Beachlife Magazine to throw wholehearted support in favor of recall.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
All In Vain
September 13, 2021
After twenty years of war, launched as a result of a massive terrorist attack on US territory, it has come to conclusion. Only temporarily however, for when you completely fail to defeat an enemy, one dedicated not only to the defeat of your country, but your entire way of life, they are certain to return to the field of battle. In addition to failing to defeat them, they have been left with massive amounts of military equipment with which to carry on their war. The cost of the defeat is incalculable. Though it has already cost Trillions in US Dollars wasted, the Butcher's Bill continues to accumulate, not only in lives lost, but shattered bodies, broken dreams, fatherless homes, homeless shelters, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, and numberless other ways that rip the fabric of civilization. Any war not resulting in destruction of an enemy's ability to make war, and the will to do so is a failure. The Taliban, and all other militant Islamic governments and movements, will remain an enemy of civilization until the day they are completely eradicated from the face of the Earth.
After three days of TV, starting with the disgrace of defeat in Afghanistan, and the cowardly withdrawal leaving women and children behind; followed with replay of the 9/11 attack and memorials; I wound up last night watching Charlie Wilson's War. That movie, based pretty soundly on the book of the same name, illustrates how successfully the tribal war against the Russians was conducted, and how abjectly we failed to follow up with the pennies of prevention that has cost the pounds of cure that failed to save the patient. Afghanistan is again in control of the Taliban, and all our other enemies are clamoring to support, assist and cooperate with them. It bodes ill for the future of our country in every way imaginable.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Lessons for Leaders
September 10, 2021
A military officer worth his salt prepares for war from the day of his first commission. He must train physically for the ardors of combat, but as well he must train his mind for the complexities of battle. Though much can be learned from realistic field exercises, he should study past battles to learn the tactics and strategies that succeeded, and as well to understand those that failed. Future statesmen, as well, must look to lessons of the past, knowing full well that ignorance of history leads to repetition of past mistakes. General George S. Patton, though nicknamed 'Old Blood and Guts', was well versed in military history. Abraham Lincoln, was well read in history and the successes and failures of previous Presidential administrations. The present leaders of our country are hardly cut from the same cloth. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, brags of reading Lenin, Mao, Critical Race Theory, and wanting to understand White Rage, rather than classics such as; Jackson's Valley Campaign, Lee's Lieutenants, A Rifleman Went to War, Lucky Forward, That Kind of War, and Street Without Joy. His military advice to the President, if any, is apparently ignored completely. I doubt that President Joe Biden has read a serious book in his life, and his handling of the surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban, while abandoning American Citizens and allies prior to pulling out in the dark of night, indicates if he's studied any leader at all it's Emperor Nero of Rome.
Our country is in a state of crisis and our present leadership is only leading us further down the path to total ruin. Biden needs to go ASAP if not sooner, and he needs to take his whole Cabinet and military hierarchy with him!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The World's Greatest Army
September 10, 2021
Every time the subject is mentioned by government officials or in the media, our army is described as the World's Greatest. Due to technological advances it no doubt possess the greatest weaponry yet know to man, but to describe an army as great when it just abandoned Afghanistan under cover of darkness to a ragtag band of cutthroats, leaving behind our own citizens and allies, not to mention billions of dollars in military equipment, is utter nonsense. An army becomes great due to the mettle of it's soldiers, and the caliber of it's leadership once it achieves great victory on the battlefield.
The last time this occurred, so far as an American Army is concerned, was in Korea. Our military services are at present virtually leaderless, and until tested in battle, it's impossible to gauge the quality of our men at arms. I wouldn't bet on a positive outcome in any engagement with a powerful nation at the present time. The last American General that could legitimately be described as great was Matthew Ridgeway, who, after brilliant service in WWII leading Paratroopers, rose to real greatness in Korea, when he pulled MacArthur's fat from the fire. He halted an army under assault by Chinese hordes and in full rout, stabilized and held the line, then turned back to the offensive. Ordered to hold the line at the 38th Parallel, he proceed to inflict massive casualties on the Chinese and North Korean armies running into the millions. He should have worn Five Stars.
The only US Army to achieve greatness in WWII was Patton's Third Army. Though our men fought valiantly and achieved victory in other battles, none approached such brilliance in maneuver, nor captured such ground or number of captives. The greatest army of WWII was without doubt the German Army. They had well trained, disciplined soldiers, and brilliant leadership in Generals Manstein, Rommel, Guderian, and Kesselring. No single nation could have stood against them, but Hitler's ordered attack on Russia, and declaration of war against the U.S. doomed them to failure.
The Japanese had fanatical soldiers but only one great General in Yamashita. The Russians had unlimited manpower and U.S. industry to supply their war machine but only one great General in Zukov. For the U.S. Army to return to WWII level of competence would require a massive shakeup of leadership, and a level of realistic training not seen since the Louisiana Maneuvers.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
"Whom the Gods would destroy they first make great."
September 6, 2021
The above does not apply to Joe Biden he was never great, the highest level of achievement in his lifetime being mediocrity, and rarely even that. The circumstances that placed him where he is today would have been inconceivable fifty years ago when there were yet men of good character, interested in doing right for their country, in the Democrat Party. Sadly those days are long gone. There is not a Democrat in Washington I would trust with my back turned, or leave anything of value in a room with one of them unwatched. Sadly many Republicans are no better, with Mitt Romney being a glaringly example of the scum of which I speak. A split Republican ticket gave us eight years of corruption by the Clinton administration, followed by eight years of incompetency and a fraudulently initiated war by a Bush administration, then another eight of corruption by an Obama administration that made the Clinton years look almost petty. Fortunately the electorate of the country began to wake up, and thwarted the dreams of the evil wife of the previous Clinton, and an honest and determined man occupied the Oval Office. In a blind rage, the parties that had been part of the three previous administrations, and their supporters, turned against him. The corruption that had set in by placing individuals in Cabinet positions such as Reich, Cheney, Ashcroft, Kerry, Holder, Lynch, and Clinton,; FBI Directors such as Mueller, and Comey; and Intelligence Directors the likes of Clapper, and Brennan, had insured that many individuals of their ilk remained in high position in these departments long after they had gone. When Donald Trump took the reins of government in his hands he soon found to his dismay that there were few in Washington he could trust to tell him the truth or do the right thing. He proceeded by trial and error to locate individuals capable of replacing the corrupt individuals that had to go. Nor could he ever turn his full attention to the job at hand for having to fight off false accusations of Russian Collision, pursued by a Kangaroo Court, under the direction of a thoroughly corrupt Special Counsel, who finding himself incapable of finding the least shred of viable evidence, turned to malicious accusations of Obstruction of Justice. Then followed two Impeachments, based as usual on false accusations, and all the while these lies were aided and abetted by Democrats in Congress, and a fraudulent media. This cabal also enlisted the conspiracy of the so-called Masters of the Universe of High Tech to censor and suppress all truth that would be of benefit to the President. In spite of it all, they found on election night they would not legitimately be able to prevent the reelection of Donald Trump They then turned to their corrupt conspirators in a half-dozen States to find the fictitious and fraudulent ballots necessary to upset Trump's victory, which brings us to the question of why a man with such lack of achievement, honesty, integrity, and decency was chosen as the Democrat candidate. Well, for the very reason that Obama had chosen his as his Vice President running mate in the first place, he wanted no man with any of the characteristics Biden lacked that might thwart his plan of corrupting the Three Branches of Government, and destroying the position of the U.S. as a World Power. Biden was perfectly happy to spend eight years flying around, being fetted and fed, while all he had to do was a bit of glad handing and making meaningless speeches, while kissing and sniffing the hair of attractive women and little girls, and playing golf. And after all, with Hillary Clinton being warmed over bread whom few in the party retained enthusiasm for, the only other option was Bernie Sanders, a dingbat Socialist whom Democrat leaders had no stomach for. And so, eight months into a Biden administration we find a government that mirrors his own lack of anything smacking of honesty, integrity, or leadership ability. We have a border crisis the likes of which the country has never seen, runaway inflation, an energy shortage and these are just the least of our worries. We have a hostage crisis in Afghanistan that dwarfs the Iran hostage crisis. The Iranian hostages after all eventually came home safely, and though lives were lost in the aborted rescue, they were but a handful compared to those slain and maimed already in rescuing our citizens and allies in Afghanistan, yet thousands remain, and with door to door executions presently going on there, no telling what the number will eventually become. The cowardly retreat from there is a stain upon our military reputation as disgraceful as the slaughter of innocent Indians at Wounded Knee. The billions of dollars worth of military equipment left behind makes the pallet loads of unmarked cash flow on Obama's order to his Islamist brothers in Iran look like chicken feed. The surrender of Afghanistan to the terrorists of the Taliban insures it is again a safe haven for terrorism and it is only a matter of time before this terror is again unleashed upon the West. Our allies in the free world no longer trust us and fear for the outcome ahead. Our military is now a laughing matter to our enemies in the World, and our power will be tried, and likely thwarted, at every future opportunity. If we have to wait until 2024 to see a return to honest and competent government, much of the World will already be in a state of ruin. If there is light at the end of the tunnel, it is a long, long way off!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
In Dishonor and Disgrace
September 2, 2021
For the first time in the proud history of U.S. Arms, an American Army has cowardly left the field of conflict, stealing away under the darkness of night, and withdrawn completely from the theater of operations, vowing never to return. Left behind in this cowardly surrender are thousands of U.S. Citizens and Allies, and billions of dollars worth of sophisticated military equipment. Those of our citizens and allies left behind, and fortunate to escape murder or execution by the savages holding them prisoner, will be held for ransom, as our victorious enemy extracts additional billions of dollars from our treasury. That this has been the most ill managed military operation in our nation's history, only illuminates the fact that our military leaders have degenerated to a point of woeful incompetence and inability. Unlike giants of the past like Generals Washington, Jackson, Scott, Grant, Pershing, Marshall, and Ridgeway, we are left with pigmies such as Austin, Milley, and McKenzie. Our once Terrible Swift Sword is cast aside as our army flees the field of battle. In time the men responsible will lie craven cowards in their graves, but the stain upon our escutcheon will remain forever.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Back To Bastogne
August 21, 2021
A friend of mine with considerably more sense than anyone in the present administration, remarked last night that every plane flying into Kabul should come loaded with troops and equipment. He is absolutely right! The Kabul airport has been turned into another Bastogne by an incompetent Biden and officials in his equally incompetent administration. Troops there are holding a small perimeter surrounded by an enemy unbounded by the Geneva Convention and fighting under the Black Flag. American citizens and Afghan allies are scattered throughout the city and country, hiding in fear for their lives and in desperate need of rescue. Where is the General McAuliffe to hold his position at all cost until a brave and resourceful General Patton and his Third Army come to the rescue? Regardless of the numerous lies coming from Biden and his sycophants in Washington, the situation is dire. The Taliban can attack with mortars, rockets, and any other weapon at their disposal while our troops are powerless to reply because the perimeter is surrounded by a city full of innocent civilians. Can the military leadership so desperately needed still be found in our armed forces? If Secretary of Defense, and former General, Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, are any example the answer is a resounding no! Biden claims we are in constant contact with the Taliban and they are allowing our citizens and allies to pass through their lines en route to the airport, but this lie is almost immediately refuted by the Secretary of Defense. Our position should be immediately fortified and reinforced, and as many innocents as possible must be flown out. Then the General commanding should call the Taliban leader to parley. It should be made abundantly clear to the Taliban that if our citizens are allies are not granted safe passage they will be rescued by force. Any Taliban standing in the way of the rescue will be ruthlessly slaughtered. For any American or ally killed or missing, ten Taliban will be killed or hanged. They should be given a minimum amount of time to comply. In the meantime all checkpoints, rally and assembly positions of the Taliban should be zeroed is for surprise simultaneous attack by artillery, mortar, and helicopter. Any Taliban captured during the rescue should be identified and held for future hanging. As with the only solution to a dog gone mad is destructions, the only solution to ridding the World of the Taliban and Radical Islam is by similar methods.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Hell Bound Train
August 19, 2021
Biden lay down on his White House bed.
Having seen Afghan allies lying dead.
So he fell asleep with a troubled brain,
To dream that he rode on a hell-bound train.
The engine with murderous blood was damp
And was brilliantly lit with a brimstone lamp;
An imp, for fuel, was shoveling bones,
While the furnace rang with a thousand groans.
The boiler was filled with swamp water green
And the devil at the throttle was happy and keen;
The passengers were a most motly crowd--
RHINOs, Democrats, and Liberals Loud.
Rich men in broadcloth, beggars in rags,
Handsome young ladies, and withered old hags,
Yellow and black men, red, brown, and white,
All chained together--O God, what a site!
While the train rushed on at an awful pace--
The sulphurous fumes scorched their hands and face;
Wider and wider the country grew,
As faster and faster the engine flew.
Louder and louder the thunder crashed
And brighter and brighter the lightning flashed;
Hotter and hotter the air became
Till the clothes were burned from each quivering frame.
And out of the distance there arose a yell,
"Ha, ha," said the devil, "we're nearing hell!"
Then oh, how the passengers all shrieked with pain
And begged the devil to stop the train.
But he capered about and danced for glee,
And laughed and joked at their misery.
"My faithful friends, you have done the work
And the devil never can a payday shirk.
"You've bullied the weak, you've robbed the poor,
The starving brother you've turned from the door;
You've laid up gold where the canker rust,
And have given free vent to your beastly lust.
"You've justice scorned, and corruption sown,
And trampled the Constitution down.
You have drunk, rioted, cheated, plundered, and lied,
And mocked at God in your hell-born pride.
"You have paid full fair, so I'll carry you through,
For it's only right you should have your due.
Why, the laborer always expects his hire,
So I'll land you safe in the lake of fire,
"Where your flesh will waste in the flames that roar,
And my imps torment you forevermore."
Then Biden awoke with an anguished cry,
His clothes wet with sweat and his hair standing high
Then he prayed as he never had prayed till that hour
To be saved from his sin and the demon's power;
And his prayers and his vows are all in vain,
For he'll never get off the hell-bound train
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
River Deep, Mountain High
August 16, 2021
Of all the magnificent songs sung by Tina Turner, River Deep, Mountain High, is probably her greatest. The song has no bearing on the present article however, other than the title so aptly describes the gross incompetence of the Biden administration. From His Fraudulence himself in the Oval Office, right down to the most, low level of his government appointees, it is the shoe that fits them perfectly. After being missing in action for nearly a week while the situation in Afghanistan deteriorated from disastrous to catastrophic, he now appears to enlighten the nation on the situation and his aggressive response thereto. While he remained hidden, his brain trust, an oxymoron if ever there was one, has devised the response for him to read from the teleprompter, absolving himself of all responsibly for this debacle. He has just delivered this response for the White House Press Corps and national broadcast. In this farcical presentation he applauds himself for always doing the right thing with regard to the War in Afghanistan for over twenty years, though often overruled by less competent authority. He adds that he is absolutely correct in withdrawing troops when he did, and vows never to send another one of America's youth to shed blood in any similar endeavor, completely ignoring the fact that he's just sent 6,000 troops back to Afghanistan to pull his fat from the fire. He also promises to rain down fire and brimstone on the Taliban if they so much as harm a hair on the head of any single American during the completion of this withdrawal, and this no doubt has the Taliban quaking in their sandals (though they should all be well booted once they get at the vast storehouses of uniforms and equipment left behind). Not only has he failed monumentally in anticipating and preparing for this catastrophe, his Intelligence Agencies, his Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his Secretary of State join him in this failure. The only reason the Justice Department and the FBI has not played a role, is they're far too busy conducting the greatest manhunt in the History of the World, in order to arrest and charge every Trump supporter who was within a half-mile of the Capital on January 6th, with all the petty crimes of which they may be guilty, but far more serious ones up to and including Insurrection and Treason if possible. Corrupt Attorneys in these agencies are working round the clock on this endeavor.
By dint of their grossly incompetent performances, the heads of the CIA, NSA, State and Defense Departments, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should all be immediately dismissed. In true Democrat Presidential fashion this would effectively pass the buck by shifting blame to others, but being the great Biblical Scholar that Biden pretends, he's aware of the admonition, "Let him that is without sin first cast the stone!" He will likely let sleeping dogs lie rather than have any of them strike back with legitimate assertions of their own.
Putting all his fraudulent folderol aside, as Captain of the Ship of State, the order he should be giving is, "Attention on deck, attention on deck, now close and batten all doors and hatches, seal all watertight doors, and stand by for heavy weather! " The country is heading directly into the path of a Hurricane!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Buck Stops Here
August 15, 2021
President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk saying; "The Buck Stops Here", which meant in plain language that he, took full responsibility for his decisions and for the actions of the U.S. Government. He was the last Democrat President that had the backbone and integrity to stand on that principal. All Democrat Presidents since have, to some degree or the other, found reason to blame their own disasters, as well as other misfortunes and woes, on a previous Republican President or Republican Congress. Most notoriously Kennedy, who blamed Eisenhower for the failed Bay of Pigs disaster; Obama, who used this ploy time and again, in spite of his many failures being of his own devising, and now Biden, blaming Trump for all his failures, and especially, the present disaster ongoing in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan has been the Crossroads of Empires for centuries. It was the bridge that must be crossed to send a conquering army into India the Jewel of the Orient. Many tried, and a few, very few, succeeded, but Afghanistan remained a land unconquerable by no other means than maintaining an overwhelming standing army there. The British tried and were disastrously driven out. Russia tried, and with massive U.S. involvement, were defeated and driven out by the Afghan Tribes.
Afghanistan is a country centuries behind the modern World. They are a Tribal People, largely uneducated, and embracing the brutal and repressive Religion of Islam. The U.S. used this to our advantage in driving the Russians out, which was in many ways a payback for Russian involvement in Vietnam. Essentially it was a 'Guns and Butter' policy. We'd supply the weapons and ammunition to fight the Russians, as well as food, clothing, and supplies to keep their women and children happy. The trick was in the balance, we would supply only enough to hold the Tribes in balance otherwise they'd turn on each other like the Hatfields and McCoys. It worked, and after suffering massive casualties and destroyed equipment, the Russians left with their tail between their legs. Unfortunately our Congress failed, as they so often have, in following up to help the country stabilize and rebuild. We left them with nothing but a country in ruins after years of brutal warfare. The Tribes then turned on each other in a fight for control, and in the process destroyed most of what was left. Enter the Taliban to take advantage of the power vacuum and seize control, and once they did, Afghanistan became the breeding ground for Worldwide Islamic Terror. The World ignored them until the ignorant savages began to destroy centuries old Works of Art because it offended their Muslim beliefs. So back into the picture comes Uncle Sam, not only to save them from the evil Taliban, but to bring to them the enlightenment of Democracy, and to usher them successful into the 21st Century. How abysmally that has failed.
How did this happen you ask, why didn't we return to our successful strategy of utilizing the Tribes? Well, George W. Bush, a President of little intellectually capability, turned to the voices of the Warmongers surrounding him, "Send in the Army!" they said. Though many great military leaders deplore war, and turn to it only as a course of last resort, others embrace it as the path to promotion and glory, and the latter group prevailed. Additionally, the Military Industrial Complex grows fat on supplying a deployed army, and its supporters were right there at Bush's ear in the person of his Vice President and several in his cabinet. Then the State Department reared its ugly head, insisting that the old days of working with the Tribes must go, we must bring the enlightenment of Democracy to Afghanistan. Yes, the old ways won't do, every citizen must have a vote, women and children must be educated, there must be a national government supported by a national army. Well we see how well this has worked, the national government has flown and the national army disbursed like chaff before the wind.
What is the solution I have no idea, it certainly won't come from the Biden administration, and in Afghanistan the brutal repression will go on, murders, beheadings, and rapes are now the order of the day. Women are forced back into the burka and a life of serfdom, and girls will again be available for forced and arranged marriages as young as ten years of age. The Dark Ages have returned to Afghanistan and Evil now rules the Land!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Body That Wouldn't Die
August 14, 2021
There was a Science-Fiction movie released in 1962 titled The Brain That Wouldn't Die, the story of a woman's head, kept alive after being severed from the body in an automobile accident. A somewhat similar situation exists today in real life, where we have the case of a human body remaining alive long after the brain has died. If you doubt the veracity of my story I can only refer you the TV in your own living room where the case is on display almost daily. The case I refer to is that of Joe Biden, ostensibly the President of the United States. The most recent evidence of the condition of his brain is a statement he made only two days ago regarding the recall effort being made to remove California Governor, Gavin Newsome from office. It follows:
“Governor Newsom is leading California through unprecedented crises. He is a key partner in fighting the pandemic and delivering economic relief to working families and helping us build our economy back better than ever. He’s taking on the climate crisis and standing up for the rights of women, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community,”
“He knows how to get the job done because he’s been doing it. And to keep him on the job, registered California voters should vote no on the recall election by September 14 and keep California moving forward."
It is public knowledge that the most ill run States in the nation are New York and California, and the only reason California is not the absolute worst is because of New York, where the Governor has just resigned as a consequence of his criminal negligence, incompetence, and malfeasance in office. California's Governor Newsom is only marginally less dreadful and the World knows it.
The dead state of Joe Biden's mind has been in evidence for a long time, and though his body remains alive it is functioning only marginally, requiring long periods of rest between activities, and must be led from place to place, and when required to speak needs the assistance of a teleprompter or earpiece to stimulate a garbled and mumbling reaction. How he was ever allowed to occupy the office he finds himself in can only be explained by the criminality and corruption of the Democrat Party.
With the body that wouldn't die occupying the Oval Office, we have a Ship of State without a rudder, and with ill winds in full force, and shoals in close proximity in the foreign threats and disasters looming, economy in free fall, inflation at record heights, and waning public confidence, catastrophe looms in the offing. Only the hand of God, or Donald Trump, can save the Republic.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Who Says Cheaters Never Win?
August 1, 2021
It is well documented that Joe Biden cheated his way through Law School, his classmates there have attested to that. With this in mind I'd expect his cheating began much earlier in his schooling, but that's beside the point now. In choosing the field of politics as his profession, his propensity to cheat became an asset. To this lesson learned early in school, he added Plagiarism and Lying, and though found out on several occasions, as he never was the sharpest pencil in the box, it hasn't stopped him to this day. With forty-seven years feeding at the public trough as Congressman, Senator, Vice President, and now President, he has become a wealthy man. His wealth, however, did not come from savings of his salary or astute investments, but rather from influence peddling, which has made him and his family members fabulously rich. Taking a cue from former Democrat Presidents Clinton and Obama, who have become fabulously rich with no accountable source of income, Biden has contrived to add his name to this list. Now, since it has been contrived to place him in the Oval Office, ostensibly as President of the United States of America, accomplished through the same method that got him through Law School, Cheating. Oh I know Democrats, fake news outlets, and RINOs dispute this fact and have branded it The Big Lie, but every intelligent person in the country knows Biden became President as a consequence of massive fraud at the polling place, and the honest of them admit it. Now we are faced with the problem of removing him from office, and as a first step, an audit is underway in Arizona, and proposed in other States where massive fraud is suspected, but every impediment possible is being throw in the path of success by those that have everything to lose. In the meantime, with every positive accomplishment achieved during the Presidency of Donald Trump being cancelled or nullified, our once great nation is now in an accelerated state of decline. Our susposed President in his advanced state of dementia acts much as Nero did, who fiddled while Rome burned.
Being told what to do, what to say, and when to shut up, he is led about from place to place like the feeble old fool that he is. As a consequence of all the criminality and corruption that has gone on in this administration and the previous two Democrat administrations as well, honest citizens in the country are in a state of boiling discontent. The last time such a state occurred it rose to boil over state, and a massive Civil War occurred, the effects of which still plague us today. The arrogance, smugness, and complacency of Democrats in Washington only adds fuel to the fire under the boiling pot. I am not Nostradamas and can not predict the ultimate outcome, but whatever it will be it will not be pretty, and the country and the free world will suffer woes unimaginable.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Cuba Libre!
July 23, 2021
Cuba is again in turmoil and distress. Years of government corruption and maladministration have starved and oppressed the population into a growing clamor for relief. Cries for America to come to the aid of the Cuban People are rising. Corrupt Cuban governments have been overthrown before, both from without and within. In 1898 after years of revolt in remote parts of the country against brutal Spanish rule, the U.S. declared war against Spain. The war was soon over after strong U.S.Military action in Cuba and the Philippines, and the colonial empire of Spain came under U.S. administration. Unfortunately, Cuba, like many other former Spanish colonies, proved incapable of long term self government. A succession of despotic dictators followed and continues to the present day. During the early 1950's the Cuban Communist, Fidel Castro, fomented a revolution against Cuban Dictator, Fulgencio Batista. A guerilla war was begun in remote mountains of the country, eliciting much worldwide sympathy and support. During the war Castro portrayed himself as a Cuban Patriot, intent only in freeing the Cuban People from oppression and restoring honest government, keeping his Communist intentions well hidden. On December 31st, 1958, Batista fled Cuba for exile and Castro took control of the country. Receiving acclaim and recognition from foreign governments, Castro basked in a honeymoon glow until his true Communist intentions became obvious. He began seizing property of large landowners, appropriating and nationalizing all foreign property and businesses, and instituted socialist control of all economic activity. Arbitrary jailings, torture, and execution of anyone disagreeing followed. Wealthy Cubans deprived of their land, property, and businesses, began to flee the country for the U.S. and Spain. Disenchanted with Castro's failure to deliver on his promises, and his oppressive policies, the Cuban middle-class soon followed, then eventually the poor as well. Braving the perilous voyage across the shark infested waters of the Florida Straits, and murder on the high seas by the naval blockade Castro had thrown up to prevent his citizens from fleeing. Florida had become the land of hope and promise.
Opposition to the Castro regime was not long in forming among the Cuban expatriate community in Florida. Political and paramilitary groups soon formed and it wasn't long before covert boat runs to Cuba began, inserting agents, equipment, and supplies, delivering weapons and explosives, and carrying out refugees. The Eisenhower administration soon took notice of the rising menace at the Southern doorstep. The CIA, a patriotic and honorable department at that period in U.S.History, soon formulated a plan. A military force of expatriate Cubans would be recruited, trained, and equipped. They would then be landed on the Cuban shore, and supported by U.S. air and naval force, while they established a foothold and initiated the counterrevolution against Castro. It all started with an airstrike to nullify the Cuban Air Force before the Cuban Brigade was landed. The initial air strike was successful but the cat was out of the bag and the World became aware of the U.S. involvement, and World opinion turned against the invasion. The landing of the Cuban Brigade went off on schedule but the continued air support promised was cancelled by President Kennedy, who had been inaugurated three months prior to the operation. Without the promised air support, and with the two vessels sunk containing the required backup ammunition and communication equipment, the brigade was left to their own resources to repel the counterattack they knew was coming. For three days they fought bravely on, until completely out of ammunition, the living that remained were forced to surrender. Kennedy, setting the precedent for all future Democrat Presidents, blamed the disaster upon the preceding Republican administration. He claimed he had been poorly briefed about the operation, and had he been aware of it's shortcomings he would have called it off. This, of course, was a complete lie meant to cover up his own cowardly failure to deliver on the promised air support, but the adoring American public and the fawning press bought it.
What if? is a question that has been asked many times since the Bay of Pigs debacle, and is just as valid a question today as it was sixty years ago. Cuba remains today in the clutches of a corrupt and brutal government, and without outside military intervention, it is destined to remain that way, and the unfortunate citizens there will continue to starve, suffer, and die.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Trickle Down Incompetence!
July 12, 2021
An incompetent in the Oval Office gives us an incompetent administration and none worse than the following three. The Carter administration gave us the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the disastrous rescue attempt, along with numerous lesser failures. The George W. Bush administration gave us a complete failure of the occupation of Iraq under his designed Supreme Authority, Paul Bremmer; and an equally disastrous response by FEMA immediately following Hurricane Katrina. His FEMA Director, Michael Brown, with little or no emergency disaster experience, proved totally incapable of the job almost immediately after being assured by the President that "You're doing a good job Brownie!" Replaced by Lt. General Russell Honre, who took over utilizing the 82nd Airborne, law and order in New Orleans and surrounding Louisiana was soon reestablished. Now we have a President in the brain deficient Joe Biden, proving himself in only six months to be even more incompetent than the previous two. Of the numerous crisis's presently confronting him, the open hemorrhage at our Southern Border is by far the worst. A flow of illegal aliens, including murderers, criminals of all ilk, unaccompanied children, sex traffic victims, drugs of all descriptions, and possible terrorist, are coursing into our country like an open arterial flow. To add insult to injury, Biden appointed his Vice President, Kamala Harris, to take charge of the crisis, and for nearly 100 days, in spite of numbers pleas by Republicans and Democrats alike for her to visit the border to access the crisis firsthand, she did nothing. Nothing until Donald Trump announced his own border visit and in order to beat him to the border 93 days after her appointment she traveled to El Paso. Though El Paso is indeed a border city, it's at least 100 miles from the crisis epicenter, and the visit turned into nothing more than a photo op. With no end in sight Biden could easily call on General Honre, or another man of his proven ability, to take charge, but that would cut the ground from under his incompetent Vice President, and dramatize his own incompetence for appointing her in the first place. When it comes to what may happen next your guess is as good as mine.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
It Ain't No Lie!
July 11, 2021
An old Italian grandfather, imparting the wisdom of his years to his grandson, emphasized to him, "You can sometimes trust a thief but you can never trust a liar!" In my own life I have found this to be true. Which brings us to the subject of what Democrats, RINOs, liberals, and all of the fake news outlets are calling The Big Lie. The Big Lie being Donald Trump's claim, that the election was rigged and the Presidency stolen from him. We are constantly bombarded with their story 24/7. Their problem is at the very least one-third of Americans believe Donald Trump, and the percentage is probably much higher if you throw in all those that believe it but are reluctant to say so. If their story is true this could all be put to rest by one simple expedient that would restore harmony throughout the land and bipartisanship in the Halls of Congress, just conduct an impartial audit in every state, county, and district in question. This is the one thing, however, that they don't want to do, and are fighting efforts to conduct these audits with ever legal, and illegal, blocking method they can devise. The Truth, as they say, will set you free, but in this case, The Truth would throw the entire country into revolt, with no method of restoring the rightful President and his administration short of armed overthrow, and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Democrats would have to go to jail.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Oh Justice Where Art Thou?
July 5, 2021
“Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans", by T.R. Fehrenbach is a marvelous book well worth reading. Not only for the accurate and detailed accounts he lays out, but also for the sheer pleasure of reading a fabulous story. In the book the account of the murder of Indian Agent Robert Neighbors is told. Neighbors had just accompanied the forceable, and brutal, relocation of Indian Tribes into Oklahoma by the Texas Rangers. Upon return, while in conversation, he was approached from behind by Ed Cornett, a man he'd never met, and shot in the back. I now quote directly from the book: It was "not possible" to bring Cornett to trial. But on the other hand, it was not permissible on the frontier to shoot a white man, even an Indian Agent, in the back. John Cochran and Ben R. Milan got together some "Minute Men." This group convened a "court" in April, 1860, months after the murder, and went after Cornett. He "made fight" on Salt Creek, as one of the members of this posse said, and all accounts agree that Ed Cornett was brought to justice without benefit of judge and jury.”
It is obvious beyond a shadow of a doubt that if criminals are to be indicted, arrested, and brought to trial in this country our Citizens must look elsewhere than the Department of Justice. The most high profile individuals in Federal Custody over the past twenty years are as follows:
Whitey Bulger: Mobster and Murderer, sentenced to life in prison, he was murdered there by inmates unknown with the connivance of prison officials.
Bernie Madoff: White Collar Criminal, massive Ponzi Scheme operator, died in prison.
Martha Stewart: Innocent victim of an FBI setup, served her sentence.
Lori Loughlin: Actress and Producer, victim of.a con scheme to get her daughter into an exclusive university, another FBI setup, served her sentence.
Jeffrey Epstein: Pedophile and Sex Trafficer, murdered in Federal Custody prior to trial, knew too much about high profile Deep State connected individuals and had to be silenced. 'Dead men tell no tales!'
Ghislaine Maxwell: Girlfriend and Procuress for Jeffery Epstein, held in custody and denied bail, only pimp in country denied bail, harassed constantly in hope she'll be driven to suicide, must be silenced for same reason as Epstein, final outcome pending.
There you have it, not a politically connected or high ranking government official in the lot. No need to name them, every honest man in the country knows of whom I'm speaking. As in the murder of Robert Neighbors, only way justice will be served is through the actions of Minute Men. If you look to the Department of Justice for action you will be waiting for all eternity!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021
You can fool some of the people all the time!
July 1, 2021
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The above is a famous quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln. The absolute truth of it is beyond question. We can obviously group most Liberals and Democrats with the people that are fooled all the time. The most recent glaring examples are the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory. That both are utter fabricated nonsense is obvious to anyone that has any real knowledge of American History, but the aforementioned are buying them hook, line, and sinker. TheIr mouthpieces in the fake news are going right along with them in spreading this disinformation nationwide. The sole intent and purpose of these contrived subjects is to further Racism in the country as a tool to advance Democrat political hold on various minority groups that they play to their benefit in elections to continue, and hopefully cement, their control on power.
The stupidity and gullibility of most Americans is beyond question. Twice they elected Barack Hussein Obama as President of our country. That he was completely unqualified by what little we were able to learn of his background, by his radical unAmerican associations, and his own utterances and and ghost written books, should have been obvious, but yet he was elected. The fact that his two opponents Republicans chose to oppose him were men of such small stature also played it's part. During his eight years in office the country was subjected to the most corruption and criminality that America has ever endured. He advanced the evil of Racism to a level not seen since the violent days of desegregation in the 50's and 60's. To add insult to injury the evil that he spawned lives on after him in his judicial appointments, a multitude of government employees, good military officers and men forced into retirement and replaced with sycophants and yes men, and the scum from his administration continuously spouting his lies from fake news platforms. And this is not to mention his own lies and racists comments he advances every time he's in front of a TV camera.
The present administration, fraudulently elected, and allowed to get away with it, is nothing but a continuation of Obama's maladministration, and in fact, the brain-dead Joe Biden, may be getting his orders from none other than Obama himself. Not content to live in splendor, financed by the fortune he amassed from God knows where, Obama continues to inject his poison until our entire political system is septic, and the evil system he spawned can rule dictatorially over a repressive police state for eternity.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Plant
June 30, 2021
The most well known, and most successful, Double Agent in history was Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve Disciples of Jesus, who betrayed his Master to the Sanhedrin, which led to the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Many other Double Agents have played their nefarious part in history up to and including the present day.
The two most infamous Soviet Spies that played a crucial role in betraying Allied plans during WWII and the Cold War were Richard Sorge and Kim Philby, both of which were planted in positions of great responsibility that gave them access to intelligence requiring the highest level of security.
Richard Sorge was a German born in Russia, though his family returned to Germany when he was quite young. He grew up a patriotic Germany who received the Iron Cross for his service in WWI. Disillusioned by war he became a Communist, eventually becoming a Spy for Soviet Secret Service. He bounced around Europe and Asia in his positions as a Journalist and in 1929, on orders from Moscow, joined the NAZI party and played his part well in appearing a fervent member. Ordered later to Japan he secured the position as prime correspondent for Germany's leading newspaper. His position, knowledge of the Japanese language and mindset, and appearance as a loyal NAZI, soon gave him access to Germany's military atache and free run of the Germany embassy. With this access and additional information from his circle of spies and informants, he was able to provide critical intelligence to his Soviet masters. Found out in 1941 he was tortured into confession and hanged in 1945.
Kim Philby was an Englishman that became a Communist while a student at Cambridge University along with four of his fellow students. His outstanding efforts as a Journalist enabled him to join British Intelligence during WWII and he climbed the ladder to high positions during the war and subsequent Cold War. During this period he constantly provided valuable information to Moscow. Falling under suspicion he left the intelligence service and returned to his position as Journalist, later receiving a declaration of innocence from the Prime Minister. Again coming under suspicion, he was able to tip off two of his fellow Cambridge spies prior to their arrest that allowed them to escape to Russia, and he soon followed, where he lived out his days.
Donald Trump assumed the Office of President with a strong business background but a far from perfect knowledge of the intricacies of Washington politics. This led to his appointing many officials that had to be replaced for falling short on performance. He also underestimated the disloyalty of many in government service from previous administrations. Constantly attacked within and without, he had to fight for every inch of gain that improved the strength of our country and the lot of American Citizens. His second most disastrous appointment was of Jeff Sessions to the Office of Attorney General. Sessions had been an early supporter of his campaign and seemed a wise choice with his strong background as a Prosecutor and U.S.Senator. He proved a disaster, an incompetent fool who was putty in the hands of disloyal officials in the Justice Department. He had to be fired but far too late. The damage he did there, like evil, lives on long after him. After arduous search for his replacement, the President settled on William 'Bill' Barr. Barr was a Republican, a Conservative, a strong advocate against crime, and he had already occupied the office for fourteen months during the Bush administration. With that background the Democrats strongly opposed him in the Senate but he was ultimately confirmed. At first he seemed an ideal appointment when he soon brought the fraudulent Mueller investigation, which had been based on a a total lie, to conclusion, exonerating President Trump in the process. Just as Richard Sorge had played the part of ardent NAZI, Barr played the part of a strong supporter of the President, when all along he was a member of the Deep State. This should have become obvious when he assured the Country that the murder of Jeffrey Epstein while in Federal custody was indeed a suicide. Only recently have we learned that when the President wanted to fire the inept and dishonest Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, Barr threatened to resign, thereby protecting a fellow Deep State operative. When the election of Joe Biden occurred with the benefit of massive fraud of a magnitude never previously see in this country, Barr declared that though there had been irregularities, they were not of sufficient volume to have offset the Biden victory. This statement was entirely off the top of his head, because there had been no investigation whatsoever by the FBI or the Justice Department of the voluminous frauds observed and reported. His nefarious work done on behalf of the Deep State, and rather than serve as our Country's Head Law Enforcement Office until properly replaced, he retired just before Christmas citing a desire to spend time with his family. Now he's trying to cash in on his treachery with a book spouting the same lie that you hear daily from Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News, that the Biden victory was completely legitimate and the Trump claim that he won is nothing but a lie. Barr has proved himself the most corrupt and dishonest Attorney General in the History of the United States and should be reviled and despised by every decent American until the day he dies.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
License to Kill
May 22, 2021
In 1952 British Author Ian Fleming began writing Spy Novels based upon his experiences as a Naval Intelligence Officer in WWII, and upon the experiences of other Secret Agents he had known. The first book, Casino Royale, was published in 1953 and became a sensation. The book centered on the exploits of Secret Agent James Bond of MI6. The success led to eleven other novels and two short story collections up to 1966, when Fleming died, and the book's popularity soon took the stories to stage and screen. Of the books many fans one was none other than President John F. Kennedy. The character of James Bond has become one of the most famous in literature, and the series of books and movies continues to this day, with other authors continuing to write the novels. James Bond was most famously portrayed on the screen by the great Scottish actor, Sean Connery. He became the idol of adventure loving boys and romantic young women the World over. Bond's identifying number in MI6 was 007, pronounced as Double O Seven. The 00, or Double O, indicated he was licensed to kill in his service of the Crown when the situation warranted. This part of the stories, though fictional, was only utilized upon foreign enemies of Great Britain and Civilization at large.
In more recent days it has become obvious that a genuine License to Kill has been granted to Agents of the present U.S. Government. During the events of January 6th this year, in Washington, D.C., one of the many trespassers that wandered into the Capital Building, was shot and killed. She was a Lady from San Diego, Ashli Babbitt by name, who had come to Washington that day to show support for President Donald Trump, the President that had been defeated in the recent election by the most massive fraud ever to occur in U.S. Politics. She, at the time was unarmed and presenting no physical threat to anyone. She was attempting to crawl through a broken window into another part of the building. Without warning of any kind, an unidentified Capital Police Officer leveled his weapon, and at point blank range, shot her in the throat, killing her within minutes. It was in no way for protection of the Capital Building, nor of Congressmen and other government officials in the building, it was nothing less than cold blooded murder. The Officer, however, was neither charged nor suspended, and though his name has been kept secret by the government to this day, it has been revealed by private investigation. The assassin is Capital Police Officer David Bailey, and he has been completely exonerated by the Justice Department, declaring the act completely justified in the performance of his duty.
Unlike the fictional 007 designation of James Bond that represented a License to Kill, this present licensing of U.S. Agents to kill is deadly serious, and unlike James Bond, who only slew foreign enemies in defense of his country, the present authorization allows for the murder of political opponents of the present Administration. There is blood on their hands, not only of the present Administration, but of everyone in government service that approved and condoned this foul deed, and the ghost of the murdered Ashli Babbitt cries out for revenge.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
All I Know is What I Read in the Papers
May 22, 2021
And the rest of the famous Will Rogers quote goes, " …and that's an alibi for my ignorance."
When the topic on the news is something you are familiar with you realize how inaccurate the reporting often is, and many times dead wrong.
On the first Saturday of this month the Kentucky Derby returned to its traditional spot on the calendar after a year of interruption due to the Chinese Flu. It was a glorious day for racing, and the crowd was in an ebullient mood. It promised to be a good betting race, as there was no one overwhelming favorite and several colts were given a fighting chance. Bob Baffert had an entry, as he has most years going back over twenty years, and he's won the race six times, tying him for the record with Calumet's Ben Jones. This year though, his colt, Medina Spirit, wasn't so well fancied, being fifth on the odds board. He had started the year as the #3 Derby prospect in Baffert's talent loaded stable. However, his #1 went out with injury, then #2 turned in a disappointing effort in the Arkansas Derby, so a colt that had sold for a mere $1,000 as a yearling came off the bench.
The field was away without major incident, though there is always some bumping and jostling in a field of twenty horses. Baffert's colt hustled immediately to the lead under the masterful hands of Champion jockey Johnny Velazquez. He continued his lead as the race progressed through the first turn and into the backstretch, fending off challenges all the way. As the field rolled into the stretch the battle began in earnest. Medina Spirit remained on top but two colts were breathing down his neck. Try though they may, the leader refused to yield and crossed the finish line a half-length to the good. This victory broke the tie with Ben Jones and made Bob Baffert the undisputed Derby Winning Trainer of all time with seven victories.
It was a happy time for the winning connections for just over a week, then came the unexpected news, Medina Spirit's blood test had come back positive for the drug, Betamethasone. This alarmed Baffert no end, because he knew the colt had never been treated with the drug, which is a therapeutic used to reduce swelling in an injured joint. The next day he was viciously attacked by Churchill Downs management, rushing to judgement in the extreme, and accusing him of cheating. Additionally they declared all his horses ineligible to race at the track until further notice. Almost immediately, and based upon no evidence whatsoever, he was attacked by knee jerks in fake news for doping his colt to stimulate greater effort. Nothing could have been further from the truth, Betamethasone is in no way a stimulant, it is a pure and simple therapeutic medication, and it is allowed for use in racing horses up to the two weeks prior to a race. How he got the medication in his system was the mystery, until subsequent investigation revealed he had been treated for some time for a fungal infection on his hindquarters right up to the day before the race with a topical salve called Otomax. As it turns out, the salve has a minuscule amount of Betamethasone in the mix. Chemical testing procedure have been refined to the point that a grain of salt in the sugar bowl can be detected, but to imagine this has any noticeable effect would be ludicrous. By the same token the miniscule amount of Betamethasone in the Otomax had no effect whatsoever on the outcome. Unfortunately drug regulations are written by racing bureaucrats, with little or no input from veterinary science. Consequently, a regulation that might be made reasonable and fair, is carried to the extreme for a trace of a drug that had zero effect on the race. The colt won the race fair and square, and entirely on his own courage and ability. To disqualify his victory would be a travesty of justice. To put the matter in layman's perspective, it would be like denying a man a Gold Medal in the Olympics because he had been using a salve for his Athlete's Foot.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Fix of The Century
Definition of fix
: to influence the actions, outcome, or effect of by improper or illegal methods |
The 20th Century Fix
March 26, 2021
In the World Series of 1919 the Chicago White Sox of the American League were strongly favored to defeat the Cincinnati Reds of the National League. There was, however, dissention on the White Sox team due to the stinginess of the owner of the club and his highhanded treatment of the team. Professional gamblers approached some of the more disgruntled members of the team and persuaded them to throw the series in exchange for a substantial cash payment. Be aware that professional ball players of that era received nothing like the huge salaries of today, and an inducement of this sort was a much greater temptation. As for the gamblers involved, odds are so determined that the bookmakers taking the bets are guaranteed a reasonable profit regardless who wins. When the defeat of one team is preordained, however, their profits become astronomical. Without going into intimate details of the fix and the subsequent results, the Reds won the series, and the gamblers made money hand over fist. The players involved were found out and prosecuted for their part in the fix, however, a verdict of Not Guilty came down when pertinent evidence of the players guilt mysteriously disappeared, The players didn't get off Scott Free, however, as they were subsequently banned for life from professional baseball. The affair became known as the Black Sox Scandal, and is unquestionably considered the Fix of the Twentieth Century.
The 21st Century Fix
The Presidential election of November 3rd, 1920, began honestly enough, and by late evening it was seemingly obvious that Donald Trump would be comfortably reelected. Odds makers in Las Vegas reacted by shifting odds on the outcome of the election in favor of the Trump ticket, while the day had started with the Biden ticket a slight favorite. Surprisingly however, vote counting in a number of battleground states was simultaneously halted for the night. When vote counting began again the following day, and in the few days after, massive numbers of votes for the Biden ticket mysteriously appeared. The sheer volume of these votes defied all reason, whether by statistical analysis, the judgment of voting experts, and numbers of voters relative to numbers registered. On top of this evidence the exclusion of poll watchers and steps to obscure their view, video observation of suspicious activities during vote counting, mysterious deliveries of ballots, irregular movement of U.S. Postal Service trucks carrying thousands of ballots from state to state, and indications that voting machines had been tampered with to switch votes from Trump to Biden, all added up to massive election fraud. Subsequent legal efforts to obtain observable vote audits, and void Unconstitutional changes of voting rules prior to election day, all were thwarted by corrupt or cowardly Judges and government officials. No verifiable audits of ballots in states where massive irregularities took place has occurred, or likely ever will. Top this with the reluctance of cowardly Republicans to fight for honesty in the election process, and a media so corrupted that they ignored all evidence of fraud and proclaimed Biden the unquestioned President elect, and continue to trumpet the claim that the election was entirely honest to this day. When the Attorney General proclaimed that though there were voting irregularities, they were insufficient to overcome the outcome, a statement made with little or no investigation of the irregularities having occurred, you knew the Justice Department was just as corrupt as the day Donald Trump first took office. We now have the two complete frauds occupying the highest offices in the land and every honest and decent American is a victim.
The first fraud was to the benefit of the gamblers orchestrating the fix. The second was to the benefit of corrupt politicians and government officials that had been robbing the public treasury for years and had seen their cash flow cut off by an honest Donald Trump. The victims of the first fraud were the men that bet on sporting events, and there were hundreds of thousands of them all across the land. Victims of the second fraud were every Citizen in America and everyone anywhere in the World looking to America as a Beacon of Freedom.
A look at the betting on the election also gives substantial evidence of fraud. It is obvious that Las Vegas gamblers and odds makers had no idea the fix was in when polls opened on election day. Biden was a slight favorite at that time but once vote counts and results began coming in, odds shifted to favoring Trump and reached the highest point at 10:30 pm on election day when Trump's win probability hit 88.57 %. That was the high water mark, and once the vote counts began coming in again the following morning, and as of 7:30 a.m Biden’s odds had him at 90% probability to win the presidency. What investigators should have looked at, were substantial bets coming in for Biden when Trump's chances of winning appeared greatest, and that would take you straight to the parties who were privy to the fix. So far as I know this hasn't been done.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Let The Disaster Begin
January 25, 2021
The fraudulently elected President of the United States, Joe Biden, is moving at warp speed to nullify every positive accomplishment made for our country over the past four years. Of course he's not calling the shots, he just reads what he's told to say from the teleprompter. God knows what evil manipulators are pulling his strings. Nevertheless, enemy foreign states, the bane of civilization the World over, have rushed to congratulate him on his susposed election to the position as Leader of the Free World. That includes China, that strives to dominate and rule the World both economically and militarily; Venezuela, led by a man as evil and incompetent as anyone in recent history, who is slowly starving his citizens to death in a manner not seen since Joseph Stalin ruled Russia; and Iran, that will soon have the green light to continue development of a nuclear weapon for their avowed purpose of destroying Israel, our staunchest ally in the World. Also overjoyed are U.N. Agencies salivating over the soon to be opened floodgates of U.S. Taxpayer money into the trough from which they feed. Millions of this money will be allocated as blood money for the murder of unborn babies in the womb. He has cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, that would have funneled Canadian crude oil to American refineries to the massive benefit of both nations, throwing thousands out of work. And this is only one step in his avowed purpose of destroying the fossil fuel industry for the specious purpose of halting, and reversing global warming. Illegal aliens, many of them criminal or perverted, have been ordered released unaccounted for into the general public. Boys can again be girls, free to compete unfairly in women's athletics, and to use whichever rest roon they desire. Obama, and others from his criminal administration will now rest easy knowing they will never be called to account for their crimes and their Treason.The Justice Department, the FBI, and Federal Prosecutors will turn from the pursuit of Justice, much neglected since the Clinton administration anyway, to the criminalization and persecution of the administration's political enemies. America is no longer a beacon of freedom and justice to the world's unfortunate that are shackled and chained in their own lands, she is just another Third World Country, ruled by tyrants and thieves, and for sale to the highest bidder!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
You Are Not To Be Trusted
January 19, 2021
Federal Goons are vetting the National Guard, all 25,000 that are there in Washington to protect the incoming President and his administration from a Citizenry that is fully aware that his election was a total fraud. The men of the Guard, the majority of them, have served our country honorable in the various wars in which our armed forces have been engaged over the past twenty years or so. If these men can’t be trusted whom can be? The men of the Guard are part of the Armed Forces of the United States, answerable only to their military superiors, not to a bunch of goons sent in to interrogate them. Commanding Officers of the various State Guards in Washington should refuse to participate, and if ordered to do so, Governors of their States should protest vehemently and demand their return to their home states. Men of the Guard should refuse to answer a single question from any FBI goon that confronts them. This is a damnable outrage comparable to what happened in NAZI Germany prior to WWII, and everyone should be aware of it.
God damn the incoming Biden administration and everyone involved in aiding and abetting this totally corrupt and fraudulent election that has created the greatest crisis our Citizens have faced since the War Between the States!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
All You Need To Know
January 16, 2021
In looking at gun sales in the U.S.you are being fooled if you're buying the lies told you by most politicians and the media. Handguns are purchased primarily for personal defense, rifles and shotguns, though sometimes for defense, usually for hunting and sport shooting. Take a look at the following graph and think about the reasons for the accelerated rate of purchases of weapons over the past twenty years.
Though there are numerous spikes in the graph related to alarming incidents, take only into consideration the general trend. From 1995 through 2008, sales grew at a steady rate. In 2008, the year Barack Hussein Obama was elected President, the purchase rate grew significantly. Was this because Americans felt less safe under his administration perhaps? The rate dropped around 2012, then rose again sharply in 2016. Was this because of fear of Donald Trump and his administration, or a consequence of the rise in crime and violence, primarily in Democrat controlled states and cities? Now, with Trump voted out of office due to a vast conspiracy and a fraudulent election, hangun sales are through the roof. It can't be they're buying these guns because they're afraid of Donald Trump, he'll be gone in four days. Could it be they fear the incoming President and his administration? I do!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Dirty Little Coward!
January 13, 2021
When Donald Trump and Melania descended the escalator in Trump Towers and he threw his hat in the ring for the Presidential race, he entered an environment with which he was only peripherally familiar, the world of national politics. He forged straight ahead, undeterred by the obstacles ahead, and ultimately was swept to victory, dashing the dreams of the despicable Hillary Clinton to become President of the United States. An electorate, fed up with the lies and broken promises of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party, threw their support to Trump and sent him to the White House. In abject defeat Democrats realized that they not only had underestimated him, but they had fallen for their own lies about his unelectablity. Their machinations against him had began even prior to his primary victory, but they soon rose to levels not seen since Medieval Europe. No sooner had his hand come off The Bible after taking the oath of office, that the lies, the accusations, and the vitriolic attacks began. Undeterred he continued, making every effort to deliver on his promise to make America great again. He made mistakes, of course, especially in selection of men necessary to achieve his objectives, but strove to replace them with more capable executives. Thwarted at every turn by corrupt individuals in the Judiciary, Government, and the Media, he yet made great progress, and America became stronger, safer, more respected, and economically sound. Had the country not been struck by a deadly virus emanating from a Chinese biological warfare laboratory, the corrupt vote counts that were used to deny his victory on November 3rd could not have succeeded.
One of the beloved songs of my childhood was The Ballad of Jesse James, verses of the song go as follows:
"Jesse James was a lad that killed many a man,
he robbed the Glendale train.
He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor,
with a head, and a heart, and a brain.
Jesse had a wife, the joy of his life,
three children they were brave;
but the Dirty Little Coward, that shot Mr. Howard,
has laid poor Jesse in his grave.
It was on a Saturday night, Jesse was at home,
talking with his family brave.
When Robert Ford came along, like a thief in the night,
and laid Jesse James in his grave.
It was Robert Ford, that dirty little coward
I wonder how he did feel;
For he ate of Jesse's bread, and he slept in Jesse's bed
Then he laid poor Jesse in his grave.
The people held their breath when they heard of Jesse's death,
and wondered how he came to die;
It was one of the gang called little Robert Ford
He shot poor Jesse on the sly."
Jesse James was living in St. Joseph, Missouri with his family under the alias of Mr. Howard and contemplating full retirement. His brother Frank had already left the business and moved to Tennessee. Robert Ford had conspired with the Governor of the State to kill Jesse for the reward, and as his brother Charlie had been on one robbery with the James Gang, was welcomed into the home as a guest. He bidded his time awaiting his opportunity to commit his foul deed. In the living room one evening Jesse noticed a picture had gotten dusty. He took off his gunbelt, stepped onto a chair and turned to the wall to dust the picture. With Jesse unarmed and with his back turned, Ford seized his opportunity and shot his host in the back and killed him. Ford thus became the standard for treachery and cowardice, and is known to this day throughout the World as the Dirty Little Coward.
Donald Trump restored the Republican Party to greatness and many rose to office because of his accomplishments and support. Many owed the successes of their political careers to Trump. When his reelection victory was stolen from him in November every Republican in the country knew it. They should have arisen en mass to support him and press for reversal of the outcome. Sadly only a handful proved worthy, and when Congress convened to receive electoral votes from the various States and they rose in opposition to votes from the States where the frauds had occurred, the cowards in the Republican Party refused to join them. Their acquiescence in approving the fraudulent election result places them in the same company as Robert Ford. Dirty Little Cowards the lot of them.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Round Up The Usual Suspects!
January 11, 2021
Today finds the FBI out in full force all across the country arresting persons identified as having entered the Capital building on January 6th subsequent to breaching of building security. As they have been doing since the days of J. Edgar Hoover, they are putting on a big show for public consumption. All this goes on while the real criminals in the country sleep soundly in their beds, knowing that the only man who could have required they face punishment for their crimes will soon be gone from public office, likely forever.
The FBI has been involved in criminal activities since the days of Hoover, but only in recent years has it directed it's efforts toward suppression of Presidential authority, and attempts to have him removed from office by their criminal manipulations. Hoover was only interested in maintaining the power and prestige of his organization that he played the greatest part in molding, and in remaining at it's head for life. Subsequent Directors, of corrupt and immoral character, with underlings of their ilk raised to positions of power in the organization subordinate only to the Director's, have perverted the organization into a virtual Gestapo at the service of it's political masters. No more is it an organization for the detection and suppression of crime.
We have just witnessed the greatest crime in the history of our Republic, far greater in fact, than the war against Saddam Hussein, launched upon the fraudulent claim that he possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. The present crime was committed against ever man, woman, and child in America, and innumerable generations yet to come. The crime was the blatant theft of a lawful election result, and the soon to be inauguration of a corrupt and total fraud.
The election on November 3rd began honestly enough, and by late evening it was obvious, even to oddsmakers in Las Vegas, that Donald Trump would be comfortably reelected. Surprisingly however, vote counting in a number of battleground states was simultaneously halted for the night. When vote counting began again the following day, and in the few days after, massive numbers of votes for the Biden/Harris ticket mysteriously appeared. The sheer volume of these votes defied all reason, whether by statistical analysis, the judgment of voting experts, and numbers of voters relative to numbers registered. On top of this evidence the exclusion of poll watchers and steps to obscure their view, video observation of suspicious activities during vote counting, mysterious deliveries of ballots, irregular movement of U.S. Postal Service trucks carrying thousands of ballots from state to state, and indications that voting machines had been tampered with to switch votes from Trump to Biden, all added up to massive election fraud. Subsequent legal efforts to obtain observable vote audits, and void Unconstitutional changes of voting rules prior to election, all were thwarted by corrupt or unwilling Judges and government officials. No verifiable audits of ballots in states where massive irregularities has occurred or likely ever will. Top this with the reluctance of cowardly Republicans to fight for honesty in the election process, and we now have two complete frauds that will assume the two highest offices in the land, all rubber stamped by Congress.
The FBI and the Justice Department have played their parts throughout Trump's term in office. A brainless twit of an Attorney General allowed a fraudulent Special Counsel to be appointed for the sole purpose of trying to frame the President with the lie of Russian Collusion. With no evidence whatsoever against the President they finally had to give it up, though they managed to frame several of the President's associates on phony charges, and they wrapped it up with equally phony allegations of Obstruction of Justice against the President, that they claimed they could not obtain sufficient evidence to convict on the charge because it had been destroyed or hidden from them. Multitudes of demands for legal access to documents held have been stonewalled, redacted, or deleted and destroyed. The Hunter Biden laptop that came into the possession of the FBI almost a year ago, remained hidden from view, though containing evidence of criminal misconduct by Hunter Biden and his father, until the plan for the fraudulent election was executed. Now after the violent entry into the Capital when insufficient security was in place, though sufficient security was on hand but deemed unnecessary by incompetent officials, there are serious allegations that ANTIFA in Trump supporter disguise made up a big part of the assault and forced entry, I seriously doubt any will be located other than by private means. The FBI will go after the low hanging fruit, including the many peaceful protesters that just wandered in for a look around when they saw the doors wide open.
With more outrages against the President, his supporters, and Conservatives in general taking place by the minute, it's looking more and more like the only way Law, Order, and Justice will ever be returned in our country will be by armed rebellion by honest patriotic Citizens.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021
He Is Near, He Is Hard By The Door!
January 9, 2021
The title of this message is a quote from the 24th Chapter of Matthew, and it pertains to the coming of the Antichrist. January 20th marks his return. His coming was twelve years earlier, when Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated. Great efforts were made during his years of criminal administration to completely destroy our country, and it was only slowed and somewhat prevented because Republicans controlled the Senate. With Democrat control of both Houses, and an administration composed of Socialist, Communist, and traitorous scum, many from Obama administrations, every positive reversal of the damage done by Obama and his accomplices by the Trump Administration will be nullified and reversed, and the rapid destruction of our Constitutional rights, and our Country's power, prestige, and economic might, will again go into sharp decline.
When the illegitimately elected President Biden, and Vice President Harris take the oath of office on The Holy Bible on January 20th, meaningless words to them, the destruction will commence before the Sun goes down. The crime that was committed against every man, woman, and child in our Country during the wee hours of November 4th and the few days afterwards, will be complete. The last chance to prevent the execution of this crime vanished on January 6th when Congress met in joint session to receive electoral votes of the various States. Cowardly and corrupt Republicans refused to stand in opposition to the corrupt votes of the States where the fraudulent votes had overcome the Trump victory, and a cowardly Vice President refused to exercise his Constitutional Right to return the decision of States with opposing slates of electors to the respective State Legislatures for decision. When men stand in cowed silence and concession, evil prevails, and commencing on January 20th Hell will again be in session!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
The Fat Fraud Comes Out Of The Closet!
January 7, 2021
William Barr was Donald Trump's Attorney General for one year, ten months, and nine days before he resigned rather than do his job. Not that he'd ever done much of a job there anyway, but he sometimes presented a pretty good facade. The first inkling that he was nothing but a fraud occurred when Jeffrey Epstein, the most high profile prisoner in Federal custody, was murdered on his watch. Epstein died alone in his cell, unobserved, unmonitered, and under most suspicious circumstances. No one believed it, not his personal attorneys that met with him daily, not the World famous Forensic Pathologist that observed his autopsy at Biden Family request, nor his former companion and procuress Ghlislaine Maxwell that had likely known him better than anyone. However, after a supposedly thorough investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department, Barr declared it was indeed a suicide. The second inkling was when the reelection of Donald Trump appeared imminent, when out of the dark of the night and in subsequent days came massive troves of votes, for his opponent, Joe Biden that threw the election the other way. No legitimate and honest man in the nation believed Biden's victory legitimate, but Barr, the Justice Department, and the FBI did nothing. Oh Barr issued a statement that Federal Prosecutors could look into the matter in the States they were responsible for, but they quickly appreciated his real intent and did nothing. When queried by reporters Barr declared that while there had been irregularities in the voting process they were not of sufficient number to alter the outcome. None in the news media was bothered enough to inquire into the evidence that may have substantiated his declaration, if, in fact, any existed. Now, the day after the most peaceful protest in our nation's history gathered in Washington in pursuit of Justice on the day Congress met in joint session to certify the electoral vote counts of the States, he declares, "The President's conduct yesterday was a betrayal of his office and his supporters!" No, you fat fraud, the office betrayed was the office of Attorney General in which you corruptly sat until your abrupt resignation. Every honest Republican and Trump supporter in the country should be aware that you were never anything other than a clever tool of your masters in the Deep State. You have indeed come out of the closet and your name will now live in infamy as the most corrupt of the many corrupt individuals to have infested the Office of Attorney General!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021 |
Now Is The Time For All Good Men
To Come To The Aid Of Our Country!
January 4, 2021
I know of not one intelligent and honest man that believes the victory of the Biden/Harris ticket was legitimate. Intelligent, and dishonest men know it just as well as the aforementioned, but,for whatever traitorous, corrupt, or perverted reason, declare otherwise. If they're successful in perpetuation of this fraud we have seen the end of honest government in our lifetime. Taxes will become sky high for all but the freeloader, and especially for the most productive; the Southern Border wall will become a seive and the land will overflow with illegals, criminals, and drugs; our now powerful military will wither on the vine and become a joke to powerful Chinese military forces; China will again become the World economic powerhouse; the successes of the Trump Administration will be undone and the disasters of Obama reinstated; the agreement for Iran to develop nuclear weapons, and the Paris Climate Accord, reinstated, and worst of all, Criminals of the Obama Administration will escape prosecution for their crimes. The so-called Justice Department, that has failed America for decades, will again become (Government) Organized Crime, and the Witch Hunt will begin for legally owned weapons, Donald Trump, his friends, and members of his family. The time will come when the only resource to Justice will be for honest men to act, as they did so many years ago after the foul murder of Robert Neighbors in Texas, and in Athen, Tennessee after WWII against corrupt county officials.
January 6th is now D-Day in Washington, D.C. when the joint session of Congress convenes to receive electoral votes from the States. The five States where the fraudulent votes overcame a Trump victory will be in contention because of dual slates of electors. Regardless of outcome we will learn that day which Republicans are honest, have a spine, and can stand on their hind legs and fight, and which are craven cowards or closet members of the Deep State. No decent American should ever have any regard or use for the latter. The time has come for all honest Americans that love their country to stand with their President and fight for our land!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2021
The Man Who Knew Too Much!
December 29, 2020
The life of Jeffrey Epstein remains shrouded in mystery. The source of his vast wealth; the goings on at his private Carribean estate, aka Pedophile Island; his celebrity friends activities when visiting his estate or his various residences in various places around the world; and most especially the circumstances surrounding his alleged suicide while in Federal custody. The FBI has raided his numerous properties, seized business and bank records, and questioned all his numerous employees, gatering vast accumulations of potentially incriminating evidence in the process, and all we know is he had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress. His alleged suicide is universally disbelieved, and the only support for this story comes from government officials, including the recently retired Attorney General, Bill Barr. Epstein's attorneys, that met with him daily, do not believe it; the world renowned Forensic Pathologist who participated in the autopsy at request of the Epstein family found his injuries far more consistent with murder than suicide; and his now infamous procuress, Ghislaine Maxwell, herself in Federal custody, denied bail, and fearing for her own life there, neither believes it suicide. The so-called Justice Department, in recent years under control of corrupt, and/or incompetent administration, has become a place where evidence goes to disappear and die, especially if it concerns a member of the Deep State. If however, you are on their Enemies List like General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Rick Gates, and George Papadopoulos, you will be set up and prosecuted to the maximum. High profile individuals without political connection are also their prey, like Martha Stewart and Lori Loughlin.
Jeffrey Epstein knew far too much, he knew where all the bodies were buried so to speak. He was a pervert and a pedophile and there's no telling what evidence he'd accumulated against his high profile guests that shared his predelicions. When he unexpectedly fell into legal custody, thinking himself safe when he flew into the country from France, and was formally charged with massive crimes and denied bail, they knew they were in trouble. What if he talked? No one was more alarmed than former President Bill Clinton. His predilection for underage girls went all the way back to his Arkansas days when he attended the notorious parties at Dan Lassiter's. He had made twenty-six flights on the so-called Lolita Express to Epstein's island and no one thinks he was there to play Crockey or Tiddlywinks. Individuals that have crossed the Clintons have suffered various degrees of ill fortune up to and including accidental death. No one had more dirt on Bill Clinton than Jeffrey Epstein and Clinton knew it. Draw your own conclusions!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
December 14, 2020
This afternoon Attorney General, Bill Barr, answered that question, he preferred to resign in disgrace rather than be fired for failure to do his job. When the chips were down he folded like a cheap suit. He failed, not only the President, but the American People as well, whom it was his sworn duty to protect. In effect he played his part in the fraudulent election of Joe Biden by keeping hid verifiable information on an investigation into the criminal dealings of Joe Biden's son Hunter that in all likelihood implicate his father, the President Elect. Worse, when the election was stolen in the wee hours of night by criminal activities in the States of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada, he failed to launch a serious Justice Department investigation, commenting only from the sidelines that though there were voting irregularities, he saw nothing that would overturn the result. The evidence of just that is overwhelming, but Attorney General Barr mimics the old Groucho Marx line, "Who're you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" Well Bill, I didn't come to town on a load of turnips, and neither did at least 83% of Republican voters, I'll go with my lying eyes! By resigning Barr also dodged demands to appoint a Special Counsel to look into election irregularities, which if one is not appointed, opens the almost certain eventuality that every crime committed since Barack Obama became President by himself and the criminals in his administration, will be swept under the rug and unpunished in a Biden Administration. Former Attorney General Barr will eventually, to borrow a line from a beloved song, "...lie a coward, a craven coward, in his grave!"
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
December 12, 2020
Only a fool or a liar will tell you that Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the Presidential election. Donald Trump was well in the lead in all states he was expected to win, but most importantly in the battleground states as well, when vote counting mysteriously stopped in several of these states as if in concert. This happened, however, when most of us were snuggled all safe in our beds, and when we awoke we discovered that out of the dark of the night scores of votes had come in for Biden, giving him victories in battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada, and giving him victory in the Electoral College, which fake news immediately touted as legitimate and declared him the President Elect. President Trump immediately declared it fraudulent and was immediately attacked by the Democrats and fake news as a sore loser. His declaration, however, was a snowball that started rolling downhill that has since become an avalanche. Evidence of fraud is now overwhelming, not only sworn eyewitness testimony, but video observation, statistical and mathematical analysis, with expert investigation of Dominion voting machines for possible fraud yet to be completed. So where does this leave the Attorney General, Bill Barr? The Justice Department sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for nearly a year, when it contained veritable evidence of corruption, not only implicating Hunter Biden, but his father, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden as well. This information only came to light after the election when Biden had been declared winner. Barr's explaination is the Justice Department does not release information on an ongoing investigation that might impact a campaign. Then he declares, in spite of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, that in spite of some election irregularly, that it would not effect the outcome. He is obviously a plant in the Attorney General's office, and in spite of his efforts to portray himself as honest and impartial, he is an agent of the Deep State, George Soros or worse. Donald Trump is the legitimate winner of the election and should be recognized as such by all honest Americans. Recognition of a Biden victory places the United States in the category of many Third World Countries where election results are never indicative of honest result. I stand with Donald Trump, legitimate winner of the Presidential Election, and all honest Americans should do likewise and stand in opposition to a fraudulent Biden victory.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
A Rewrite of an Old Woody Guthrie Song!
by "John Edwin Roberts"
December 11, 2020
Come all of you Trumpers all over this land.
I'll teach you the law of the Ranger's Command:
To hold a six shooter, and never to run
As long as there's bullets in both of your guns.
I met a fair maiden whose name I don't know;
I asked her to the polling with me would she go;
She said she'd go with me to watch the tallies go up,
And drink that hard liquor from a big victory cup.
With Trump well leading as Midnight drew near,
We went to our bedrolls with a felling of cheer;
And the thieves broke on us in the dead hours of night;
She 'rose from her warm bed, a battle to fight,
She 'rose from her warm bed with a gun in each hand,
Said: Come all of you Trumpers and fight for your land,
Come all of you Trumpers and don't ever run
As long as there's bullets in both of your guns.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
November 16, 2020
The enemies of our country are not all foreigner adversaries such as China, Russia, and Iran. There are domestic enemies equally as evil, treacherous, and ruthless. You need only to look at the supporters of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this election campaign to identify them. The campaign of Donald Trump had an entirely different base of support. He did have a number of well heeled supporters, primarily those interested in the security and future of the country, but the vast majority were ordinary Americans who turned out in the millions for his rallies, and contributed small amounts to the campaign. The Biden supporters were cut from entirely different cloth. Start with the henchmen of Obama, who on orders from their boss, began spying on the Trump campaign even before he was the designated Republican candidate, and well before the election swept him into office. Unable to prevent his taking office they immediately began plotting to undermine his administration and drive him from office. With the aid of conspirators in the media, the so-called Deep State, and scum of the earth disguised as Republicans, the unremitting attacks began. Unsuccessful in driving him from office with fraudulent Russian Collusion claims and the appointment of a corrupt Special Prosecutor, they turned to an equally fraudulent Impeachment on testimony of government officials as rotten as any traitor that ever lived. Unable to drive away his support with their lies, and his upcoming reelection seemingly impossible to prevent, they resorted to rigging the vote results so blatantly it should have embarrassed a Third World Dictator. This conspiracy brought out the big enemies with billions in financial support. Start with the big banks, the same ones that used to pay a respectable rate of interest on your money they loaned out, that now pay virtually nothing and charge you exorbitant rates for even the most insignificant transaction. Next is Wall Street, that raked in billions by outsourcing American jobs to places like China, where Coolies can do the work for pennies on the dollar, never mind the futures of hard working Americans ruined in the process. Next comes Big Tech, run by vermin the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, that used their fraudulent social communication platforms to censor truths the Trump Campaign attempted to lay out for view of American voters. Playing their part were the RINOS, who have sabotaged the Trump administration at every turn. Not to forget Hollywood, the tinsel town that brings debauchery, lust, vulgarity, and filth to your TV screens nightly, and considers themselves the hallmark of culture and class, when in fact they're little better than the scum they portray on the Silver Screen. Last but not least are the Never Trumpers, conceited trash that allow their hatred for the President to override the love of their own country. These are your enemies, don't forget them, if the Democrats succeeds in their efforts the steal the election you will become their victims, and the only thing protecting you will be your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and they'll be coming to deprive you of that with every corrupt scheme they can devise.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
November 9, 2020
The toilet that is the Republican Party is filled with human excrement and badly in need of a flush. They should start with George W. Bush and his brother Jeb, then Mitt Romney, John Kasich, and Senator Murkowski, followed by the Governors of Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maryland. These are many of the well know Republican trash that are falling all over themselves rushing to congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their fraudulent election victory. When an individual allows their jealousy and hatred for a single man to overcome their love of country and loyalty to their party they are not only unfit to lead, their opinion is no longer worthy of consideration. Donald Trump is inarguably the greatest President since Ronald Reagan. He has not only accomplished more than any President since, he has kept his word to the American People, and in the face of unrelenting attack by corrupt politicians, lying media, and dishonest big tech.
George W. Bush was responsible for the most disastrous war our country had to fight since Vietnam. The war was started based on the lie that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and resulted in over 4,000 of our boys lying cold and dead, as well as over 30,000 wounded and maimed. And this is not to mention the human toll in the Middle East which was completely destabilized and remains so to this day, human deaths running into hundreds of thousands, and human woe unimaginable. He shows up occasionally now for photo ops with wounded Veterans playing the great patriot. He's not fit to drink Donald Trump's bathwater. His brother is little better, and still stinging from the defeat Trump administered him when he aspired for the position Donald Trump has so ably filled.
Mitt Romney and John Kasich are both failed Presidential aspirants. When Romney was a candidate he came to Trump with hat in hand asking for financial support, which Trump gladly provided. When Trump became the candidate Romney turned on him like the cowardly dog that he is. Kasich couldn't cut the mustard either, and rather that accept defeat and support his party's candidate, he too turned on Trump like a vicious rat.
Lisa Murkowski is possible the last trustworthy Republican in the Senate with the exception of Romney, now that scum like Flake, Corker, and McCain are gone. The Governors mentioned are of the same ilk, not one of them worth a pitcher of warm spit.
Trump, however, is cut from different cloth than this vermin. He is, like a great man of America's past, standing like a stone wall in the face of a fraudulent election and constant attack and abuse. All good Americans should rally behind the President.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020
November 8, 2020
In the Democrat primary for the Senate in Texas in 1948, Coke Stevenson, a thoroughly decent, honest, and capable man, led Lyndon B. Johnson, the exact opposite of Stevenson in decency and honesty, by 854 votes. Mysteriously, six days after the election, Box 13 showed up from a precinct in Alice, Texas with 200 votes for Johnson, throwing the victory to him by 87 votes. Every one of these votes was fraudulent but in the court battle that followed the result was certified.
The exact same thing has happened in this Presidential election where we see the significant leads the President had in Democrat controlled battleground states began to disappear dramatically in the wee hours following Election Day until Biden has overtaken the President in nearly all of them and passed the threshold of 270 electoral votes required for victory.
The fraudulent election of Lyndon Johnson to the Senate led ultimately to the Oval Office, where he became responsible for the two of the biggest disasters in U.S.History, the Vietnam War and the Great Society Program.
If a Biden victory is certified the consequences could be equally dire. Biden himself is in serious mental decline, unable to complete a lengthy sentence without aid of a teleprompter. His Vice President, Kamala Harris, is a woman of easy virtue who's career in politics has been advanced by use of this lack of character. God only knows who's pulling the strings on these two pupets, quite possibly George Soros, the most evil man on Earth.
It is overwhelming obvious that fraudulent votes have been the margin of victory for Biden, and if allowed to stand, should never be accepted as legitimate by any decent and honest American!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
What A Heck of a Mess!
March 18, 2020
The Chinese Flu has precipitated the greatest financial crisis in our country since the Great Depression. As with the Depression, America was unprepared, both crises presented unexpected problems, and proper solutions have to be devised as the crisis develops. The President, in spite of numerous lies to the contrary, and on advice of the best medical assistance available, is dealing well with the problem. What many fail to understand is this is not the ordinary flu, it is a deadly mutation, especially to certain segments of our society, and is highly contagious. By closing places of public assembly and requesting people to quarantine themselves to their homes it is hoped the spread of the virus can be contained until a vaccine is made available. The race now is on to develop a vaccine as soon as is humanly possible, and every effort of the medical community is dedicated to doing just that. Take advantage of this quarantine to teach your children the many practical lessons they aren’t learning in school; to read the books you’ve been meaning to read for years; to clean up your own back yard; to take care of home repairs; to plant a little garden in your back yard in case this quarantine goes into summer and fall; and to improve your cooking skills since going out to eat is presently out of the question. America pulled through two World Wars, the Cold War, the Depression, all by keeping a positive attitude and cooperating with authorities until life returns to normal.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020 |
A Civics Lesson for All America!
March 17, 2020
Hunter S. Thompson was a great American writer and reporter. He delved especially into the fringe elements of American society, and his history of the iconic motorcycle gang, Hell’s Angels, is a classic. His Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas has been made into two movies. His Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail is an interesting look into an American Presidential campaign. Here is a very pertinent story from his book, Kingdom Of Fear, concerning an incident from his childhood which all America should take to heart.
The Mailbox: Louisville, Summer of 1946
My parents were decent people, and I was raised, like my friends, to believe that Police were our friends and protectors - the Badge was a symbol of extremely high authority, perhaps the highest of all. Nobody ever asked why. It was one of those unnatural questions that are better left alone. If you had to ask that, you were sure as hell Guilty of something and probably should have been put behind bars a long time ago. It was a no-win situation.
My first face-to-face confrontation with the FBI occurred when I was nine years old. Two grim-looking Agents came to our house and terrified my parents by saying that I was a "prime suspect" in the case of a Federal Mailbox being turned over in the path of a speeding bus. It was a Federal Offense, they said, and carried a five-year prison sentence.
"Oh no!" wailed my mother. "Not in prison! That's insane! He's only a child. How could he have known?"
"The warning is clearly printed on the Mailbox," said the agent in the gray suit. "He's old enough to read."
"Not necessarily," my father said sharply. "How do you know he's not blind, or a moron?"
"Are you a moron, son?" the agent asked me. "Are you blind? Were you just pretending to read that newspaper when we came in?" He pointed to the Louisville Courier-Journal on the couch.
"That was only the sports section," I told him. "I can't read the other stuff."
"See?" said my father. "I told you he was a moron."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse," the brown-suit agent replied. "Tampering with the U.S. Mail is a Federal offense punishable under Federal law. That Mailbox was badly damaged."
Mailboxes were huge, back then. They were heavy green vaults that stood like Roman mile markers at corners on the neighborhood bus routes and were rarely, if ever, moved. I was barely tall enough to reach the Mail-drop slot, much less big enough to turn the bastard over and into the path of a bus. It was clearly impossible that I could have committed this crime without help, and that was what they wanted: names and addresses, along with a total confession. They already knew I was guilty, they said, because other culprits had squealed on me. My parents hung their heads, and I saw my mother weeping.
I had done it, of course, and I had done it with plenty of help. It was carefully plotted and planned, a deliberate ambush that we set up and executed with the fiendish skill that smart nine-year-old boys are capable of when they have too much time on their hands and a lust for revenge on a rude and stupid bus driver who got a kick out of closing his doors and pulling away just as we staggered to the top of the hill and begged him to let us climb on.... He was new on the job, probably a brain-damaged substitute, filling in for our regular driver, who was friendly and kind and always willing to wait a few seconds for children rushing to school. Every kid in the neighborhood agreed that this new swine of a driver was a sadist who deserved to be punished, and the Hawks A.C. were the ones to do it. We saw it more as a duty than a prank. It was a brazen Insult to the honor of the whole neighborhood.
We would need ropes and pulleys and certainly no witnesses to do the job properly. We had to tilt the iron monster so far over that it was perfectly balanced to fall instantly, just as the fool zoomed into the bus stop at his usual arrogant speed. All that kept the box more or less upright was my grip on a long "invisible" string that we had carefully stretched all the way from the corner and across about 50 feet of grass lawn to where we crouched out of sight in some bushes.
The rig worked perfectly. The bastard was right on schedule and going too fast to stop when he saw the thing falling in front of him.... The collision made a horrible noise, like a bomb going off or a freight train exploding in Germany. That is how I remember it, at least. It was the worst noise I'd ever heard. People ran screaming out of their houses like chickens gone crazy with fear. They howled at one another as the driver stumbled out of his bus and collapsed in a heap on the grass.... The bus was empty of passengers, as usual at the far end of the line. The man was not injured, but he went into a foaming rage when he spotted us fleeing down the hill and into a nearby alley. He knew in a flash who had done it, and so did most of the neighbors.
"Why deny it, Hunter?" said one of the FBI agents. "We know exactly what happened up there on that corner on Saturday. Your buddies already confessed, son. They squealed on you. We know you did it, so don't lie to us now and make things worse for yourself. A nice kid like you shouldn't have to go to Federal prison." He smiled again and winked at my father, who responded with a snarl: "Tell the Truth, damn it! Don't lie to these men. They have witnesses!" The FBI agents nodded grimly at each other and moved as if to take me into custody.
It was a magic moment in my life, a defining instant for me or any other nine-year-old boy growing up in the 1940s after World War II - and I clearly recall thinking: Well, this is it. These are G-Men....
WHACK! Like a flash of nearby lightning that lights up the sky for three or four terrifying split seconds before you hear the thunder - a matter of zepto-seconds in real time - but when you are a nine-year-old boy with two (2) full-grown FBI agents about to seize you and clap you in Federal prison, a few quiet zepto-second scan seem like the rest of your life.... And that's how it felt to me that day, and in grim retrospect, I was right. They had me, dead to rights. I was Guilty. Why deny it? Confess Now, and throw myself on their mercy, or -
What? What if I didn't confess? That was the question. And I was a curious boy, so I decided, as it were, to roll the dice and ask them a question.
"Who?" I said. "What witnesses?"
It was not a hell of a lot to ask, under those circumstances - and I really did want to know exactly who among my best friends and blood brothers in the dreaded Hawks A.C. had cracked under pressure and betrayed me to these thugs, these pompous brutes and toadies with badges & plastic cards in their wallets that said they worked for
J. Edgar Hoover and that they had the Right, and even the duty, to put me in jail, because they'd heard a "Rumor in the neighborhood" that some of my boys had gone belly up and rolled on me. What? No. Impossible.
Or not likely, anyway. Hell, Nobody squealed on the Hawks A.C., or not on its President, anyway. Not on Me. So I asked again: "Witnesses? What Witnesses?"
* * *
And that was all it took, as I recall. We observed a moment of silence, as my old friend Edward Bennett Williams would say. Nobody spoke - especially not me - and when my father finally broke the eerie silence, there was doubt in his voice. "I think my son has a point, officer. Just exactly who have you talked to? I was about to ask that myself."
"Not Duke!" I shouted. "He went to Lexington with his father! And not Ching! And not Jay!-"
"Shut up," said my father. "Be quiet and let me handle this, you fool."
And that's what happened, folks. We never saw those FBI agents again. Never. And I learned a powerful lesson: Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime. Maybe he has no evidence. Maybe he's bluffing. Maybe you are innocent. Maybe. The Law can be hazy on these things.... But it is definitely worth a roll.
In any case, nobody was arrested for that alleged incident. The FBI agents went away, the U.S. Mailbox was put back up on its heavy iron legs, and we never saw that drunken swine of a substitute bus driver again.
The lesson to be learned here is, “Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime.”
An FBI Agent can lie to you with impunity, but if you lie to him, or make an accidental misstatement even, you may be charged with a crime. Had Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby headed this advice they'd never have been tricked into a prison sentence for a non-crime. General Michael Flynn has learned the hard way what a treacherous lot of lying scum Agents of the FBI can be. No American should speak one word to anyone that has been identified as an FBI Agent no matter how friendly he pretends to be or how innocuous the conversation. If he persists in trying to solicit information from you tell him absolutely nothing and contact a trusted attorney immediately.
For those of you who may mistakenly believe that corruption at the FBI ended with the firing of James Comey and his replacement by Christopher Wray, you are living in a dream world as out of touch with reality as if you just wandered out of a Chinese opium den. He is nothing more than another Deep State Mole, placed there to minimize damage due to the corruption revealed, and to insure no present or former FBI Agent is charged with a crime.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020
Still Rotten To The Core!
February 16, 2020
The criminal, and traitorous organization know as the FBI wants to see Roger Stone sent up for 9 years to die in prison. Their former #2 man lies and is let off the hook entirely. So much for ‘equal justice under the law!’
Here’s an interesting story from History where legal authorities behaved similarly.
“Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans, by T.R. Fehrenbach is a marvelous story and well worth reading. Not only for the accurate and detailed account he lays out, but also for the sheer pleasure of reading a fabulous story. In the book the account of the murder of Indian Agent Robert Neighbors is told. Neighbors had just accompanied the forceable and brutal relocation of Indian Tribes into Oklahoma. Upon return, while in conversation, he was approached from behind by Ed Cornett, a man he'd never met, and shot in the back. I now quote directly from the book: It was "not possible" to bring Cornett to trial. But on the other hand, it was not permissible on the frontier to shoot a white man, even an Indian Agent, in the back. John Cochran and Ben R. Milan got together some "Minute Men." This group convened a "court" in April, 1860, months after the murder, and went after Cornett. He "made fight" on Salt Creek, as one of the members of this posse said, and all accounts agree that Ed Cornett was brought to justice without benefit of judge and jury.”
It may well become necessary in our country for the "Minute Men" to ride again!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2020
FQuid Pro Hooey!
November 6, 2019
American education has deteriorated to the point that the general populace is so woefully ignorant that many will believe almost anything they are told on the evening news, including the garbage spewed by the likes of Rachael Meadow and Don Lemon. Take for instance the present hoax being spun in Washington, D.C. that the President is guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors as outlined in the Constitution. Well what is his specific crime? Why Quid Pro Quo of course! Most people have never heard of Quid Pro Quo or know what it means, and they certainly have heard never of anyone arrested for it. Well just what in Hell does Quid Pro Quo mean anyway? Well, in layman's terms it means 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours', a practice utilized in trade, barter, business dealings, political compromise, and foreign policy since time immemorial. The Democrat controlled House of Representatives is presently considering Articles of Impeachment in secret hearings and evidence given by politically selected witnesses in a fashion worthy of the Secret Chambers of the Soviet Union. If the House votes to Impeach, a foregone conclusion since it is controlled by the thoroughly corrupt Democrats, the case will then move to the Senate for trial. If the President is found guilty in the Senate, he will be removed from office. Of course if there is a crime there has to be evidence, and in this case the supposed evidence is being submitted by a person unknown, and identified only as a Whistleblower. He is protected by something called the Whistleblower Law, a law enacted by Congress so that waste, fraud, and corruption in government operations could be exposed, and the person offering up the evidence could not be fired, or otherwise retaliated against by government agencies. He was originally supposed to have direct knowledge of the offenses, which of course must then be proven. In the present case against the President, the Whistleblower has no direct knowledge of anything whatsoever, he claims he heard it through the grapevine, though the possibility exists that it is fabricated from whole cloth. Now in a Court of Law, this is known as hearsay evidence, and is inadmissible. In the twisted logic of this Whistleblower nonsense, however, this evidence is not only admissible, but the man accused is not allowed to confront his unknown accuser as in a Court of Law, nor to cross examine him for truth. That this is sheer nonsense should be obvious to almost everyone with a functional brain and the Whistleblower thrown out on his ear, but sanity and good sense are no longer the order of the day in Washington, and the hoax continues in the round the clock news like a broken record.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
Feathering the Nest!
September 25, 2019
The brave men that signed the Declaration of Independence that brought our country into being, fought and won the Revolutionary War, then served in the Congress that gave us the Constitution and Bill of Rights, represented the very best our country ever had to offer. They were brave, capable, intelligent men of proven ability, as well as recognized leaders of their States and local communities. The government they formed became the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth and remains today a beacon of hope for the free world.
These men were patriots first and foremost, and they served their country with wisdom and skill, and as well, without expectation of great reward or honors. As time passed, however, greedy, ambitious men realized there was more opportunity for financial gain and power in politics than in honest labor, and they began to seek public office. Often their charisma and other inducements to the voters gained them victories, and the Halls of Congress soon began to fill with their ilk. This type became the natural prey of Lobbyist, and It is not at all uncommon today to see a man of modest means go off to Washington, then retire some years later a wealthy man. Recent Democrat Presidents give good representation of this phenomena.
Lyndon Johnson went to Washington after a school teaching job to take a position running the office of a Texas Congressman. He retired many years later after a career as Congressman, Senator, Vice-President and President, a multi-millionaire with massive TV and radio station holdings, properties that remain in his family to this day.
Bill Clinton ascended to the Presidency from the Governorship of Arkansas, not a lucrative position by any means, and after retiring eight years later was a multi-millionaire. The amount of money he pocketed by selling the greatest number of pardons ever granted by a President remains unknown, as it was skillfully laundered to keep it from the public eye. After he left the White House, his wife Hillary followed him into politics and after a stint as Senator from New York, went into the Barack Obama administration as Secretary of State. It was here that the Clinton’s pay to play scheme came to full fruition, and by hiding the money in a supposed charity established in Canada, reap the massive rewards to this day.
Barack Obama came to Washington after a short stint in the Illinois Senate, with only that salary and a low paying Community Organizer’s job in his background, and also left the Presidency a multi-millionaire, and has just purchased a twelve-million-dollar estate in Martha’s Vineyard. He seems to have an unlimited supply of money and where it comes from is anybody’s guess.
Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden, seeing the corruption and money to be had all around him, decided to take his slice of the pie. As the President’s designated representative to the Ukraine and China, he parlayed his son, Hunter, a complete failure in life, into lucrative positions in both countries that have to date brought him millions for no discernable skills or labor involved. Unfortunately for Biden, bragging about the pressure he applied to the Ukraine to serve his personal interest by threatening to withhold U.S. Taxpayer dollars, may yet be his undoing, and it looks as if he will see his run for the Presidency in 2020 gang aft agley!
As Harry Truman said, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.”
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
September 23, 2019
Our country was once governed by men of real ability and sound judgment, both Republican and Democrat, but unfortunately no more. The Democrat party has degenerated into Liberalism, and now are tending even further into the abyss and nothing short of Lunatic.
The Great Depression, coming on the heels of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, threw the nation into confusion and distress. Herbert Hoover, a sound, good man in his own right, was unable to offer a solution and Franklin D. Roosevelt swept into office on the promise of renewed hope. He brought into government with him many men of real ability, but many others with wild liberal ideas completely untried. Many of his programs worked and slowly the country began to recover, though others were abject failures. The pending World War brought full recovery and united the country once again in an effort to succeed and defeat the evils that confronted us. Roosevelt proved to be a very effective wartime President and his efforts were crowned with success, though he had died in office and been replaced by the sound little man from Missouri, Harry S. Truman, shortly before the conclusion of the war.
Truman, a tough, smart man of conservative conviction and sound Kentucky roots, surprised many by the able way he stepped into harness, and pulled the country through the dark days of the Korean War and the beginning of the Cold War. After winning reelection on his own with a whirlwind cross-country campaign, and worn down by his vast efforts, he declined to run again for reelection, and the Democrat candidate became the well-meaning, but Liberal, Adlai Stevenson of Illinois. He was soundly defeated, and in the subsequent election as well, by the great hero of WWII, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Then came the great confrontation between Ike’s Vice President, Richard M. Nixon, and Senator John F. Kennedy. Both men were veterans of WWII, though Kennedy’s wartime exploits in the South Pacific had been magnified into heroic proportions by the publication of PT-109, the story of his PT boat that had been cut in two and sunk by a Japanese destroyer during a dark of night collision. Subsequent to this he had received a Pulitzer Prize for his Profiles in Courage, a magnificent ghost-written history financed by his father’s money, which brought him much acclaim and attention. They met in the first televised debate and though close, Kennedy was declared the winner, and primarily because Nixon had eschewed makeup prior to going in front of the cameras. With his five-o’clock shadow he appeared dark and unshaven to the voters of the country, who were more enchanted by the good-looking Kennedy. Then the contest went to the polls and it was as close a race as seen in many years. Kennedy won the decision with the votes of West Virginia that had been bought with his father’s money, and those of the dead that voted in Illinois, compliments of the Mayor Daly machine of Chicago. There was legitimate cause for Nixon to contest the election, unlike the election just held which yielded a completely honest result in spite of Democrat lies to the contrary, but he chose not to throw the country into turmoil and graciously accepted his defeat.
The administration of President Kennedy gave the country much hope for the future, but it was cut short of fruition when he was slain in Dallas by an assassin’s bullet. This threw the country into the hands of another accidental President, Lyndon Baines Johnson of Texas. Though a capable, cunning man in the House and Senate, he proved an abject failure as President in spite of winning election on his own in the next general election. The country was plunged into the debacle of the Vietnam War in S.E. Asia, while Johnson continued to pursue his liberal agenda at home, only to lose both wars, the War in Vietnam and the War on Poverty. Facing certain defeat he declined to run for reelection and was replaced by the liberal Hubert Humphrey. Back where he had been eight years before, Richard Nixon was again Republican candidate for President, and won handily on his promise to conclude the disastrous was in Vietnam. He kept his promise and handily won reelection for a second term, but an ill-conceived break-in on a Democrat headquarters by Republican operatives, of which Nixon had no knowledge, proved his undoing. His attempt to cover-up the crime was fully exposed and he was forced to resign in disgrace. This marked the beginning of the Democrat insanity to jail Republican Presidents and administration members. Living in virtual exile in California, Nixon was humiliated and disgraced, and to spare the nation an unnecessary political circus, Ford pardoned him. The unsatisfied obsession of the Democrat’s to see an ex-President jailed resulted in Ford’s run for election being unsuccessful, and the woefully incompetent Jimmy Carter became President.
Carter was beset with problems he could not handle from the very beginning, and with the hostage crisis in Iran proving insoluble due to a botched rescue attempt, Ronald Reagan swept to victory, and even before his swearing in ceremony was complete, the hostages had been released and were on the way home. Reagan became, without doubt, the greatest President since WWII. He restored American confidence and pride, rebuilt our deteriorated military, and made America a beacon of freedom and hope again in the eyes of the World. After eight eminently successful years, he very gracefully rode off into the sunset and retirement to his ranch in California. His successor was his Vice President, George H.W. Bush, who seemed to lose his fervor to lead the country somewhere along the way, and after only four years, with replaced by the biggest charlatan this country as ever know as President up to this time, William Jefferson, ‘Slick Willy’, Clinton. Statesmanship was the least thing on Clinton’s mind while President, he surrounded himself with virtual pigmies in stature so he would always be the big cheese, promoted government programs that would insure his continued likeability, and continued his quest for casual sex, which had been hallmark of his tenure as Governor of Arkansas. He turned the White House into a virtual whore house, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom for sexual romps by well-heeled supporters. He gave the country a string of disasters he managed to escape responsibility for by passing the buck to his underlings, most notoriously the incineration of the children at the religious complex in Waco, Texas. He skipped out of the White House with most of the china, silverware, furniture, and art loaded in vans bound for his home in New York, and bank vaults full of cash from the pardons he sold just prior to leaving office. He left behind a legacy of corruption and deceit unequaled in our nation’s history until the more recent administration of Barack Hussein Obama.
After eight-years of Clinton Vice President Al Gore became the Democrat candidate and was unsuccessful in his bid for the Presidency. In spite of his being an unashamed self-promoter and opportunist, Gore might have done the country and the world less harm than was done by his victorious opponent, George W. Bush. Bush succeeded only is starting a completely unnecessary war in Iraq, a war that was started on a false premise. The war caused the deaths and maiming of thousands of U.S. military men, and threw that part of the world into complete destabilization, a condition that exists to this day and has now spread over into Europe. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died, were displaced, and rendered destitute, conditions that exist to this day. In spite of this disastrous war, Bush managed to win reelection against the failed Naval Officer and subsequent Vietnam War protestor, John Kerry. After eight years of this disaster, we witnessed Presidential contests between as despicable and worthless a trio of men as the country has ever seen. Barack Hussein Obama won both those contests In spite of his lack of anything even approaching accomplishment in his background, and as unsavory a group of backers and supporters as ever seen in the U.S. History. His two defeated opponents, John McCain and George Romney, became the most embittered, defeated Presidential candidates in history. They turned their bitterness into unconcealed hatred for Donald Trump, the Republican victor over Obama’s heir apparent, Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary. McCain’s hatred and opposition to the President and his administration lasted to the day of his death, but Romney’s goes on unabated to this day, a thorn in the side of the President and a constant drag on our country’s progress.
Though welcomed by the vast majority of honest, decent Americans, Donald Trump has faced opposition at every turn. Opposition not only by Democrats, but despicable Republicans as well. Surprised by Trump’s upset victory over Hillary, deeply entrenched insiders of both parties undertook to void the election through various schemes which amount to nothing more than a coup d’état. This monstrous crime has to a great extent paralyzed our government, and it is only now being exposed for the treason it is. In the meantime over two and one-half years of Trump’s term of office have gone by and a new election cycle is underway.
The contest to see who will become the Democrat candidate to oppose President Trump in the general election of 2020 is well under way and has turned into a free for all of epic proportions. There were twenty some candidates starting out and four or five have now dropped by the wayside but much winnowing out remains to be done. It is the biggest group of losers ever assembled in a quest for the primary slot. There is not a real leader among them, only a bunch of Socialist and quasi-Socialist, all trying to out liberal each other in their proposed giveaways of taxpayer dollars in quest for votes. Every one of them buys into the Global Warming Hoax in a big way, and in one way of the other, embrace the lunatic proposal of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez known as the Green New Deal. This alone would destroy the American Economy unlike anything seen since the Great Depression, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They want to throw open borders, provide welfare and subsistence to every illegal immigrant that walks in, institute government provided free health care, forgive all student debt, and in a massive play for the negro vote, offer reparations for all decedents of former African Slaves. In order to pay for all this they propose to raise the taxes of the Middle Class and Rich to levels never previously imagined. The virtual icing on the cake of all these lunatic ideas is the forcible seizure of what they deem to be Assault Weapons. They are a lunatic fringe of Democrats, but such a large percentage of our Citizens have been turned into a lunatic fringe of support, there is real danger that one of them may be successful, and that would be the end of America as we know it, and the end of enlightened civilization in the Western Hemisphere.
Wake up America before it’s too late, the Doomsday Clock is ticking!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
I Smell a Rat
February 24, 2019
It's been all over the news since the story broke two days ago, 'Robert Kraft, billionaire owner of the New England Patriots, arrested for solicitating prostitution'. It appears the Jupiter, Florida Police had orchestrated a sting at Orchids of Asia Spa, a local massage parlor there, to entrap customers. Now some like to pretend that prostitution has been virtually eradicated in our country, where once these houses of ill repute existed in nearly every city and town of any size all across the land. Well, surprise, it's still around and just as prevalent as ever, it's just gone undercover. Though streetwalkers are still available in many cities, most prostitution goes on behind closed doors in the strip clubs, topless bars, and massage parlors found in virtually every metropolitan area. In most places it goes on with the collusion of the local authorities, and local police often are able to avail themselves of sexual favors in return for protection. There are several massage parlors in the Jupiter area, and to pretend that they are anything other than what I've just described is to hide your head in the sand. The Jupiter Police, ostensibly because of local complaints and investigation of sex-trafficking, took virtual control of the business. They placed cameras and listening devices in the rooms, and ordered the owners to continue business as usual. No doubt they threatened them with vigorous prosecution if they failed to comply, and leniency if they cooperated. Under that sort of duress, it's no wonder that the owners complied. The cops, so they've stated, subsequently nabbed twenty-five criminals, or victims, depending on how you view the situation. All are charged with misdemeanors with criminal summonses issued. Although there is supposed to be a presumption of innocence in this country until proven guilty, they wasted no time whatsoever in spreading the news, including the name of the most prominent person arrested. That that person happens to be a very wealthy, well know man, and as well, a friend and supporter of the President, raises considerable suspicion. In fact, I smell a rat! The rat I smell is none other than Robert Mueller, former Director of the FBI, presently Special Counsel investigating the President, and Number One Dirty Cop in the country. Though founded upon a fraudulent charge of Russian Collusion, the real purpose of Mueller's investigation is to upset the legal election of the President, and restore the criminality that existed during eight years of the Obama Administration. Subsequent to this ruthless, totally illegal and unorthodox investigation, Mueller has set out to destroy the lives, fortunes, and social standing of anyone and everyone associated with Donald Trump. When charges, real, or trumped up, can be preferred, he would see the individuals sent to jail for the maximum time possible, up to and including life in prison. The most recent innocent victim to fall into his web is the aforementioned Robert Kraft. The toadies and pompous brutes carrying plastic badges saying they work for the FBI in Mueller's employ, have been following Kraft for months, and when discovered that he has been at a massage parlor customer, they set their trap with the full cooperation of the local police. Though only an embarrassment to Robert Kraft at the moment, Mueller will push this charge to the maximum, and if possible, destroy the life, career and reputation of yet another outstanding American Citizen.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
A Bedtime Story for Nancy
Once upon a time when crooks did time
And Senators chewed tobacco,
And whores dipped snuff to make them tough,
And Congress wasn't whack, O!
February 18, 2019
Well that's not exactly the way it goes, I'm paraphrasing a bit with the lead in for the story of The Three Little Pigs from English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, the best-known published form of this Classic. The story goes on like this...
"There was an old sow with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune."
Well I could go on with the entire tale but almost every man, woman, and child in the English-speaking world is well familiar with this enchanting story since childhood. Some unfortunately missed out for whatever reason, most prominently Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Whatever she was up to at the age of six or so when the story is read to most children for the first time I don't know, probably out in the neighborhood torturing little boys and twisting the tails on cats. Nevertheless, she missed out on a wonderful morality tale about lessons that should be learned about life. The three little pigs, out in the wide world for the first time, start out by building themselves a house. The first little pig builds his house of straw, the second builds his of sticks, but the third, the most industrious and far thinking of the three, builds his of brick. All goes along well until the big bad wolf comes calling. He calls first at the home of the first little pig who refuses to let him in. Not to be denied, the big bad wolf huffs and he puffs and blows down the walls of the first little pig's straw house. The first little pig then scampers to the home of the second little pig and finds refuge there. Denied entrance again there, the big bad wolf blows down the walls of the stick house, and the first and second little pigs scamper off to the third little pig's house. Denied entrance for the third time there, the big bad wolf repeats his tactic, but finds that no matter how long and hard he huffs and puffs, the brick wall cannot be blown down. Scheming, as many evil individuals do, he tries to gain entrance by sliding down the chimney, but the resourceful third little pig has prepared a pot of boiling water into which the big bad wolf plunges and is scalded to death. The moral of the story is that evil lurks out there in the wide world and you must build your walls strong for protection against it. Yes children, strong walls do work and they do save lives!
Donald Trump has much in common with the third little pig, he is industrious and far thinking. As well, he is an accomplished builder, having erected major structures all over the world, and he builds them strong to protect those inside from the elements and the dangers outside. As President he wants to build strong walls to protect our citizens from the many evils that seek entrance to our country by every means both fair and foul. He knows as well, that strong walls are not the only answer to keeping out evil, but strong walls are most certainly the first line of defense. Instead of a pot of boiling water, however, there will be detection devices of many descriptions including listening devices, drones, infrared cameras, movement detectors, seismic instruments to detect tunneling, all backed up by capable men along our border and our points of legal entry, supplemented with the animals and equipment necessary to stop illegal and criminal entry in its tracks. That is, if he can only find a way to accomplish this necessary task, which to date has been stymied in the Congress by evil men and women, more concerned with trying to see that he is defeated for reelection in 2020, rather than by concern for the lives of innocent American Citizens
Nancy Pelosi, opposed to everything the President seeks to do, regardless of the good it may do do the county, has come up with the most asinine reasons for opposition to walls ever uttered. She declares emphatically that walls don't work, and they are as well, immoral. Well tell that to the three little pigs, if walls don't work and are immoral, the three little pigs would have been long ago devoured by the evil wolf, just as innocent citizens are being assaulted, robbed, kidnapped, raped, and murdered by illegal aliens every day!
Wake up America, your life, and the lives of your family and loved ones are at stake and will be even more in jeopardy if this evil old woman and her lackeys in Congress have their way!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
The Braying Jackass
February 13, 2019
Why is this birdbrain even given the time of day, much less taken seriously? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Democrat, newly elected Representative from New York's 14th congressional district. She unseated the ten-term Democrat incumbent who, taking her for what she is, a bona-fide birdbrain, took her candidacy so lightly he barely campaigned and damn but didn't she up and beat him. He obviously underestimated her voter appeal, and grossly overestimated the intelligence of the voters in his district. Abraham Lincoln once stated, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Well she's removed all doubt, having been mouthing constantly since she was declared victor. Her pronouncements cover a wide range of subjects, the bulk of which she obviously knows little or nothing about, and cover the spectrum from the merely ridiculous to the totally unworkable and bizarre. She has, however, become the darling of the fake news media, and is covered round the clock, with every new pronouncement immediately becoming front page news. She has a degree from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences, graduating Cum Laude in International Relations and Economics. That what she knows of these two subjects you could stuff up your nose, becomes more and more evident every day. It also speaks volumes to those parents that would expend hard earned money sending one of their children to that school for an education. The crux of her political platform is free everything for everybody at the expense of the wealthy, who just happen to be the most intelligent and productive members of our society, to the tune of confiscating 70% to 90% of their wealth. In fact, that was pretty much the policy of the soon to be overthrown Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela until his socialist government, through mismanagement, graft, and profligacy, exhausted her treasury, rendering the bulk of her remaining population to a condition of slow starvation. The old saying that someone, "...hasn't the sense to pour piss out of a boot!" fits Ocasio-Cortez to a T. She, and not the wicked old crone from California, Nancy Pelosi, not her shill and pimp from New York, Chuck Schumer, has become the talking head of the Democrat Party. In keeping with their time-honored political emblem, the Donkey, she is now the face of the Democrat Party, a Braying Jackass!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
The Measure of a Man
January 3, 2019
When Mitt Romney ran for President against Barack Obama in 2012, he was heartily supported by Donald Trump, an endorsement he actively sought. Romney lost that election decisively, being soundly thumped by Obama both in the debates and election returns. In 2016 the shoe was on the other foot and Donald Trump was the Republican candidate. Ignoring the debt owed him for previous support, Romney became a very vocal opponent right up to Trump's decisive, and unexpected, at least by Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and the media, victory. Though Romney had done his damndest, he could not stop the Trump Train. Out of the limelight again, Romney nursed his wounded ego, and seethed with inner rage over his failures. With his lust for the Presidency still consuming him, Romney decided to run for a US Senate seat so as to get back into public view. Rather than run in Massachusetts, the state where he lives and in which he had been Governor, he chose to go to Utah instead. There in the Mormon stronghold state he'd be guaranteed of his Church's support and be a shoo-in. He won of course, and prior even to being sworn in, he has again viciously struck at Donald Trump with an op-ed in the discredited Washington Post, a formerly great newspaper, now degenerated into nothing more than an anti-Trump organ for everyone opposed to the President that's willing to contribute, including foreign spies. Trump was not long in responding, though he pulled his punch somewhat, tweeting only his hope that Romney would become a team player in pursuit of his party's, and America's goals.
We learned in the 2012 election that Romney was no fighter (See editorial of late 2012). Trump, however, is a fierce fighter. Though he seldom throws the first blow, he is a savage counter-puncher as is evidenced almost daily by his return blows on his attackers in tweets and statements to the press. Romney's method of fighting is more the knife in the back attack, as he's just demonstrated. American's love a fair fight, and honest ones despise a cheater and a sneak. The only way for Romney to thrust himself into position to run for the Presidency in 2020 is not by attacking Donald Trump in the dark of night from behind, but by supporting him aggressively in his quest to achieve his campaign goals, and consequently restore security and safety for all Americans, and peace and honor abroad. Should Trump, for whatever unexpected reason, not be the Republican candidate in 2020 this would be Romney's golden opportunity. Should that not happen, he could finish his chapter in American History by being a real leader and Statesman. The odds that Romney will conduct himself in this manner, at least in my estimation, are slim and none. It's more likely he will be a thorn in the President's side, just as three despicable former Senators showed themselves to be, and throw his support to the opposition rather than look out for the good of our country.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
The Greatest Movie Ever Made
January 3, 2019
These two dramatic film clips well illustrate why a great many Americans consider Gone With The Wind the greatest movie ever made. I suggest you watch the clips before you continue reading.
The movie, which very closely follows the magnificent book of the same name, tells the story of a civilization, a culture, a fertile land, invaded, laid waste, pillaged, plundered, and destroyed by an invading army. A similar invasion is occurring every day across our Southern border and many of the invaders are of the same criminal class as this one of Sherman's bummers that met a just fate at the hand of a Constitutionally armed Citizen protecting her life and property. They are here, in every State of the Union, and they are raping, robbing, killing, pillaging and plundering just as depicted in these clips. They are aided and abetted by a class that I consider nothing better than a fifth column, bent on destroying the country from within. They go by the name of Democrats, liberals, ANTIFA, and other assorted names, but they are all of the same ilk. We have a President that wants to make the country safe and remove the illegal criminal scum that has been allowed in but he is opposed at every turn by the aforementioned scum and their fellow travelers in the so-called Deep State, the RINOs, and the Never-Trumpers. Do not be mistaken, they are not your friends or fellow Citizens, they are your enemies. Identify they, call them out, warn your family, friends and neighbors, and at all cost oppose them at every opportunity. Your life and your future may lie in the balance!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2019 |
The Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, The grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
And he marched them down again.
December 22, 2018
It looks as though we have a brand new Grand Old Duke, this one however of New York rather than York. The President has, in addition to his duties as Chief Executive Officer and Commander in Chief of the United States, now commissioned himself General of the Armies. I foresee no positive outcome.
In my studies of the military history of our country I note very few instances of a politician becoming a very competent officer, and certainly not a General. The most disastrous results accrued during the Civil War when Lincoln commissioned a great number of men of political influence, including quite a few of them as Generals. As I recall, with only one exception, they turned out complete disasters in the field. Jefferson Davis, a military man himself, wisely appointed as leaders of the Southern armies, West Pointers and VMI graduates with practical experience in the Mexican War, and throughout the war they completely justified his faith in them. By War's end Lincoln had learned his lesson and the great Union Generals that fought the war to conclusion were men with similar qualifications as the Southern Generals. In World Wars I & II strategy and tactics were wisely left in the hands of the same type of leaders; Pershing, Marshall, MacArthur, Nimitz, etc. In Korea, President Truman wisely declined MacArthur's advice to use nuclear weapons and engage in total war, but had a man then placed in control of the war fully as qualified as any of the great Generals of previous wars. General Matthew Ridgeway, who, though circumstances beyond his control had to fight the war to a stalemated conclusion, punished the North Koreans and Chinese armies so severely they refuse to this day to release or admit to the size of the deaths and casualties they suffered. Unfortunately, the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, did not turn out so well. In Vietnam the most successful operations were conducted in I-Corps by Marine General Lew Walt, but President Johnson and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara discontinued his effective operations and took absolute control of military operations up to the point of choosing bombing and artillery targets, and the war was lost as a consequence. Learning nothing from history, George W. Bush took the country to war in Iraq on fraudulent evidence, and by allowing Vice President Cheney and Secretary of War Rumsfeld to decide the scope and size of military operation, this led to a debacle as well. Though the war was eventually won, the entire Middle East was destabilized as a consequence, with humanitarian disasters of WWII scope and US casualties far greater than they would have been had the advice of his generals been taken. Once the war was concluded, administration of Iraq was left in the hands of civilian John Brennan, who made such a botch of the job that we are still suffering the consequences to this day.
Now with Donald Trump in charge of our armies we have operations in an entire country ordered to be ended overnight, without the bother of his having to consult his Secretaries of Defense, State, nor any of his military leaders. God help us!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018 |
The Law is an Ass!
December 17, 2018
The Law is an Ass is an old proverbial expression of English origin having to do with when the law flies in the face of common sense. By the same token it may often be said that the Judge is an Ass, and if I set out to do so could come up with thousands of just such examples. The most recent example is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, who sounded off against the President of the United States. One of the main efforts of the President in keeping his campaign promises is making our country safe by securing our borders, expelling illegal aliens, and improving the immigration laws. In too many instances his perfectly legal Executive Orders are countermanded by Federal Judges. In nearly all of these cases the Judge is an appointee of either Presidents Obama or Clinton. That their opinion is based not on the law, but on political conviction. is beyond doubt, but until the judgement can be appealed and overturned by a higher court, the executive order cannot be implemented. President Trump has rightfully cried out to complain about many of these judgements, and in the most recent one, stated it was imposed by an "Obama judge!". Chief Justice Roberts almost immediately objected and retorted with the asinine statement that the, "...independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for." Well 'independent judiciary' is somewhat of a pipe dream given many of the Judges presently sitting on Federal benches all across the land but we understand where Chief Justice Roberts is coming from.
Everyone knows the history of J. Edgar Hoover as Director of the FBI for over thirty years. During this time, he utilized the agency to personally gather information on many people. This included high government officials, important businessmen. political enemies, and suspected foreign agents. Much of this information was gathered illegally and maintained in his secret file. He knew where the dirty linen was, if any, and if there were skeletons in the closet of these people. He used this information to maintain his power and position until his death in 1972. He did not, however, withhold information that left innocent men in prison, as Robert Mueller did. He did not devise a way to circumvent Federal Law regarding proper transmission and control of secret government information in order for a person guilty of the crime to be completely exonerated, as James Comey did. What these last two men did was far more criminal than anything that Hoover did yet Hoover remains poster boy for illegal activities by the head of the FBI.
Once Hoover was certifiably dead the attacks on him and his tenure at the FBI commenced. Over the next years they rose in volume and quantity, though not one of his attackers dared attack him while alive. In spite of all the good work he did at the FBI his reputation was effectively destroyed, yet his name proudly remains upon the headquarters building in Washington.
What some unscrupulous persons learned from the revelations about Hoover was how effectively a person with a lot of dirty laundry or skeletons in his closet could be manipulated and controlled by the person having knowledge of his indiscretions. That using this information for the purposes just outlined is either Blackmail or Extortion, both criminal offenses, hardly deters these evil men from taking such action. I, and several highly intelligent and experienced men with whom I am acquainted, firmly believe that Obama held information of this sort about Chief Justice Roberts. We also believe that it was used to force Roberts to devise a way to rule the Affordable Care Act, more universally known as Obamacare, Constitutional. No intelligent and honest man through thorough reading of the Constitution, can agree with this conclusion. To require one specific group of individuals to pay an exorbitant price for health care in order for another specific group of individuals, that through, unfortunate circumstance or callous disregard for their own health until it becomes a dire need, can have health care at minimal or no cost, is a tax. Most honest Americans felt this was entirely wrong, but since Obama at the time controlled both houses of Congress, and Democrats care little for the Constitution, it was railroaded through. The provision in the law requiring this unfair pricing has subsequently been thrown out, leaving the rest of the law intact, but a Federal Judge in Texas in response to a suit by several States that thought the law treats them unjustly and Unconstitutionally, has thrown out the entire law, reasoning that to void one part of a law renders the entire law null and void, and it must therefore go back to the Congress to be rewritten, resubmitted, and repassed, if it is to remain in effect. His decision is in process of being appealed and will likely go all way to the Supreme Court for final decision. In the meantime, Democrats are howling, as their favorite ox is being gored, and unless the law is upheld, minus the Individual Care Mandate, they will not be able to jam such Unconstitutional law down the throats of the American people again.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018 |
December 13, 2018
BLACKMAIL; the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding money from a person in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person.
EXTORTION; the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
Blackmail and Extortion are crimes, when someone becomes a victim of a blackmailer or extortionist they are encouraged to go to the authorities. In most cases, however, few do. Though victims are discouraged from making payments to a blackmailer or extortionist, it is no crime to do so. To make the argument that the victim is somehow a criminal and the blackmailers and extortionists are the victims is both asinine and ridiculous.
Donald Trump is a very wealthy man, and three years ago he was as well, a candidate for President of the United States. Realizing his vulnerability in that highly public position, two greedy and vindictive women with whom he had been acquainted, approached him with a demand for money, large sums of it. He was informed in no uncertain terms that they would go public with details of their intimate relationships unless he paid. They well knew that he knew the damage their stories might do, not only to his reputation, but his Presidential campaign as well. We do not know the depth or details of Trump's relationship with the women, nor if the women's stories are true or false, whatever happened, it was entirely between consenting adults, and any claims made at a later date regarding these relationships would be thrown out in a court of law. This, however, does not mean that people aren't interested in the women's stories, salacious details would have been grist for the mill of the scandal sheets you see in every grocery check-out isle, the fake news media, the Democrat Party, and the Clinton campaign. Donald Trump, whatever else he may be, is certainly no fool, this story, true or false, could destroy him and his run for the Presidency. He also knew that had he gone to the authorities to report the crime, that once the FBI got wind of this information it would have been leaked before the Sun went down. Therefore, he did the only thing he could do under the circumstances, he paid the women to keep their mouths shut.
One of the women did, at least until after Trump was elected President, the other, a whore by the name of Stormy Daniels, did not. As it turned out, Trump had paid her a low-ball six-figure sum for her silence. Realizing too late that had she gone to the Clinton campaign with her story instead, her payout could have been significantly into seven-figures, she felt she had been cheated. Knowing she needed legal advice she sought out a slimeball lawyer by the name of Michael Avanatti, an inhabitant of the gutter like herself. She violated her agreement, went public with her story, and brought suit against Donald Trump to void the agreement. Her case was judged completely without merit, and in addition to having her case thrown out, has been ordered to pay Trump's attorney fees, six-figures, and well in excess of what he'd paid her for her silence. Her dreams of wealth and prominence have now vanished, she and her lawyer, who has also suffered great legal reverses, face an uncertain future of little positive outlook.
Though Trump's payoffs to the women was entirely legal, it has not prevented many claims to the contrary. Democrats, the fake news media, Hillary Clinton, and many incompetent or dishonest Attorneys, all declare it was a campaign finance violation, and grounds for impeachment and removal from office. Presented before an honest judiciary the claims would be speedily dismissed, but in a Federal Judiciary riddled with corruption by the stooge Judges appointed by Presidents Clinton and Obama, the case may have to be fought all way to the Supreme Court before final decision.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
Will He Live to Tell His Tale?
December 1, 2018
Mobster Whitey Bulger was the greatest embarrassment to the FBI in its long history of suspicious and nefarious activities. He was a criminal informant in the Boston area, in return for which the FBI laid off his criminal activities and pursued the criminals informed upon. When honest media outlets exposed criminal actions by federal, state, and local law enforcement officials tied to Bulger, and by the FBI especially, they tried to cover their tracks. His FBI handler, seeing that a double-cross was in to throw Whitey to the wolves and get themselves off the hook, tipped him off. Bulger fled, of course, and for over sixteen years led the FBI on a merry wild goose chase to their further embarrassment. After finally catching up with him and seeing him sentenced to the remainder of his life in prison they remained unsatisfied. He had done far too much damage to their carefully cultivated image as the premier law enforcement agency in the world, an organization of unimpeachable honesty and integrity. Thus, they set out to make what little of life remained to him at the age of eighty-four as miserable as possible. They saw to it that constant harassment was maintained, and charges preferred against him whenever possible, one of which resulted in his spending thirty-days in solitary confinement for a difference of opinion with a prison official. He was shuffled constantly from prison to prison, first the United States Penitentiary Coleman II in Sumterville, Florida., then to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma and then to the United States Penitentiary, Hazelton, near Bruceton Mills, West Virginia. This final stop was to be the end of the line for Whitey Bulger. He was found dead, and within hours of his arrival there, beaten to death at the age of eighty-nine in the wheelchair to which he was confined by assailants unknown. The FBI is supposed to be investigating the suspicious circumstances of his death, but so far, not one shred of evidence as to what actually happened has emerged. It appears, however, that the Warden is to be made the scapegoat, and fired. The FBI boasts that they 'always get their man', my question is, in this case did they also get even with their man?
What now concerns me is the safety of George Papadopoulos in the Federal Prison System. He too is a major embarrassment to the FBI. After all, he was the first member of the Trump campaign singled out and falsely accused of collusion with Russia in order for them to then obtain FISA warrants allowing them to spy on everybody and everything to do with the Trump campaign. Unable to find one iota of evidence to support their phony claim, they resorted to their usual tactic of charging him with lying to an FBI agent, a means of entrapment they utilize when an innocent victim has made a misstatement or forgotten a fact, a subject I have covered thoroughly in my previous editorial, Kingdom of Fear. How do we know there was no Russian collusion you say? Well ever since one of their conspirators in the attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok’s messages to his lover and similarly disgraced FBI agent, Lisa Page became public. It reveals that Strzok was reluctant to join special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference because he feared the team wouldn't find anything noteworthy. "You and I both know the odds are nothing, if I thought it was likely, I'd be there, no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern there's no big there there."
The witch hunt being conducted by rogue former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, rolls on like a juggernaut, however, crushing more innocent victims every day, and with a widespread net thrown out to snare even more individuals, no matter how innocent or inconsequential they were in the Trump campaign. It is the most corrupt and evil undertaking ever in the sordid history of the FBI and the US Government, and having Papadopoulos done to death in Federal Prison for what he might have to say about FBI tactics upon release, would bother Mueller not at all. If anything happens to Papadopoulos in prison the blood is on the President’s hands. Rightfully he should have pardoned Papadopoulos before he ever set foot inside the Federal Penitentiary, as he should pardon every single individual singled out by Mueller and his team of pompous brutes and toadies.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
Kingdom of Fear
November 25, 2018
Kingdom of Fear is an autobiographical book of sorts published in 2003 by the great writer and reporter, Hunter S. Thompson. In it he dispenses the finest piece of advice handed down thus far in this 21st Century.
"Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially, not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime."
Many people that have committed no crime whatsoever have been tripped up by devious and lying FBI Agents whose sole purpose, once establishing guilt or innocence proves impossible, is to obtain a conviction for something, anything. Since no crime has actually been committed a technicality will suffice. You see, if you lie to a known FBI Agent it is a Federal Crime. In fact, you don't even have to lie, all you have to do is make a misstatement or forget a fact, then they slap you with an 'Obstruction of Justice' charge. They, on the other hand, are not bound by such absolute truth and fairness, they can, and will, tell you anything to trip you up. The most recent victim of this ruthless persecution is George Papadopoulos, a onetime Trump campaign aide. He plead guilty to a minor offense for the reason just mentioned in exchange for a two-week sentence. Since the entire legality of the Special Counsel is before a Federal Court, Papadopoulos wished to defer his sentence on the possibility it would become moot. Special Counsel Mueller, however, demanded his pound of flesh, and immediately. An Obama stooge Federal Judge complied and has ordered Papadopoulos off to jail tomorrow, Nov. 26th.
Papadopoulos would certainly have benefited from reading Thompson's book and heeding his advice, as would many others including Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby, and General Michael Flynn, to name just a few. In fact, all American Citizens should take this advice to heart in case they’re ever approached by the FBI for any reason whatsoever!
The incident that led to Thompson's acquiring this knowledge is contained in the following section of his book:
The Mailbox: Louisville, Summer of 1946
My parents were decent people, and I was raised, like my friends, to believe that Police were our friends and protectors - the Badge was a symbol of extremely high authority, perhaps the highest of all. Nobody ever asked why. It was one of those unnatural questions that are better left alone. If you had to ask that, you were sure as hell Guilty of something and probably should have been put behind bars a long time ago. It was a no-win situation.
My first face-to-face confrontation with the FBI occurred when I was nine years old. Two grim-looking Agents came to our house and terrified my parents by saying that I was a "prime suspect" in the case of a Federal Mailbox being turned over in the path of a speeding bus. It was a Federal Offense, they said, and carried a five-year prison sentence.
"Oh no!" wailed my mother. "Not in prison! That's insane! He's only a child. How could he have known?"
"The warning is clearly printed on the Mailbox," said the agent in the gray suit. "He's old enough to read."
"Not necessarily," my father said sharply. "How do you know he's not blind, or a moron?"
"Are you a moron, son?" the agent asked me. "Are you blind? Were you just pretending to read that newspaper when we came in?" He pointed to the Louisville Courier-Journal on the couch.
"That was only the sports section," I told him. "I can't read the other stuff."
"See?" said my father. "I told you he was a moron."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse," the brown-suit agent replied. "Tampering with the U.S. Mail is a Federal offense punishable under Federal law. That Mailbox was badly damaged."
Mailboxes were huge, back then. They were heavy green vaults that stood like Roman mile markers at corners on the neighborhood bus routes and were rarely, if ever, moved. I was barely tall enough to reach the Mail-drop slot, much less big enough to turn the bastard over and into the path of a bus. It was clearly impossible that I could have committed this crime without help, and that was what they wanted: names and addresses, along with a total confession. They already knew I was guilty, they said, because other culprits had squealed on me. My parents hung their heads, and I saw my mother weeping.
I had done it, of course, and I had done it with plenty of help. It was carefully plotted and planned, a deliberate ambush that we set up and executed with the fiendish skill that smart nine-year-old boys are capable of when they have too much time on their hands and a lust for revenge on a rude and stupid bus driver who got a kick out of closing his doors and pulling away just as we staggered to the top of the hill and begged him to let us climb on.... He was new on the job, probably a brain-damaged substitute, filling in for our regular driver, who was friendly and kind and always willing to wait a few seconds for children rushing to school. Every kid in the neighborhood agreed that this new swine of a driver was a sadist who deserved to be punished, and the Hawks A.C. were the ones to do it. We saw it more as a duty than a prank. It was a brazen Insult to the honor of the whole neighborhood.
We would need ropes and pulleys and certainly no witnesses to do the job properly. We had to tilt the iron monster so far over that it was perfectly balanced to fall instantly, just as the fool zoomed into the bus stop at his usual arrogant speed. All that kept the box more or less upright was my grip on a long "invisible" string that we had carefully stretched all the way from the corner and across about 50 feet of grass lawn to where we crouched out of sight in some bushes.
The rig worked perfectly. The bastard was right on schedule and going too fast to stop when he saw the thing falling in front of him.... The collision made a horrible noise, like a bomb going off or a freight train exploding in Germany. That is how I remember it, at least. It was the worst noise I'd ever heard. People ran screaming out of their houses like chickens gone crazy with fear. They howled at one another as the driver stumbled out of his bus and collapsed in a heap on the grass.... The bus was empty of passengers, as usual at the far end of the line. The man was not injured, but he went into a foaming rage when he spotted us fleeing down the hill and into a nearby alley. He knew in a flash who had done it, and so did most of the neighbors.
"Why deny it, Hunter?" said one of the FBI agents. "We know exactly what happened up there on that corner on Saturday. Your buddies already confessed, son. They squealed on you. We know you did it, so don't lie to us now and make things worse for yourself. A nice kid like you shouldn't have to go to Federal prison." He smiled again and winked at my father, who responded with a snarl: "Tell the Truth, damn it! Don't lie to these men. They have witnesses!" The FBI agents nodded grimly at each other and moved as if to take me into custody.
It was a magic moment in my life, a defining instant for me or any other nine-year-old boy growing up in the 1940s after World War II - and I clearly recall thinking: Well, this is it. These are G-Men....
WHACK! Like a flash of nearby lightning that lights up the sky for three or four terrifying split seconds before you hear the thunder - a matter of zepto-seconds in real time - but when you are a nine-year-old boy with two (2) full-grown FBI agents about to seize you and clap you in Federal prison, a few quiet zepto-second scan seem like the rest of your life.... And that's how it felt to me that day, and in grim retrospect, I was right. They had me, dead to rights. I was Guilty. Why deny it? Confess Now, and throw myself on their mercy, or -
What? What if I didn't confess? That was the question. And I was a curious boy, so I decided, as it were, to roll the dice and ask them a question.
"Who?" I said. "What witnesses?"
It was not a hell of a lot to ask, under those circumstances - and I really did want to know exactly who among my best friends and blood brothers in the dreaded Hawks A.C. had cracked under pressure and betrayed me to these thugs, these pompous brutes and toadies with badges & plastic cards in their wallets that said they worked for J. Edgar Hoover and that they had the Right, and even the duty, to put me in jail, because they'd heard a "Rumor in the neighborhood" that some of my boys had gone belly up and rolled on me. What? No. Impossible.
Or not likely, anyway. Hell, Nobody squealed on the Hawks A.C., or not on its President, anyway. Not on Me. So I asked again: "Witnesses? What Witnesses?"
* * *
And that was all it took, as I recall. We observed a moment of silence, as my old friend Edward Bennett Williams would say. Nobody spoke - especially not me - and when my father finally broke the eerie silence, there was doubt in his voice. "I think my son has a point, officer. Just exactly who have you talked to? I was about to ask that myself."
"Not Duke!" I shouted. "He went to Lexington with his father! And not Ching! And not Jay!-"
"Shut up," said my father. "Be quiet and let me handle this, you fool."
And that's what happened, folks. We never saw those FBI agents again. Never. And I learned a powerful lesson: Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime. Maybe he has no evidence. Maybe he's bluffing. Maybe you are innocent. Maybe. The Law can be hazy on these things.... But it is definitely worth a roll.
In any case, nobody was arrested for that alleged incident. The FBI agents went away, the U.S. Mailbox was put back up on its heavy iron legs, and we never saw that drunken swine of a substitute bus driver again.
In the case of the fallen mailbox, for instance, I learned that the FBI was not unbeatable, and that is a very important lesson to learn at the age of nine in America. Without it, I would be an entirely different man today, a product of an utterly different environment.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
God help the poor man!
November 13, 2018
The news about the deadly bomb threats has settled down with the designated culprit arrested and held without bail. Life in the areas affected is more or less back to normal, at least until the next outrage, real or imagined. The charge count against the designated culprit, Cesar Sayoc, is up to thirty and probably growing. From the scanty description of the contents of the packages thus far released, explosive demolition experts do not believe the packages were capable of exploding, and may have never been intended to. The Feds, however, are maintaining their allegations that the packages Sayoc supposedly mailed were indeed all deadly bombs. Nothing could be further from the truth, but Truth and Justice are far from what interests the FBI. Their interest is in conviction, and bolstering their image in the eyes of the gullible American public. The fake news media remains their main ally in this nefarious undertaking. Sayoc should indeed be put away, perhaps for a long time, but not in a Federal Prison. He belongs in an insane asylum where he can receive the care he should have had many years ago. Perhaps there, under kind and understanding treatment, he would reveal the motivation for his crimes. (Yes he has committed crimes, just as someone that sets off a fire alarm unnecessarily has done, but that's a long way from actually being an Arsonist. By the same token, mailing a fake bomb is a far cry from being a Pipe Bomber.) As more and more information surfaces about the unfortunate Sayoc, the more aware we become of his unbalanced state of mind. We also learn more of his habits, lifestyle, and workplaces. A man of this vulnerable psyche could well be influenced by an evil man preying on his disturbed mind to influence him to commit criminal acts. I strongly suspect this might have been the case with Sayoc. After all, he wasn't exactly circulating in high society, but in the lowest of dives that catered to the dregs of humanity. That possibility, however, doesn't interest the FBI, as far as they're concerned the case is closed. Sayoc needs competent legal assistance, and under the circumstances I'm not sure his court appointed legal team will be the least bit ready to stand up to the onslaught they'll be facing in Federal Court. God help the poor man!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
How To Steal An Election!
(from the playbook of Lyndon B. Johnson)
November 9, 2018
Throughout the history of the United States there has been a multitude of attempts to rig elections. Many have been entirely successful, with the vast majority being at State and Local level, but have also occurred in Congressional, Senatorial, and Presidential races as well. None of these latter, however, have risen to the level of outright deceit and corruption that took place in the election of Lyndon B. Johnson to the Senate in 1948. It is an interesting tale, and if you care to learn all the details I recommend Lyndon Johnson, Means of Ascent, by Robert A Caro, but the essence of the story is as follows:
Johnson was on the verge of losing the election to his honest opponent, Coke Stevenson, who in the runoff had crept ahead and appeared to have the contest won. Six days after polls had closed 202 additional ballots were discovered in precinct 13, which swung the election in Johnson's favor by 87 votes out of 1 million voters. This led to Johnson's nickname, which he despised, of Landside Lyndon.
George Parr, Democrat strongman of Texas controlled this precinct 100%, and no one in the precinct dared oppose him for fear of their life. Also, at Johnson's side during this fixed election was the brilliant, but crooked, Lawyer, Abe Fortas. The ballots in this box were permeated with such a stench that an appeal was immediately launched. The case went all way to the Supreme Court where it was ruled that the federal government was not allowed to get involved with a state election. Thus, the rightful winner went home and the looser went on to the Senate in a career that took him all the way to the Presidency, and drastically altered the course of American History.
In the elections just held three days ago we see the same evil rising from the depths of the mire of Democrat politics. The result of three important elections could possibly be upset by the appearance of mysterious ballots, just as in Precinct 13. The result of Rick Scott election as Governor of Florida, and of Ron DeSantis election as Senator of the same state, are thrown into jeopardy by the Precincts 13 of Florida, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. The same tactics are being employed in the State of Georgia to upset the victory of Brian Kemp as Governor.
All of this late activity is extremely suspicious, most especially since it comes from Counties with a long record of voting improprieties. Every suspicious ballot must be thoroughly inspected and verified. Any irregularities should see all parties involved indicted, tried, and punished to the full extent of the law.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
The Bogus Bomb Scare
November 2, 2018
As soon as I saw the story on TV I smelled a rat. The media was eating it up though, 'Deadly pipe bombs mailed to prominent Democrats and enemies of President Trump!'Within hours even more bombs had been discovered, all similarly packaged and addressed, but not one had actually exploded. Nevertheless, the dog and pony show went on relentlessly 24/7; squads of police cars converging upon various locations; buildings evacuated; areas cordoned off by crime scene tape; and armored bomb disposal trucks hauling the so-called bombs to a safe site for inspection and defusing, or secure demolition if necessary. A great manhunt was launched for the culprit or culprits involving the FBI, Postal Authorities, State and Local Police. The furor forced the President to appear on nationwide TV to condemn the atrocious acts and pledge unfailing support of all pertinent federal authorities in locating and apprehending the culprit. Upon competent investigation by experts in explosive ordinance disposal the wording describing the bombs, or explosive devices as some called them, changed. Not as most people would notice, but it was a considerably change to a man that knew something about the subject. One police department spokesman resorted to doublespeak and described the packages as containing explosive material. A former CIA man and demolition expert of my acquaintance explained, "A brick of charcoal can be described as explosive material. It is virtually harmless in that form, but crushed, and mixed with Sulphur and Saltpeter makes gunpowder." Many seemingly harmless substances under the right circumstances can become a deadly explosive including certain types of dust. A catalog that arrives in your mailbox could be described as being combustible material, it's paper and it will burn. With this knowledge the persons responsible for dealing with the packages relaxed, though continuing to deal with them in thoroughly professional manner, pretty much knew they were harmless. The FBI, however, continues to insist that they are indeed bombs. A man has been arrested and charged with various crimes, all carrying a life sentence. In their desperate attempt to restore their credibility, which over the past couple of years has been pretty much destroyed in the eyes of honest and intelligent Americans, the FBI stoops again to deceiving the American People. The man arrested, Cesar Sayoc, was supposedly connected to one of the packages through DNA evidence found thereon, a fingerprint. The more we learn about the unfortunate Mr. Sayoc however, the more it becomes obvious he belongs in a nuthouse, not a jailhouse. In my view he could be nothing more than a hapless patsy like the half-wit brother in The Secret Agentby Joseph Conrad. Don't, however, expect reason to soon be restored, the media will redouble their efforts to lay the inspiration for this crime at the President's doorstep. One thing is certain, whomever put these packages together was certainly no bombmaker, or it was meant to be nothing but a hoax from the git-go.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
"Bogus" is Right
November 5, 2018
When you read the actual charges, the rat stench gets stronger.
Prosecutors charge felons with the highest penalty crime they can…or am I wrong? Why didn’t they charge the guy with “attempted murder”. Can you think of any plausible explanation other than the guy never attempted to murder anyone?
The first charge has to do with mailing a non-mailable item. In the charging document, drop down to “Overview”. Paragraph 7. b. Here, the FBI charging officer describes what was sent.
The “Pipe Bomb!” the media has been hysterically screaming about turns out to be made of a section of PVC pipe!. And then it says there was a clock, a battery and some wires. It doesn’t say a timing device or shrapnel for that matter. Why would anyone send a mail bomb with a timer on it. Anyone opening it would run for safety as soon as they saw the wires, the clock and the battery. Just like the schoolteacher did when the “Clock Boy” showed up with something like this. The description doesn't mention a cap or an initiator. And then we come to the “explosive”, except it doesn’t say “explosive” it says an “energetic material”…which is a euphemism for what? Follow the footnote and we find that an “energetic material” could be a simple Lucifer, or even a stick of wood used by a Boy Scout getting his “Fire by Friction” merit badge.
So why doesn’t Anderson Cooper let us in on this mystery? You suppose he doesn’t know? That’s entirely plausible. My guess is that that the PVC contained matches, and I don’t deny the power of matches in a contained vessel, but why won’t the FBI and the media describe accurately what this nut case put together? You’re right, he belongs in a nuthouse not a jailhouse. I liked your reference to the halfwit brother in Conrad’s THE SECRET AGENT.
One thing I learned a long time ago…when you want to know the deal, read the statute. |
This Land Is Your Land
October 23, 2018
The uniquely American song has been part of our history since well before the dream of American independence first dawned upon the fathers of our liberty. Yankee Doodle was first sung by British troops to mock and ridicule the rustic Yankee militiaman. It was picked up and sung back at them by the brave men that fought and won our independence from the King, and has been a favorite ever since. The Star-Spangled Banner, written just after a battle in the War of 1812, became our national anthem. The greatest of American songwriters was undoubtedly Steven Collins Foster who gave us over two-hundred songs, of which at least a half-dozen remain immensely popular including the greatest of all State songs, My Old Kentucky Home. Ranking not far behind Foster is Woody Guthrie, who gave us songs of hard times during the Dust Bowl and the Depression, as well as many patriotic songs of WWII. The best of these is with doubt This Land Is Your Land, the meaning of which should resonate in the hearts of true Americans to this day.
This Land Is Your Land
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.
As I was walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
I saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me.
I roamed and I rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
While all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me.
When the sun came shining, and I was strolling
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
A voice was chanting, As the fog was lifting,
This land was made for you and me.
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.
American was discovered, explored, won, settled, and turned to productive use by the brave men and women that came before us. It is their dreams, their toil, and their blood that won us this great land and bequeathed it to us. It belongs to us, entirely to us, and not to some politician in Washington that would tell you otherwise, nor some globalist schemer that would make us part of their great plan of world domination and control. Yet our land remains threatened and in peril, threatened by invaders that would come here demanding shelter, substance, occupation and property, bringing their own alien cultures and religion with them. Our borders are porous, our immigration laws inept and unworkable, our livelihood, our homes, and our very lives are threatened by this horde of unwanted invaders, yet there are traitors among us that would throw open our borders, and render our once great land a third-world country, and our political system a slavery of socialist domination. Our President realizes this danger, and is fighting tooth and nail to save our great land and, as he proclaims, make America great again, but he is opposed at every turn. He is opposed by the Democrat Party which has nothing whatsoever to do with democracy. He is opposed by liberals of all ilk’s, by the so-called globalists, Never-Trumpers, Socialists, Communists, and last but not least, a traitorous press that not only fails to accurately report the news, but fills their reports with lies and distortions in pursuit of these traitorous goals.
A great election is upon us, an election in which every American should cast his vote to preserve our freedom and protect us from the invader, and from the charlatans and liars that corruptly represent us in the halls of power in our States and Washington, DC. Believe our President, and cast your vote for every man and woman that promises to support him, they represent you, and they truly believe this land is our land and will work to keep it that way. Control of the House of Representatives would allow the Democrats to stop every move of the President to protect and secure our country. Control of the Senate would halt the marvelous progress our nation has made in the past two years, economically, militarily, and in improved foreign relations. They will tell you otherwise, and their spokesmen, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Crooked Hillary, the phony Vietnam Vet Blumenthal, and their ilk are deceivers every one. Election of Andrew Gillum as Governor of Florida would cripple one of the most prosperous States in the Union, election of the completely unqualified and incompetent Beto" O'Rourke as Senator would be a disaster for Texas and the country, yet these contests are considered close. The wisest thing to do is vote Republican straight down the line regardless how much you must hold your nose voting for certain individuals. Stopping Democrats at every turn is the only thing that will save you, your family, and our country from ruin. I urge you every one, get out and vote, and vote to save and preserve our land and our heritage, the enemy is at the gate!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
False Prophets
October 12, 2018
Presidential elections are more often decided by popularity rather than qualification. Consequently, they have not always given the country the better man, though in most instances, both candidates were dedicated Americans that loved their country and strived to do their best for her. In more recent years, however, it has more often boiled down to the lesser of two evils, or at least, the less incompetent of the two candidates. The far and away most disastrous consequence for the country of every presidential election ever held would have been a victory for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Had that occurred, the disastrous policies of the previous eight years would have continued uninterrupted, and the criminal enterprise that was infiltrated throughout the federal government by the manipulations of Barack Hussein Obama would also have continued. Had that occurred, all record of these crimes, that are only recently coming to light, would have been destroyed or swept under the rug. The country would have, for all intents and purposes, been lost as a working democracy, and in all probability lost forever. As we now approach the critical mid-term election we again face the stark reality of possibly loss or our democracy and the hard-won freedoms bestowed upon us by our brave and resolute forebears.
The lessons of history are quite succinctly summed up in the following quote.
“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke
The choice facing the voter in this upcoming election is also summed up as follows in comments concerning the collapse of Athens, the birthplace of democracy.
"In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. "
There you have it, you vote either for freedom or enslavement. If you subscribe to the folly of false prophets such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O'Rourke, who promise you everything fully provided by the government and at absolutely no cost to you, you will be shackled to government control of every aspect of your life, and your children and your children's children will follow you into slavery, …… forever!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
October 1, 2018
It’s been just one day less than a month that the interminable funeral of Senator John McCain was concluded, and this Dog and Pony Show that had been scripted and orchestrated by the Deep State, Never Trumpers, RINOs, and Democrats came to an end. It didn't take long, however, for the next show to commence. Only two days later the Senate Judiciary Committee launched confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Judge Kavanaugh is eminently qualified for this position, not only by virtue of a judicial record of strict interpretation of the law, but by a life exemplary lived as well. However, Democrats objected wholeheartedly and strictly on political grounds, regardless what phony arguments they make to the contrary. It immediately became a circus, loudmouth paid protesters had to be forcibly removed from the chamber time after time. When these raucous interruptions weren't going on, protests from Democrat Senators continued to throw a monkey wrench into the proceedings. Their spurious objections to confirmation had nothing to do with his fitness to sit on the court, they wish to block a man whose judicial decisions have been a strict adherence to The Constitution as it was written. They don't want a Constitutionalist and a Conservative on the Court, they want a person subject to judicial whim of liberal political influence, and a man of Judge Kavanaugh's temperament will stimmy their plans to further destabilize our country. In spite of Democrat effort to the contrary, Judge Kavanaugh's nomination seemed certain to be voted out of committee and sent before the entire Senate for confirmation. On July 30th a letter from a woman in California had been sent to Senator Diane Feinstein alleging sexual misconduct on the part of Kavanaugh thirty-six years earlier when they were in high school, and requesting anonymity. It remained hidden in her office files until September 12th, when Feinstein sent it to the FBI after rumors of its existence had been circulating for several days. What the FBI was supposed to do with it I have no idea. Had the so-called assault actually occurred, and no complaint had been made to the police at the time, it was not a federal matter, and in any case the statute of limitations had expired. There was not one shred of evidence to support the allegation, and the FBI rightfully did nothing. On September 14th the allegations were published in The New Yorker, and immediately denounced as a lie by Judge Kavanaugh. Further information regarding the accusation occurred two days later when an interview of the accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, was published in The Washington Post. Then came the great hem and haw between the Judiciary Committee, the accuser, her attorneys, and the Democrats about how to proceed in order to hear her accusation and allow Judge Kavanaugh to reply. On September 27th their testimony was finally heard, with most of Ford's testimony being read from the script before her, other than her answers to questions posed to her by an independent interrogator specializing in sex crimes investigation. That her script had been written for her was without doubt. Her description or Kavanaugh and his roommate’s drunken negotiating of a stairwell as ‘pin-balling off the walls’; of their ‘uproarious laughter’, mimicking the Joker in Batman no doubt; of Kavanaugh's covering her mouth when he lay atop her, causing her to fear for her life; her constant referral to Kavanaugh as 'Brett', as if he’d been a friend that betrayed her, pure Hollywood! Her testimony was dramatic no doubt, but not one shred of evidence came forth in support of her original accusation. Judge Kavanaugh vehemently denied the assault, as well as denying he even knew the woman. Democrats fell all over themselves declaring Ford's testimony to be conclusive proof of the alleged crime, and demanded Judge Kavanaugh's immediate withdrawal. Democrats would have us believe that Judge Kavanaugh is not the honorable and upright Judge, citizen, and family man that he is, but a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality capable of monstrous actions when behind closed doors. Backed somewhat into the corner by an additional accusation and weak sisters among Republican Senators, most prominent being the lame duck, and lame brain, Jeff Flake of Arizona. A one-week investigation of the charge by the FBI has been ordered by the President. If the FBI does their job, something they have notoriously been failing to do for many years, Ford and all her actions since the time of the alleged attack will be thoroughly investigated, as well as a full examination of her mental state and the legitimacy of the lie detector test that had been administered, and which it was declared she had passed.
In actuality, when the full story comes out, it will be as follows. The Democrats realized they were failing by all means both fair and foul at preventing judge Kavanaugh from being seated on the court. This meant that the story of their stooge, Christine Blasey Ford, had to be thrown out there as a last resort. Where and when it was concocted, and by whom, I have no idea, but at some point it was realized that right there among them was a pink vagina hat wearing liberal from California that hated Donald Trump with a fervency that matched their own. As well, she was someone that had attended a high school in the near vicinity of Kavanaugh's the same time he did, and who's student bodies had played and socialized together for years. It took no great detective talent to discover that student in these high schools often partied and drank together, sometimes to excess. That similar situations occur all across the land, and high school drinking has little or no effect on future behavior and achievement made little impression to Democrats, this just added more fuel to their fire. That memories are notoriously dim thirty-six years after the fact, especially when drinking has been going on, meant allegations of what may have happened at this time could neither be proved nor disproved, nullifying any chance of a perjury charge. Ford was prevailed upon to make the initial allegation, no doubt in hope that her identity would remain secret, but she was instead forced into the public eye by the Democrats, and made their weapon of attack against Judge Kavanaugh. In the meantime she has been provided with accommodations, travel, legal representation, professional advice, all at no expense to herself, and great personal and public reward if successful. She is carrying out, however unwillingly, her part of the bargain and it is now up to the FBI to get at the heart of the matter and lay the culprits involved in this conspiracy before the bar of justice. Hopefully they will, but given their corrupt and dishonest performances of recent years, I hold no great hope that this will occur.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
The Great Mole Hunt
September 12, 2018
For over a week the networks have been abuzz with nothing but the anonymous op-ed published by the New York Times, ostensibly from a senior member of the Trump administration. It attacks the president viciously and disparages his leadership skills and administrative abilities. Most networks are reporting the story as facts that did indeed come from a senior member of the Trump administration. Not one has mentioned the possibility that the story is complete fiction and was submitted to the newspaper most active in attacking the President and his administration with articles occasionally true, but more often completely false. It would certainly be in the realm of possibility that it was concocted within the bowels of the New York Times building, though it may have been cooked up elsewhere and submitted, knowing full well that the New York Times in their eagerness to attack the President for any reason whatsoever, would give it front page attention. The administration seems to be taking the story at face value and is actively engaged in search for the supposed mole hidden within their midst. The President has even requested his Attorney General, the completely worthless Jeff Sessions, to launch an investigation. This hope is futile however, as Sessions is so incompetent as to make Inspector Clouseau appear a wizard of detection. Whether the story is true or not, and it has been agressively debunked by all senior members of the Trump administration, it makes our government look foolish and inept in the eyes of the world. There is already one massive search going on which is doing exactly the same thing, the Inquisition being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on behalf of the Deep State, which has to date turned up not one shred of evidence in support of the Russian collusion claims of the Democrat Party. If there were any honor and integrity left in the leadership of the Department of Justice and the FBI this farce could be ended with the stroke of a pen, but honor and integrity completely vanished there during the corrupt administration of Barack Hussein Obama. It was hoped that with the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and Christopher Wray as Director of the FBI, after the firing of the thoroughly corrupt James Comey, that this situation would be quickly corrected, but all that has happened since is more of the same. In the meantime the Deep State's agent, the corrupt and evil Robert Mueller, continues to pursue anyone and everyone remotely connected to Donald Trump and his Presidential campaign in order to use the power and massive resources of the US Government to destroy the lives of these unfortunate victims, ruin them professionally and financially, and when feasible, concoct a crime they can be found guilty of and sent to jail. It is the most despicable attack on the rule of law ever conducted in this country, surpassing even the Communist witch hunt initiated by Senator Joseph McCarthy shortly after WWII. If the Russian government is indeed bent upon destruction of the U.S. as a power in the world, as they have been since well prior to the end of WWII, they need not lift a finger, the Deep State, the Democrat Party, evil multi-millionaires like George Soros, their paid hirelings and agents, and the bulk of the news media are doing it for them.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
August 2, 2018
Advice for President Donald Trump regarding a possible interview with Special Counsel, Robert Mueller; don't do it! If you don't want to listen to the wise advice of the great Reporter and Author, Hunter S. Thompson, talk to Scooter Libby, Martha Stewart, and the innumerable other innocent people the FBI has framed and sent to jail!
"Never believe the first thing an FBI agent tells you about anything - especially, not if he seems to believe you are guilty of a crime."
Hunter S. Thompson
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
July 24, 2018
No one was privy to the actual meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin other than two interpreters. However, as a consequence of what was said at the press conference held afterwards, the Democrats, fake news media, RINOs, Never Trumpers, and other assorted propogandists enlighten us with complete reports and analysis of what transpired. That every bit of what they have to say is blather and bull shit means nothing, that is all we've heard and seen on the news since, none of which amounts to anything but the continuing smear campaign against the duly elected President.
The President stated that Putin assured him there was no Russian interference in the past election, so what? Trump knows he's lying, Putin knows Trump knows he's lying, but they put a congenial and diplomatic face on it all, which is exactly what happens all the time in high level meetings between nations' leaders and diplomats. Spying and interfering in the business of other governments has been going on since the beginning of governmental organization in the course of human civilization. Our own country had interfered significantly in the affairs of other governments, using every trick in the book, up to and including orchestrating regime change and government overthrow, most recently in Barack Obama’s efforts to influence the Brexit vote, and prevent the election of Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. Yet now, all these phonies are telling us that what they allege went on during the previous Presidential election is a most dastardly and treacherous act, unprecedented in our previous relations with Russia, and our President is doing nothing to stop it. The only way to prevent other nations from spying and interfering are with effective defense and countermeasures, telling the Russian leader to, “Cut it out.” Is preposterous on the face of such an asinine statement.
What we do know to be fact is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager’s email account was compromised by a simple phishing attack, and the contents reveled to the world on Wikileaks. Also, a certain number of insignificant articles appeared on social media, sponsored by Russian interest and intended to sow mistrust and discontent in our political process and election that had little or no effect whatsoever on the outcome. However, shortly after Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump, the story emerged that she had lost, not because a more worthy and popular opponent had defeated her, but because of Russian hacking and collusion with the newly elected President and members of his campaign. That not one shred of evidence has emerged to support this allegation has not stopped the story from growing in volume and intensity to this day. There is very strong evidence to indicate this story was concocted within the bowels of the CIA, then run by the notorious Trump hater and Communist supporter, John Brennan. These charges were rapidly backed up by other government intelligence agencies including the FBI, then run by the since fired and disgraced James Comey, and the NSA, then run by the proven liar James Clapper, who seems to have dedicated more of his agencies efforts to spying on American Citizens than preventing foreign interference. Not a bit of this has convinced intelligent and honest American Citizens of anything other than that the lies and corruption of the Obama administration continued through the moment he left office. They continue to this day with the insidious acts of conspirators remaining within government service, and in the propaganda that Obama, Brennan, Comey, and Clapper proclaim in every public utterance.
The Congress has oversight over every Federal agency, but requests to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for pertinent materials in their attempt to determine if illegal acts were committed within these agencies during the election cycle and up to the time the new President was inaugurated have been met with massive redaction to the point of rendering the documents indecipherable, foot dragging, and stonewalling. That the Attorney General appointed by the President has proven worse than useless in restoring integrity in his department and the trust of the American people. His FBI Director has proved himself either incompetent or a stooge of the previous administration. To sum up, the American People have lost faith in the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, and believe they’re lying. The President has very good reason to agree with them.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
So What?
May 17, 2018
Hillary's missing 30,000 emails have been a subject of contention since shortly after her secret server was discovered by the industrious work of a Congressional Committee. Subsequently, all emails on this server were demanded since they had not been transmitted as required by law through a secure Government email service. Prior to submission, however, she had all her emails perused by her attorneys relative to subject, and the ones pertaining to strictly personal matters such as her daughter's wedding, her mother's funeral, Yoga classes, etc. deleted. After all, we have her word on this. The issue, however, has refused to go away. It came up again during Presidential debate, and after Hillary's Campaign Chairman, John Podesta's email account had been breached by phishing attack and revealed in entirety to the World by WikiLeaks, which exposed much corruption and shady practices in her campaign. Virtually immediately this was deemed a computer hacking by the Russians, and by every security agency of the Federal Government, all part of the Obama administration at the time. Actual inspection of the DNC computers by FBI experts was not allowed, but an independent investigation was done by a private computer service hired by the DNC, and accepted as Gospel by the FBI, then under control of the effeminate, and since fired and disgraced, James Comey. Anyway, during debate, the subject came up again and Donald Trump jokingly remarked that perhaps the Russians had them. Of course, everyone with a grain of sense realized this was a joke, but it was immediately seized upon by Democrats and the fake news media alike as a treasonous invitation by Trump for Russian collusion. Since then the story of the missing 30,000 emails has become curiouser and curiouser. Now we learn that a minor volunteer in the Trump campaign, during drunken conversation with an Australian High Commissioner in London, revealed the fact that the Trump Campaign had these emails, and they had come from the Russians. That this information was entirely bogus made no difference, or that it had been fed him by an FBI plant in the Trump campaign for the specific purpose of making this minor volunteer believe he was in possession of closely held fact. This conversation was then fed back to the Obama Administration by the Australian High Commissioner, who was a willing conspirator in the whole affair, and used by the Obama administration as the basis of a warrant to spy further on the Trump campaign. Now the matter of Trump Campaign possession of the missing emails, supposedly secretly obtained by Russian hackers, and passed to the Trump campaign for the purpose of seeing that Trump would be assured to defeat Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, is again alluded to by the investigation of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. That the entire Mueller investigation is a phony as a three-dollar-bill makes no difference, it is followed with baited breath by the fake news media and Democrat charlatans in Congress such as pencil-neck Schiff and slimy Shumer, and reported in every detail. Well, working from the premises that the Trump administration indeed had the 30,000 emails, which of course they don't, they are meaningless anyway, right? After all, we have Hillary's word on this. So, why's the FBI, Mueller, the Democrats, and the fake news media so worked up about it? If will only proves how slick the Russians are and how inept and incompetent our own Intelligence Services are. In actuality, if they could possibly be located, I've an idea the incriminating information to be found therein would only prove how bogus and corrupt the previous administration was, and would send Hillary and a lot of other scum bags to jail, up to and including the Liar in Chief, Obama himself!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018 |
Bodyguard of Lies
January 30, 2018
Winston Churchill famously said, "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." This was in 1943 when our country was pitted in desperate battle for the fate of the free world. Seventy-five years later our nation is again pitted in desperate battle for the fate of the free world, and even more significantly, in a great civil war for the soul of our Republic. Corruption and rot had thoroughly set into all three branches of our Federal Government when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, pulling the biggest upset since Truman beat Dewey in 1948. The corruption began with the inauguration of draft-dodger William Jefferson Clinton and continued through the administration of President Barack Obama, with only the eight-year interruption of President George Bush. The corruption, in fact, accelerated when Barack Obama took the oath of office as President, an oath he had no intention of keeping and didn't. He then had in his hands control of the Executive Department of our government, and as President of the U.S., became the most powerful man in the World. He did not waste time in beginning the destruction of the most magnificent form of government yet known on this Earth. He appointed to positions of authority and power persons of no experience and little ability only because their perverted views coincided with his own. He began to dismantle Constitutional Law with a series of Executive Orders, not only unlawful, but in an abundance unknown in American History. His Judicial appointments disregarded altogether competence in The Law, and placed there persons aligned with his Un-American views and programs. The Congress was already thoroughly corrupted with a Democrat Party in control and willing to do the President's bidding regardless of the damage it did to our nation. Every branch of federal government and every agency soon began to show signs of this corruption and rot. Good and loyal men and women became victims of a political correctness witch hunt of massive proportions, and some of the finest officers in every branch of our military services were forced into retirement, leaving our front line of defense in the hands of yes men and sycophants. Scandals began to crop up with increasing regularity and were just as quickly swept under the rug. Our security agencies became not intelligence tools to aid in the protection of our nation, but weapons against political opponents of the President. The Justice Department became so corrupted that criminals escaped prosecution for capital crimes and treason, and the first Attorney General to be cited for Contempt of Congress was replaced by another just as corrupt as her predecessor. DEA, IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA, BLM, all turned rotten during an administration far more corrupt than any in our history, and Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal will pale to insignificance once the full panoply of Obama's crimes are fully exposed to the light of day.
Few of these rotten Democrats, Congressmen, Judges, and government officials expected Hillary Clinton to be defeated and confidently expected to continue the programs of Obama with almost seamless interruption. Awakening, however, the morning after election day last November they discovered they had a new President Elect, and it wasn't Crooked Hillary Clinton. At this point their 'bodyguard of lies' effort swung into full operation; records were destroyed or altered, computers and phones purged or destroyed, disinformation and leaks of massive proportion began, all for the purposes of obscuring the truth with lies and deceptions, and smearing and demeaning President Elect Trump. The bulk of the so-called media, went right along, laying these lies out for public distribution disguised as news and it goes on to this day. The Russian collusion story, all a lie. The firing of the corrupt James Comey becomes obstruction of justice, another lie. The cooked up Steele dossier, a massive lie salted with a few insignificant facts, a blatant lie. Fortunately the truth is creeping out from under the rock where it had been hidden. Although there are thousands of corrupt personnel in government that are still loyal to their corrupt masters, and it will take years to be rid of all of them, there are also some honest ones, disgusted at what has gone on, that are coming forward as whistle blowers, and more will come once a thorough investigation is begun. Our President has promised to rid government of this corruption, which he terms, 'draining the swamp'. The so-called Deep State, which encompasses the corrupt individuals in government and out that are opposed to anything and everything the President attempts, good or bad, in effort to drive him from office by fair means or fowl, need to be exposed for what they are. The guilty prosecuted, and the rest layed exposed to the American public for what they really are, Traitors. It is a massive undertaking and the future of the nation and the free world depend upon it!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018 |
January 13, 2018
Those Republicans that have expressed approval or support for the Mueller Investigation are either brain-dead or corrupt to the core of their being. Mueller well knows there's not a shred of evidence to connect Trump to the Russians but that has nothing whatsoever to do with his mission. Mueller spent ten years as Director of the FBI, first appointed by Geo. W. Bush, who is Deep State to the core and a dedicated foe of Donald Trump, then two additional years in the Obama administration, far and away the most corrupt in American History. To suppose him a man of honesty and integrity boggles the mind. He is solidly Deep State, a Creature of the Swamp, and is out for one thing only, the total destruction of the Presidency of Donald Trump. To begin with he started his Witch Hunt staffed with foes of the President and devoted Hillary supporters; the few that have been subsequently transferred out were guilty of actions so outrageous and corrupt that he had no choice but remove them in order to maintain the fiction of his impartiality. He has taken his strict mandate to investigate only the possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government far and wide and in avenues strictly prohibited in order to hang guilt of a crime, whether real or fabricated, or to tarnish and smear the reputation of, anyone and everyone remotely connected to the President and his campaign. His position is not in actuality Special Counsel, he is Grand Inquisitor for the Deep State, just as Torquemada was for the Spanish Inquisition, and every bit as evil!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2018
December 2, 2017
The Democrat Party, reeling and on the ropes due to numerous charges of sexual molestation and harassment against their representatives in Congress, and their defenders and promoters in the liberal press, are clutching and holding in desperate attempt to stave off new blows.
Their delay tactics failed in this round however, and Tax Reform Bill 2017 passed in the Senate last night. Flawed and imperfect though it may be, it blows the lid off business expansion and economic activity in the country. If the bill succeeds, as nearly all economists expect it will, their chance of regaining the corrupt hold they had on the country for eight years prior to the inauguration of President Trump, is virtually nil. They utilized every dirty trick in the book with their lies and deceptions, attempting to deceive the American people, as they have so many times in the past, in order to rally public support for defeat of the bill. As in the past, they tried to split the nation by class.
"It benefits only the rich and big corporations, drives the deficit through the roof, and hammers the middle-class further toward poverty." they said.
Of course all Senators of their own corrupt party voted to oppose the bill, including one Republican jackass, blinded by his personal hatred for the President, and willing to take a dive and abandon his obligation to his constituents, his party, and his country in order to satisfy his personal spite.
The bill passed with a 51 to 49 margin and by the time this evening's news is reported there will be plans being made for business expansion, capital repatriation, and massive investment. It is indeed a great Christmas present for the American people, and a well needed victory for the Republican administration of President Donald Trump, and the intelligent and patriotic voters that sent him to the White House.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
December 1, 2017
Donald Trump swept to victory in the 2016 Presidential election on the strength of promises that inspired the American voter to pour to the polls in support. Once elected however, he was ill prepared for the monumental task ahead. Joseph Conrad wisely informs, "Some great men owe most of their greatness to the ability of detecting in those they destine for their tools the exact quality of strength that matters for their work." President Trump, in spite of boastings of his ability to select superb executives in his business empire, has fallen far short of that standard in his new position. Most disastrous has been his selection of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Sessions' asinine recusal from the Russian collusion investigation when he had done absolutely nothing wrong, and without consulting with his President prior to the decision, has rendered him virtually impotent in carrying out the duties of his office. If he felt he had done something to warrant recusal he should have resigned, he didn't. President Trump should have demanded his resignation, but didn't, and now the phony Russian collusion investigation proceeds like a runaway freight train. The Justice Department, including the FBI, is riddled with rogue individuals with no respect for, or loyalty to the President, and they are pursuing a course meant to undermine him at every turn. Their end purpose being to drive him from office and return Washington, DC to the corrupt modus operandi of before. They have created in effect, an insurgency within government. With Sessions' impotency they have consequently taken charge of the Justice Department and the FBI. The appointment of a Special Counsel to conduct the Russian collusion investigation, a completely illegal and unwarranted act, has resulted in a witch hunt. Led by former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, who's sole purpose is to drive Donald Trump from office, thus saving the Establishment in the process. Robert Mueller, and make no mistake about it, is a creature of the swamp, the polluted environment where he was spawned, and which President Trump has promised to drain. His unbridled course has thus far resulted in charges being brought against three individuals, none of which have anything whatsoever to do with Russian collusion. He is pursuing, in lieu of being able to discover real crimes, the despicable and immoral tactics often used by FBI agents to trip a witness up on a technicality and thus gain a conviction. These are the tactics that resulted in jail sentences for both Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart, neither of which was guilty of any crime. The great journalist Hunter S. Thompson once advised, "No one should have anything to say to an FBI agent, especially if he believes you are guilty of a crime." Obviously Michael Flynn has not followed this wise advice, and now he finds himself in the same trap as Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart. Justice is not being served, justice in the special counsel's office has now become no different than Judge Roy Bean's, Law West of the Pecos!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
October 26, 2017
On Tuesday, October 17th, the statues of two Southern Heroes were removed from the lawn of the Fayette County Courthouse in Lexington, Kentucky where they had stood for over one-hundred-thirty years. Though famous and revered heroes of their native state, the tawdry and dishonest politicians of the day, catering to the lowest common denominator of racial politics, orchestrated their removal. In keeping with the true character of these politicians, they had the deed accomplished in the dark of night before any objection could be effectively made. That these cheap and dishonorable acts are allowed to continue all across the South indicates further the deteriorated knowledge of history and pride in heritage of the mass of our present population. The War Between the States was fought long ago over the issue of State Rights and concluded on the field of battle. No cheap and cowardly politician brought about the cessation of hostilities, the conflict was settled in mortal combat between brave and honorable men on both sides. The war over, those brave men remaining alive chose to return to peaceful pursuits and carry on normal lives without rancor or enmity for their former foe. The issue could not be laid to rest however, for upon the unfortunate assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the union fell into the hands of vindictive politicians, desirous only of inflicting more damage upon an already prostate South laid waste by war. Their refusal to deal honorably with the war's conclusion, which would have led to an honorable peace, laid groundwork for many of the animosities that exist to this day.
The brave and noble men that fought on both sides of the conflict have long been honored, both in the histories of the war, speeches, reunions and tributes from honorable men the world over. By act of Congress the widows and children of Confederate veterans were recognized for federal pensions and the grave-sites of dead Confederates buried after battle were incorporated into the National Cemetery system. Tributes to these brave men sprang up all over the land, both North and South. Tributes, in the form of statues and monuments dot the land today. Yet in the South minority groups of protesters pretend to be offended by them over the issue of Slavery. The weak and liberal politicians of the day scurry to do their bidding and have the monuments removed. When the war was over opportunists of all ilks hurried South in search of profit and plunder. They became known as Carpetbaggers and Scalawags and their nefarious acts were allowed to go on unmolested by the Federal Army left in occupation of the South as retribution by a radical Congress. These men are despised to this day, as should be these dishonorable politicians of our day, they are cut from the same cloth.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
June 7, 2017
Late in the evening of November 8th, 2016, it began to dawn on people that had previously considered it an impossibility that Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton in the race for the Presidency. Hillary retired from the scene, reportedly drunk, and was unable to compose herself and appear before the cameras to make a concession speech until the following morning. Immediately upon it becoming evident that she had lost the election, her campaign staff and the compliant media began searching for a scapegoat. First chosen was FBI Director James Comey. His public statement about reopening the investigation into Hillary's highly irregular email activities when thousands of them had been found on the unsecured laptop of the pervert Anthony Weiner, husband of her most trusted staffer, Huma Abedin, became their initial choice. The story about the supposed Russian connection to the Trump campaign wasn't cooked up till a short while later. From that point forward, James Comey became Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the Democrat party and most of the media. He was pronounced totally unfit for the job, and calls for his resignation or firing became widespread. It stayed that way until May 9th, 2017, when Donald Trump summarily dismissed Comey from his position as FBI Director. At that point in time Comey was immediately transformed from the vile serpent that had blocked the way for Hilary to achieve her destiny and ascend to the Presidency, he became instead a hero to the Democrat party, the man who stood above the degradation of base political influence to nobly and honorable served his country. Donald Trump, well he was already a villain in the eyes of Democrats, liberals, and most of the media, became an even more repulsive one. Tomorrow, June 8th, when James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee his transformation has evolved even futhur in the eyes of all Trump haters, he is now the Knight in shining armor that will impale Donald Trump on the lance of Impeachment. It will be a show well worth watching, and unless the Republicans on the committee are up to the task of preventing it, the Democrats on the committee and Comey's testimony will cook the books entirely in Comey's favor. I don't know if the Republicans are up to the task, but I will offer them some suggestions that might help.
The late Senator Joseph McCarthy was one of the most unsavory characters ever to infest the halls of power in Washington, DC. His witch hunt for Communists throughout our government cowed and intimidated the powerful in our nation, and he rode the crest of a powerful wave of Red Mania until he was finally exposed and destroyed by a few brave and honorable men that at last had stood up to his fraudulent and despicable charges. Similar action should be taken by the Republicans on the committee to expose Comey for the incompetent, cowardly, and corrupt fraud he actually is. He should be grilled mercilessly to lay before the world his failures at the FBI; failures to enforce the law as he was sworn to do; and failure to direct investigation into real crimes and rather, go in pursuit of unsubstantiated rumor and innuendo about possible crimes. I would start with demands that he explain why Hillary Clinton was not charged with her crimes when her actions met every specification of criminal. He should be asked to explain the difference between 'extreme carelessness' and 'gross negligence', with which he explained away bringing charges against Clinton, when he usurped the responsibility of the Attorney General and dismissed the charges outright. He should be asked why, after all his years in office the FBI is unable to find answers to the Fast and Furious scandal at ATF, the lies and subterfuge surrounding the handling of the Benghazi debacle, the criminal activity of Lois Lerner at the IRS, the secret meeting of Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of the airport in Phoenix, the voting irregularities widely reported in States all across the land, and the influence peddling and protection activities of the Clinton Foundation. Just these few serious questions will fully occupy the time allotted and bring into doubt his integrity and competence. When he answers the questions, as I expect he will, by saying he can not comment on ongoing investigations he will be thoroughly exposed. We will find out tomorrow!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
U.S. Government Witch Hunt
May 18, 2017
In describing the importance of security in wartime, Winston Churchill declared the following:
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."
In the present day and time it seems, so far as the Democrat Party and most of the media are concerned anyway, Truth is so dangerous she must be attacked by an army of lies. That has been their strategy since John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, foolishly opened himself up to a simple phishing attack, and it remains their strategy to this day. It didn't take long before the Obama administrations complicit security agencies were laying that attack at the door of Vladimir Putin and the Russians. To back up this unproven claim, Obama expelled Russian diplomats, issued new sanctions against Russia, and seized large tracts of her property in the U.S.
Revealed by Wiki-leaks, Podesta's email correspondence exposed the corruption of the Clinton campaign, not the least of which was to steal votes from her only opponent, the witless Bernie Sanders, and guarantee her nomination as Democrat Presidential Candidate. They thought her subsequent election to the Presidency remained a sure thing, and polling services all fell in line to report the same. How surprised they all were when their certainty of the result turned out to be dramatically wrong, and Donald Trump became the elected President of the U.S. In abject despair they lashed out, first at James Comey, Director of the FBI, for revealing details of her criminal activities in the handling her emails, though he had let her off the hook as far as prosecution was concerned. Then, almost immediately, they struck again with their claim that the Trump campaign had conspired with the Russians to deny the victory to Hillary Clinton. They knew, through illegal spying on the Trump campaign, that three men involved in his campaign to various degrees had been in conversation with persons employed by the Russian government. Two of these men had done business in Russia and certainly had reasons to talk to Russian officials, the other, Michael Flynn, designated to be Trump's National Security Director, knew, and had dealt frequently with Russian diplomats during his tenure with the Obama administration. That these contacts were anything other than conversations, and not criminal in any way, hasn't prevented the Democrats from ascribing illegal, insidious, and even treasonous intent to them. Not a shred of evidence has been produced in the meantime to back up these allegations but the clamor in the media and in the Congress remains unrelenting to press charges and appoint a Special Prosecutor. Prominent Republicans, whom you'd think had more intelligence than to fall for these fraudulent claims, have joined the Democrats in demands for this Special Prosecutor. Not the least of these are Tweedledee and Tweedledumb of the Senate, Lindsey Graham and John McCain, and now Bob Corker of Tennessee has joined them as well. Yesterday, spineless individuals in the Justice Department gave in to this pressure, and in spite of the fact that no single fact has been uncovered to justify a prosecution, appointed a Special Counsel with powers to investigate exactly the same as had he been designated a Special Prosecutor.
It has been obvious all along to any intelligent, and thinking American that this has been nothing but a Witch Hunt, but now History repeats itself and the government of the U.S. will go down in History along with the Witch Trials of Salem, Massachusetts, and the Spanish Inquisition!. Now the names of these demanding this Witch Hunt will be recorded in History along with those of Cotton Mather and Torquemada. God help us!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
Post Derby Report
May 7, 2017
It was a cold, overcast, and rainy at dawn in Louisville on Saturday, Kentucky Derby Day. By post time late that afternoon the sun was out but it remained a cold, windy day and the track remained sloppy. The race went off as expected but it was anything but a cleanly run contest. Traffic problems encountered by most of the colts in the race varied from moderate to severe. Only four horses had a clean trip of the twenty entrants, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th horse. Problems encountered by the remaining fifteen, one had pulled up right out of the gate, were as follows; bobbled, hammered, bumped, carried out, tight quarters, brushed, jammed, steadied, carried wide, floated out, jostled hard, forced out, bore in, in tight, swung wide, checked sharply, bounced, forced in, checked, and stopped abruptly. Fortunately none of the colts suffered any serious injury, and though many had excuses, they came back to the barn in good shape. The winner, Always Dreaming, was a handy winner under the circumstances. Whether some of the others, with a clean run, could have run with, or perhaps beaten him, will be determined down the road. It was a great day though, and for some lucky bettors that had the right combinations on their pari-mutual tickets. The Winner, that happened to be the post time favorite, paid $11.40 to win. A $2 Exacta paid $336.20, a $2 Trifecta paid $16,594.40, and a $1 Superfecta paid $75,974.50. I only know of one man that had a winning ticket of any great amount. Of my five picks, Irish War Cry ran well to the head of the stretch, then backed up to 10th with no excuse; Classic Empire suffered sever bad racing luck but still managed to finish 4th; Irap, though suffering some interference, did little running at all and finished 18th; Gunnevera also had bad racing luck and seemed not to handle the sloppy track, he was 7th; McCracken also had a little trouble but could only manage an 8th. Still in all it was a great race and it's on to the next Triple Crown contest, the Preakness in Baltimore on Saturday, May 20th.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
The Run For The Roses
May 3, 2017
It's spring in Kentucky, the fields are lush and green, trees are in leaf and budding, the early flowers are out and the scent of honeysuckle fills the air, the bees are buzzing and the birds are singing in sheer joy. It's a wonderful time to be alive and a wonderful time to be in Kentucky. As always in Springtime, a young man's, well, a young Kentucky man's fancy turns to thoughts of the Kentucky Derby, which colt might win it and will he be able to cash a ticket on the Winner at a nice price? In Kentucky the Derby is more than just a spectacular sporting event, it is more of a National Holiday. The grounds at Churchill Downs fill that day with over 300,000 people, but all across the State, and in fact all around the World where Kentuckians may be found, the Derby is celebrated. There are parties everywhere, many quite formal with the men and their ladies dressed in their finest including the fancy broad-brimmed hats for the ladies. Country ham and biscuits are universally served along with plenty of fragrant Mint Juleps. There are Derby pools gotten up everywhere and folks who never bet on anything will pick a favorite for the race and put $2 down to win. I listened to the first Derby I recall in 1952 when Hill Gail was the Winner and I was only ten-years-old. I've never missed another, being there in person on many occasions but certainly watching on TV when I can't. It's also the race everyone involved in racing in this country, Owners, Trainers, Jockeys and everyone working for stables all across the land, wants to win more than any other. The whole week in Louisville is a pageant and festival unmatched anyplace else in the World. What Irwin S. Cobb said many years ago about the race holds as true today as it ever did?
"Until you go to Kentucky and with your own eyes behold the Derby, you ain't never been nowhere and you ain't seen nothin'!"
They drew this mooring for post position for the race on Saturday. The field is down to the twenty entrants allowed and two also-eligibles that can get in if there are any scratches prior to 9 AM on Friday. There is no overwhelming favorite as was the case the past three years when favorites won. The Morning Line favorite for this year's race will get you 4 to 1, a $10 payoff on a $2 bet. This year's field will contain horses that have dominated in the various regions where they have been racing but have seldom met in previous competition so it's hard to predict how they stack up in face to face competition for the first time. It is always one of the most difficult races in the World to win. The large field makes it difficult for a colt that doesn't break alertly and get a good position going into the first turn. Being behind horses coming out of that turn leaves you a large field to work your way through and a lot of lengths to overcome. With that many horses in the race there's considerable bumping and horses being carried wide, not to mention having a horse running out of steam right in front of you. When a 1,200 lb. animal has to cheek and loses momentum it takes time and effort to regain it and the ground he's lost. Then there's the prospect of rain and perhaps a muddy track, which throws another element of uncertainty into the game. Many of these colts have never experienced a muddy track and when one is behind a wall of horses with buckets of mud being thrown back at him the natural reaction is to raise his head and back away from the slop in his face. This can take a horse completely out of the race.
Listed below are the field, followed my picks.
KENTUCKY DERBY - May 6, 2017 6:46 PM EDT |
Post |
Horse |
Jockey |
Trainer |
Odds |
1 |
Lookin At Lee |
Corey Lanerie |
Steve Asmussen |
20 - 1 |
2 |
Thunder Snow |
Christoph Soumillion |
Saeed bin Suroor |
20 - 1 |
3 |
Fast and Accurate |
Channing Hill |
Mike Maker |
50 - 1 |
4 |
Untrapped |
Ricardo Santana Jr. |
Steve Asmussen |
30 - 1 |
5 |
Always Dreaming |
John Velazquez |
Todd Pletcher |
5 - 1 |
6 |
State of Honor |
Jose Lezcano |
Mark Casse |
30 - 1 |
7 |
Girvin |
Mike Smith |
Joe Sharp |
15 - 1 |
8 |
Hence |
Florent Geroux |
Steve Asmussen |
15 - 1 |
9 |
Irap |
Mario Gutierrez |
Doug O'Neill |
20 - 1 |
10 |
Gunnevera |
Javier Castellano |
Antonio Sano |
15 - 1 |
11 |
Battle of Midway |
Flavien Prat |
Jerry Hollendorfer |
30 - 1 |
12 |
Sonneteer |
Kent Desormeaux |
Keith Desomeaux |
50 - 1 |
13 |
J Boys Echo |
Luis Saez |
Dale Romans |
20 - 1 |
14 |
Classic Empire |
Julian Leparoux |
Mark Casse |
4 - 1 |
15 |
McCraken |
Brian Hernandez Jr. |
Ian Wilkes |
5 - 1 |
16 |
Tapwrit |
Jose Ortiz |
Todd Pletcher |
20 - 1 |
17 |
Irish War Cry |
Rajiv Maragh |
Graham Motion |
6 - 1 |
18 |
Gormley |
Victor Espinoza |
John Shirreffs |
15 - 1 |
19 |
Practical Joke |
Joel Rosario |
Chad Brown |
20 - 1 |
20 |
Patch |
Tyler Gaffalione |
Todd Pletcher |
20 - 1 |
AE |
Royal Mo |
Gary Stevens |
John Shirreffs |
20 - 1 |
AE |
Master Plan |
John Velazquez |
Todd Pletcher |
50 - 1 |
My Selections
Irish War Cry
Classic Empire
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
Don't Blame Obama
April 30, 2017
BARACK OBAMA has agreed to deliver a speech in September to a fat-cat group of Wall Street investment bankers for the sum of $400,000. This is indeed an outrage, former Presidents are not supposed to be for sale, but of course all that changed with William Jefferson Clinton, who was for sale well before he moved out of the White House. Obama is being heavily criticized for this, not only by Republicans, but by members of his own party as well. Don't blame Obama for taking the money though, he's been on the make all his life, why would anyone expect him to do otherwise now? Blame the con men and swindlers on Wall Street that have grown fat and wealthy from the profits they have fleeced from unsuspecting American investors. Don't think for a moment either, that this is anything new, Wall Street has been corrupt since it's earliest beginnings; stock manipulations, insider trading, and shady dealing have been it's modus operandi all along. These Wall Street con men are just saluting and paying tribute to one of their own, a fellow con man and a great one at that. The man who, for eight long years as President conned and fleeced the American people in a corrupt and ruthless manner that would make a Wall Street banker beam with pride. That these scoundrels think they can get away with flaunting their power and position in the face of all America, and especially after the overwhelming defeat of Obama's chosen candidate in the recent Presidential election, should be even more galling to all honest Americans. The blame for this outrage should not lie with Obama, but at the door of the arrogant and conceited men responsible for conceiving this disgraceful spectacle and for the massive payoff it represents. Everyone involved in conceiving, planning and arranging the event, as well as every fat-cat from Wall Street that will be in attendance is culpable.
Where are the so-called Investigative Reporters in New York? Why are they not scurrying down to Wall Street to find out for the American people who these scoundrels are, and to publish for all the World the scope of their Wall Street swindles and accumulated wealth. It would be an interesting story of larceny on a grand scale.
Then, when Obama does deliver this speech, Reporters should demand to be in attendance so we, the American people, will know the message he's delivered. Perhaps, however, is it to be in secret, as was Hillary's speeches to a similar audience prior to her election defeat. A secrets as highly kept as Obama's birth records and college transcripts.
Yes folks, the so-called Establishment, or as some know it, the Deep State, remains well entrenched and active. Obviously they arrogantly feel that their great ship of established wealth and power will sail on relative unimpeded by the squalls presented by the election of Donald Trump, and they are actively plotting for his overthrow and a full return to business as usual. If you, the working men and women of America, allow this to happen you will remain in a permanent state of bondage. Not shackles and chains of course, but economic bondage like you've suffered through for the past eight years. The working poor will remain poor, with the middle class only slightly better off, and the wealthy, other than the establishment wealthy, will see their honestly earned savings of a lifetime taxed away, or stolen with the Inheritance Tax. The welfare class will continue as wards of the state, conned into believing that big government is taking care of them when in actuality they are being denied to opportunity to become productive members of society. If you let these scoundrels get away with it, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will become the punch line of nightly jokes from such assorted jerks as Stephen Colbert and the crew of Saturday Night Live.
Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp during his campaign. He has not broken his promise, though Democrats, liberals, evil manipulators such as George Soros, as well as members of his own party are making every effort to stymie and prevent his achieving this goal. These scoundrels from Wall Street are creatures of the swamp. They need to be curtailled. The swamp must be drained, the future prosperity and greatness of the nation depends on it!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
"Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"
February 7, 2017
It is hard to believe that our once free press is now a source of more false, inaccurate, and distorted information than in Cold War days of Pravda and Izvestia, or the time when Joseph Goebbels controlled the NAZI press, but that is exactly the case. I believe hardly a word of what is reported in the media, and the scum that produces if are certainly not reporters, but propagandists pure and simple. Trouble is, it's not even good fiction. Good fiction is believable, the characters and situations therein may be contrived, but the story is true to life and actions a true representation of human nature. I'd call it Science Fiction, but good writing in that genre is quite enjoyable, most of this stuff is just outright ridiculous. I'd cite examples, but they are so numerous that certainly they're recognized as such by men and women of intelligence and integrity.
Our country was founded on great principles of justice and morality, but there are many that would see them eradicated and destroyed. I'd have to put George Soros near the head of this list, though he has plenty of company. This poison has even crept into advertising, and since I'm sure most of you watched the Super Bowl you are well aware of it. The Budweiser ad was particularly despicable. Many of my ancestors came over here before the Revolution and faced a hostile environment and often unfriendly Indians upon arrival. The German Immigrant Busch came over, fleeing either political oppression or seeking economic opportunity in a time when the country was entirely civilized and settled well West of the Mississippi River. To suggest that he faced such hardship and was so ill treated is a bald faced lie. Germans were here in Revolutionary times I know, Hessian mercenaries, and there were more mercenaries came during the Civil War. I dated a girl that had her great-grandfather's rifle that he carried in the Union Army, and he'd been one of them. This is in no way meant to disparage the majority of German Immigrants that came to our country over these many years. They have been hard-working, honest and patriotic Citizens all along. The great German colony established in Texas gave us one of our great heroes of WWII, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. I have no idea what Anheuser-Busch's motivation was for running this ad, but it's turning out a major mistake. Perhaps they were catering to the Leftists in this country, hoping to wean them away from sipping Chardonnay and converting them to beer drinkers. Maybe they wanted to introduce beer drinking into the Moslem communities here, in spite of the fact that it's against their religion. A great many that watched the Super Bowl, the game, not the halftime show, fall in the category Hillary Clinton characterized as 'Deplorables', and a great many of them drink beer, quite a lot of it. Many of them won't be drinking Budweiser products in the future, that's for sure!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
He Should Have Known Better
February 1, 2017
It was obvious even before the Sun came up on the day following the Presidential election that there would never be bipartisan support for anything Donald Trump attempted to do. Before the Sun went down that day the media was full of attacks against him, his character, his stated aims as President, his associates, his business interests, anything and everything they could think up or devise was thrown into this avalanche of hate, and all directed at him. He made every attempt to accept his victory with good grace, complimenting his defeated foe, the outgoing President, and the Democrats in Congress. He also spoke of healing he divided nation, bringing our country back together, and working in bipartisan manner with Democrats on the other side of the aisle, but all was to no avail. He knew he would have a tough fight getting his Cabinet and senior administrators approved, and he girded himself for the upcoming fight. What he failed to do, however, was rid the government of every Obama and Clinton loyalist holding office as soon as possible after his hand came off the Bible after taking the Oath of Office. This was his first monumental mistake and now he well knows it! When the Democrats in the Senate balked at his appointee for Attorney General, and not for any reason of substance but for partisan political reasons only, this left the office in the hands of Sally Yates, the deputy to the outgoing Attorney General, the discredited Loretta Lynch. When the President issued his Executive Order restricting travel from countries with high incidence of terrorist infiltration, Yates openly defied him and instructed her subordinates to oppose the order. She claimed her defiance was on Constitutional and moral grounds, but this was pure posturing. She well knew she was out of a job as soon as the Honorable Jeff Sessions of Alabama is sworn into office as Attorney General, and besides, if this were truly her feelings on the matter, she should have so instructed the President and submitted her resignation. Yates chose not to take the high ground of this proper course of action, but to openly defy the President in a manner that was purely political in order to impress her cohorts from the Democrat party and the previous administration. Now the media and the Democrats are comparing her to Joan of Arc, and her firing to the Saturday Night Massacre, which was what Nixon's firing of an independent special persecutor became known as in the biased media and the Democrat party. Now my understanding of a massacre requires that a number of essentially helpless individuals get murdered by overwhelming superior force, such as the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre, so let's put it in the perspective of what it actually was, which is simply an employer firing a disloyal employee. It is now time for Donald Trump to take off his kid gloves and get the job done right. Since the Democrats, Clinton loyalists, and much of the media, are fond of comparing him to Adolph Hitler, give them an appropriate name for his next Executive Order. He should immediately fire every single Obama and Clinton Loyalist employed by the Federal Government, and if the Democrats and the media can't think of an appropriate name for it I'll give them one, The Night of the Long Knives!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
Famous, and not so famous, Marches
January 27, 2017
Many of the women of the world were on the march last week. They marched in many of the great cities of our land and the wide world over. Exactly what they were marching for is beyond my ken. They apparently have grievances, grievances against many things; they are being discriminated against, they are not given the respect to which they are due, Donald Trump is a misogynist and other many syllable words too numerous to mention, etc, etc, etc. I had a discussion with one of my daughters and was assured she hasn't felt the need to march, nor any reason to. I know for a fact that the other women in my rather large family are not marching, nor feel they have reason to with one exception perhaps, who's not quite right. The bulk of them in this country, so it seems, are marching in opposition to newly elected President Trump, inspired by celebrities such as Meryl Streep and Madonna, who view the world from the gilded stage and feel this gives them particular insight not found among their adoring fans from the great wasteland. Along with the likes of the gross and obnoxious Michael Moore, they proceeded to address this maddening crowd with their not particularly coherent or inspiring harangues. Having seen pictures of many of the signs the marchers were carrying, and of their costumes, and having heard recordings of the speeches made to them, it seems to me that many were marching for vulgarity, obscenity, and depravity. Quite a few of them were dragging young children along, obviously not the least bit concerned about exposing them to all this vulgar and disgusting activity. I wondered how many of them had a real job or a real life. Seems if they had they'd certainly be somewhere else besides wasting their time on this meaningless march. Oh well, perhaps it made them all feel good about themselves, and in this age of political correctness, participation trophies, everyone passes, and love and good will for our Fellow Man regardless of race, creed or color, other, of course, than Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Republicans, it was a great and wonderful thing for them to be doing. Well, after being subjected to more and more of this nonsense, along with listening to the talking heads from all the major networks explaining everything for me, I was inspired to go on the march myself. I marched straight down to my local watering hole for a few glasses of my favorite cure for what ails you. I am sure many other reasonable and intelligent men and women did likewise.
I could tell you of a man I once knew that was on one of the great marches known to history. He had been a young civilian from a wealthy family, and in the Philippines playing Polo when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. Almost simultaneously the Philippines had been attacked and our country was at war. He was a civilian, a non-combatant, he could have chosen to stay out of the fight, been interred, and subsequently evacuated back to the US. This thought never entered his head, he raised his right hand, joined the US Army, and became an infantryman in the raging battle on Luzon. Pushed back into the jungles of Bataan, out of equipment, ammunition, and food, this army was surrendered to the conquering Japanese. He made the infamous Bataan Death March and remained a prisoner of war for four desperate years. Released, at last, when the Philippines was liberated, he returned to civilian life. He again became a worthwhile and productive citizen and remained so for the duration of his long and interesting life. Though I knew him reasonable well he never spoke to me about his wartime service. I only learned of it when I read his obituary several days after his death. If ever there was a man to whom you could genuinely say, "Thank you for your service!" he was certainly one of them.
That, however, was another march in another place, another time. Ours was a great and wonderful country then. Our men and women had pride in their country, respect for their duly elected representatives, and when their country called they were ready, willing, and able to serve. I wonder if any of these sentiments still exist in the minds of these recent marchers? I doubt it!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017
January 13, 2017
There has been talk for a number of years now about Obama's Legacy. He seems to be much dedicated to that effort himself if you're aware of the long winded speech he made in Chicago a couple of days ago. Well he did fool the American People into voting for him twice, and he still continues to fool many of them with his vast repertoire of lies, but the fact of the matter is his time in office has been a complete failure. Our foreign policy is a shambles; our military is broken down and inept; his energy policy is nonexistent other than having dedicated himself to the destruction of the coal and oil industries; trust in government is at it's lowest point in history; our economy is a ruin, with double the national debt of that accumulated throughout the country's entire history previous; unemployment is at it's worst since the Depression; race relations are at the lowest since the Civil Rights Era of the 1960's; respect for law and order is at an all time low, especially in the inner cities where it is most needed; government agencies have been thoroughly corrupted on a massive scale including the IRS, the Justice Department, the EPA, and the intelligence agencies have been turned to delivering messages damaging to the administration's opponents rather than providing the intelligence they are tasked with; and national prestige throughout the world is at it's lowest since the final bitter days of the Vietnam War. If all that's amounts to his legacy, and were he Japanese rather than whatever he may be, Harikari would be his only option. Well, in order not to be completely negative I will say that his Legacy is not quite as bad as other notorious leaders of the past, and Chiang Kai-shek, Pol Pot, and Adolph Hitler come immediately to mind. As far as I, and every decent American as well, is concerned, January 20th can't roll around soon enough!
God save America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
January 8, 2017
Dean Acheson explains brilliantly in his marvelous work on his years at the State Department, on the advantage an unscrupulous party has against an honest foe in the battle for truth; "...the advantage is heavily on the side of the big lie, for, as Thomas Jefferson pointed out, no weapon is so effective and so cheap to those in whose system of politics morality plays no part." The big lie has been the Modus Operandi for Barack Obama and his administration, for the Democrat Party, and for Bill and Hillary Clinton, for a great many years now. The most recent example being that the Russians, under direct orders from Vladimir Putin, hacked into the Clinton campaign and other government agencies for the direct purpose of interfering in the Presidential election, and consequently stole the rightful victory from Hillary Clinton and delivered it to their ally, Donald Trump. There is not a shred of evidence to substantiate this charge but it hasn't prevented every prominent Democrat in the country from crowing this fraudulent information from the rooftops. Nor has it prevented Obama from trotting out the heads of the nation's security agencies to testify before the Armed Services Committee and futhur expound on this falsehood. Most prominent of these spokesmen has been James Clapper, Head of the National Security Agency, who has declared emphatically that is is not only true but proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now why should we believe Clapper, who has already been caught lying to Congress, any more than we should believe many other proven liars such as Obama himself, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and other Democrats too numerous to mention? Clapper, in case this has escaped your attention, is out of a job in less than two weeks and his chances of finding employment in a Republican Administration are nil. He's obviously seeking to feather his nest with his Democrat conspirators so he can find another cushy position outside government service. This whole effort should be scrutinized and debunked by the so-called media of this country except for the fact that the bulk of this once proud and honest profession has been in conspiracy with Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats for a great many years. To make it even worse, some prominent Republicans have fallen for this lie and are joining the chorus in calling for a full investigation and retaliation against the Russian government. Worst of the lot are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb of the Senate, Lindsey Graham and John McCain. When Donald Trump gets down to his proclaimed business of 'Draining the Swamp' once he's taken office on January 20th, he should make every effort to see that these two useless old reptiles are swept out to sea along with all the rotting vegetation and stagnant water.
At the bottom of this lie is the intent to discredit the election of Donald Trump, to weaken his ability to govern effectively, and to destroy his credibility with the American People. Well I'm not falling for it, nor are the vast majority of solid and intelligent voters that made possible Donald Trump's once seemingly impossible victory and have given him the mandate to Make America Great Again!
God bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
January 2, 2017
Barrack Hussein Obama is the most prolific liar ever to occupy the Office of President. His lies are so numerous, outrageous, and well known that I won’t bother listing them here or this report would run to numerous pages. Most of our Presidents have been men of integrity, and lying to the American people is something they would never have done other than in a critical circumstance, such as when President Eisenhower announced that the U-2 aircraft that had been shot down over Russia was a weather reconnaissance flight that had veered off course rather than the overflight that he knew it was. A few have taken considerable liberty with the truth, and LBJ comes immediately to mind, but Obama tops all of them in a walkover. He was swept into office on his promise to bring the country ‘Hope and Change’, and to have the “…most transparent administration in history.”, and there wasn’t a word of truth to either. Now as he prepares to leave office, bitter, angry, and vindictive, he lays another monumental lie before us and expects up to swallow it whole, that being that the Russians hacked our election and deprived Hillary Clinton her rightful victory. Well I didn’t come to town on a load of turnips, though it appears that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of the Senate, John McCain and Lindsay Graham did. The emails of Hillary’s campaign director John Podesta that were hacked only revealed the truth to the American people, that the Obama administration, the Democrat national committee, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign were rotten to the core, and bent on deceiving the country in order to put Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office. In the first place, Podsta fell victim to an elementary phishing scheme, one that any tech-savvy eight-grader would have immediately deleted. On top of that, the Democrats and Obama have not questioned the veracity of the emails, and the Holy Bible tells us that “the truth shall make you free.” Well I don’t believe for a minute that the Russians had anything to do with this hacking, and regardless that Obama has trotted out the CIA, the FBI, and every high-tech security organization in his administration to swear to the authenticity of the claim, I’m not buying it. He’s managed to corrupt the office of the Attorney General since he’s been there, the IRS, the FBI, the EPA, and numerous other government agencies too numerous to mention, but now I’m supposed to buy this story? Ha, ha, ha, pound sand Obama, and the sooner we’re rid of you forever, the better, and we can get down to the important business of making America great again!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 - 2017 |
Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead!
November 9, 2016
For almost eight-years there has been no Law in the Land. Barack Hussein Obama treated The Constitution and all our Laws with absolute contempt. He chose to rule the country like an African Dictator, ignoring the Law and the Congress completely with his Edicts and Executive Orders. His appointees throughout government were either as corrupt as he, or totally complicit. The Department of State, the Justice Department, the IRS, the FBI, and numerous other government agencies were rendered totally corrupt, willing to do anything and everything they could get away with to further the political aims of Obama and his henchmen. That day is coming to an end!
Bill and Hillary Clinton were totally corrupt from the day they came out of Arkansas, but Democrats, who frown on the least suspicion of corruption by a Republican, welcomed them with open arms. Sixteen years after Bill left the White House, stealing much of the furniture and artwork when he departed; his wife aspired to return them to the same residence. Though she falsely claimed that they had left the White House totally broke, her husband had enriched himself lavishly by selling pardons wholesale just before he departed. In the meantime, in pursuit of her lust for power, Hilary ran successfully for the U.S. Senate in New York. With little to show for her time there, other than lavish press releases generated from her office and published as fact by the corrupt and complicit media, she ran unsuccessfully for President in 2008, but landed on her feet when she took the position of Secretary of State in the incoming Obama administration. It was here that her corruption reached greater heights then ever imagined, and cash flowed into her and her husband’s pockets like water pouring over a dam.
There have been crooked Attorneys at the right hand of Presidents before, with Clark Clifford and Abe Fortas coming immediately to mind. Bill and Hillary no doubt had many, though none as famous as the aforementioned two. Whoever dreamed up the idea for the Clinton Foundation is a Mastermind. I know it wasn’t Hillary, she never was much of a Lawyer in the first place, and she’s not actually that smart. It certainly wasn’t Bill, because his vision is limited to the end of his penis and no further. It was a marvelous scheme for enrichment however, worthy of the best Consigliore that ever fixed a jury for the Mafia. Had Hillary carried it out with more good judgment and candor it would have remained a secret and she would have been elected President yesterday instead of Donald Trump. Fortunately, her totally incautious handling of her email traffic was found out by a dedicated and honest Congressman investigating the debacle of Benghazi, and the cat was out of the bag.
Her handling of Secret and Classified emails was a crime. It was conducted on an unsecure server set up in the basement of her home outside of govern purview. It put at risk not only the lives of many brave men and women serving on foreign soil, but the inner workings of our government and our diplomacy and military planning as well. When investigated for her crimes by the FBI she was questioned less thoroughly than she would have been if Barney Fife had been conduction the interrogation. It was in fact, a joke. When FBI Director James Comey read off the list of her transgressions it was assumed she would be charged. He concluded, however, by saying she had meant to do nothing wrong and was therefore innocent of any crime. I have known since I was a child that ‘Ignorance of the Law is no excuse.’ Any military officer or high government official that had done anything even remotely similar would have certainly been charged and likely found guilty, fined, and jailed as well. From that point forward every honest and decent American knew that the FBI, the last bastion of Law and Order in our Country, had been corrupted as well.
With the possibility of another criminal infesting the Oval Office for the next four, and likely eight-years, it would have left Americans with no alternative but open rebellion against a corrupt government, Fortunately, every honest and decent American with good sense went to the polls, not necessarily to vote for Donald Trump, but for a return of Honesty, Law and Order, and Decency to our Nation’s Capitol.
We are now rid of Hillary Clinton, her depraved husband Bill, and very soon rid of Obama and the thoroughly corrupt men and women he’s brought into our government. The Nation and the World can give thanks to Almighty God that our Nation can soon resume her honorable and respected position as Leader of the Free World!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
The Truth Will Set You Free
October 24, 2016
Investigate Journalism was once a cornerstone of our American Press. Lies and corruption by government and corporate interest were lain bare, and the truth enabled the American People to control their own destiny, not only by turning the scoundrels out at the polls, but also in demanding legislative and legal actions necessary to correct and curtail these outrages in the future. Sadly this once proud tradition barely exists today. The very best of investigative journalism occurring is not by members of the media, but by Hackers. The Wikileaks and Snowden exposures have done more for our country than the media has done in twenty-five years. I applaud these unknown men and their efforts. Wikileaks and Edward Snowden are far more deserving of the Nobel Prize than the likes of Barack Obama and Bob Dylan.
Just as a light in the forest guides lost travelers to safety, San Diego Beachlife Magazine strives to provide similar illumination for our readers, deprived as they are of truth by the gross manipulations and deceptions of the Liberal Press. We shall not waver in our determination to continue this proud tradition, and we welcome any reliable information that may be provided us from any source whatsoever. The Book of John tells us, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So long as life remains in or bodies, we at San Diego Beachlife Magazine shall endeavor to provide the absolute truth to our readers, just as laid out in the Book of John.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998
October 21, 2016
Remember Benghazi, the terrorist attack that killed our Ambassador, a member of his staff, and two security contractors? Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, cooked up a story about the cause for the attack being an offensive anti-Muslim video on YouTube. They stuck with this lie for well over a week when they'd known shortly after the attack that it had been a well planned terrorist attack. They went so far as to have UN Ambassador Susan Rice go on all the Sunday morning talk shows to spout this same false narrative, and when the bodies of our dead came back to Andrews AFB, Hillary met the bereaved families and repeated the anti-Muslim video lie, and assured them the man responsible would be punished. She and Obama went so far as to actually find a pliable and crooked Judge in California that had the man jailed on a minor technical parole violation. So much for Justice under the Obama administration.
Of course there was much to lose if it became evident that Obama's claim that ISIS, known by him as ISIL, was failing, and their recent attacks were by the JV Team, was just another of his multitude of lies. His second term in office was at stake, and he wasn't doing a very good job in the first place, his first term having accomplished virtually nothing. He knew if he was going to be reelected he'd have to con the American Voter into believing he'd actually done something, and his phony story that he had ISIS on the run was a cornerstones of this strategy. In spite of the anti-Muslim video lie being exposed, he somehow escaped blame and was returned to the White House for a second term.
Now, in the heat of a race to determine Obama's successor, massive drops of hacked emails are being laid before the public by Wikileaks. They are exposing the corruption of the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign committee, the Democrat Party chairman, the Liberal Media, and numerous others in a massive effort to prevent Hillary's opponent from being elected President. There are hackers the world over, in China, India, Russia, Nigeria, and most other countries whose citizens have the technical expertise to engage in this sort of activity, including of course the USA. No one knows at all who the hackers are, or for certain from where the hacker, or hackers are operating. It suits the purpose of Obama and Hillary however to concoct another story and attribute the hacks as entirely Russian in origin and at the direction of Vladimir Putin. To top this whopper, they also declare that Putin is in collusion with Donald Trump to steal the election. Having already corrupted most government agencies, including the State Department, the Justice Department, the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security, they have now incorporated all government security agencies in falsely claiming that it is now proven beyond doubt that all these leaked emails come directly from Russia. Well I didn't come to town on a load of turnips, and for many years now I have believed little or none of what I'm told by our government. I damn sure don't believe them now! If you, dear reader, fall for this latest lie, you will be complicit in seeing the most corrupt administration in American History relieved by one that is even more corrupt. You, though unwittingly, will be able to tell your grandchildren someday, that you played your part in the further degradation and destruction of what was once the Greatest Beacon of Liberty on the face of the Earth!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998
The Laws of God and Man
October 11, 2016
William H. Townsend was an author, lawyer, Lincoln scholar, magnificent speaker, and lifelong president of the Kentucky Civil War Round Table. His most famous address was about the great Abolitionist Cassius Marcellus Clay before a meeting of the Civil War Round Table in Chicago during the fall of 1952. As I recall from the recording of the address; Clay once made a speech in hostile Kentucky territory, he stood at the rostrum and addressed the crowd. First he held up a copy of The Constitution, declaring, "For those of you who believe in the Laws of Man I give you this argument!" and laid it on the rostrum. He then held up a copy of The Holy Bible, declaring, "And for those of you that believe in the Laws of God I give you this argument!" and then laid The Bible alongside The Constitution. Lastly he reached into his vest and pulled a great pearl-handled Bowie Knife and a Colt Derringer from within, raising them high for the crowd to see, and declared, "And for those of you that believe neither in the Laws of God nor the Laws of Man, I give you this argument!" He then proceed to lay the weapons on the rostrum with The Constitution and The Bible, and delivered his speech unmolested.
Hillary Clinton cares not for The Constitution, nor the Laws of Man. She has violated the laws of our land repeatedly, and with complete impunity, aided and abetted by a thoroughly corrupt President, and his equally corrupt administration, Justice Department, and FBI. She is the handpicked choice to replace President Obama, a man that considers the Constitution an archaic document of no worth or importance, and has proceeded to circumvent it at every turn, unimpeded by most of the cowardly scum that sits in the Congress. To suppose that Hillary Clinton would do otherwise is sheer nonsense. Additionally, she has promised to nominate replacements for retiring or deceased Supreme Court Justices with political hacks who would treat the Constitution with complete distain and vote the way directed in the manner of a Russian Boxing Referee. As for The Holy Bible and our Christian heritage upon which this country was founded, she professes more admiration and support for the Religion of Islam, and is actively striving to bring thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees into our country to be supported in grand fashion by the American Taxpayer, you! Left behind to fend for themselves in the Middle East are minority groups of Christians that have been ruthlessly tortured and slaughtered by Muslim fanatics, and remain under attack, virtually forgotten by the present administration.
Though Trump won’t need knife and pistol to respond to the attacks that will be directed at him between now and November 8th, he must be prepared for every dirty trick in the book. The leaked emails from the Democrat National committee, the Head of the Democrat party, and Clinton’s own Campaign Chairman revel the methods used to deny Bernie Sanders all chance to be that party's Presidential nominee, and they will use the same methods attacking Donald Trump. He must go viciously on the attack, and strike hard at every opportunity. Hillary Clinton’s entire political life is built upon a foundation of lies, so many in fact, as to rival the stars in the sky. There is hardly time to address every single lie, but the most glaring must be hammered at relentlessly. To cite just a few there are all the lies she’s told regarding her completely illegal private email severed which was set up entirely without government knowledge in the basement of her own home. Then there is Benghazi, a failure by the State Department, of which she was head, to provide adequate security for the Embassy staff when they had been virtually begging for it. Then, when the well planned attack on the Consulate occurred, rather then address the problem and respond with prompt military action, she and the President disappeared, concocting as their defense that the attack was because of an offensive anti-Muslim video. What action that did occur to remedy the situation came from the brave security detail working at a secret CIA complex nearby. Action in which these men fought heroically, and to the very death of two, all the while calling for military assistance which had been promised but was neither sent nor contemplated. To add insult to injury, when the bodies of the murdered Ambassador and a member of his staff, and the two former Navy SEALS that had died fighting, were returned to our country, she persisted in the lie that it was all because of this anti-Muslim video, and that the man responsible would be held accountable. Now she disavows the entire content of her remarks, which had been recorded on the spot by bereaved family members of the slain. Lastly there is the Clinton Foundation, a supposedly charitable foundation set up in Canada, safe from inquiry by US authorities, that is in actuality an influence peddling and money laundering operation, set up to enrich the Clintons and to enable a lavish lifestyle and large staff of aiders and abettors. In spite of the fact that Donald Trump is a very imperfect man in his own right, has life has been led within the bounds of our laws and conventions. If the American public would wake up and look at the true nature of the Clintons, and the criminality that has underlain their entire lives, it leaves no choice but to cast their vote for the less undesirable candidate, Donald Trump!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
When Will He Ever Learn?
October 4, 2016
One of the great protest songs of the Sixties was, Were Have All The Flowers Gone? There's a line in there goes, "When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?" Well if I could adapt this song to the Trump Campaign I'd be singing, "When will he ever learn, when will he ever learn?" But for all his Tom Fool mistakes he'd be fifteen points ahead of Hillary right now. She, after all, is the most unappealing candidate ever to present herself in a race for President. She out Obama's Obama when it comes to lying; she skirted regulations and laws that under an honest administration would have sent her to prison; she's destroyed reputations of women raped and assaulted by her husband; she's proved herself unwilling to provide support for her subordinates in dangerous situations, nor reinforcement for those in mortal peril, and left them to die; yet she remains in the race and actually a few points ahead of Trump because of his glaring and unnecessary mistakes. He's been baited unmercifully by Hillary and her handlers and has fallen prey nearly every time. If this was a baseball game and Hillary was pitching for the opposing team, Trump would be fanned every time at bat. To mix metaphors, the race is now in the home stretch, and whoever hits the wire first must neither falter nor make a mistake prior to the finish. Trump can still win, and God save the Nation if he doesn't, but he's got to put his head down, pin his ears back, and get dead serious. He has the best Debate Coach alive today right there in his corner in Newt Gingrich, all he's go to do is pay attention to what Newt tells him. He has to get off his Tweeting kick, which is as juvenile a way of responding or getting a point across yet devised in this country. General Robert E. Lee once stated, "Discipline is the most sublime word in the English language." I'm not sure Trump even knows the meaning of the word. His favorite word is Vanity, followed closely by Arrogance, undesirable characteristics both, which he possesses in great abundance. The only other man I can possibly think of that comes close in these two respects is no other then Barrack Hussein Obama, President of the United States. Trump is not surrounded by fools, he has Rudy Giuliani and Gen. Mike Flynn in addition to Newt in his camp, all he has to do is listen. San Diego Beachlife Magazine cane out in full support months ago, and we have been willing to do much more, and believe me, we have valuable assets at our disposal that would have been invaluable to Trump's campaign. Attempts to convey this message have been futile, once on his campaign mailing list all you get are entreaties for contributions. When you are asked for input it's in the form of a survey, followed by another entreaty for a contribution. His campaign is so closed there isn't even a Suggestion Box where concrete advice might be sent. The catalyst for the invention that enabled the US Army to break out of the Hedgerow Country in WWII and go on the offensive was because of a statement blurted by a mere Army Private, but Trump's campaign is closed to such suggestion. If he loses this race it will not be because he was beaten by the despicable Hillary Clinton, it will be because he blew the opportunity completely, and the damnation of the Nation that will surely follow will be wholly upon his shoulders.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998
And the Winner is, …….
September 28, 2016
Groucho Marx once famously said, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" Well, that pretty much summed up the so-called debate two nights ago. Immediately upon conclusion the talking heads proceeded to tell us exactly what we'd seen, what it all meant, and who had won. It was much ado about nothing. Most of the media, liberal to the core, called it decisively for Hillary in the finest tradition of Russian Boxing Referees. I prefer to believe my lying eyes, and though it was no knockout, I thought Trump won on points though not decisively. I thought Hillary uttered nothing but the usual liberal sound bites with no coherency whatsoever. Trump scored some points in sticking to his core messages early and in disputing some of Hillary's lies, though he missed obvious opportunities later to pummel her on her unsecure email server and the Benghazi debacle. The Moderator was pathetic, disputing only Trump on insignificant points and Hillary on none, and completely ignoring the major issues of the campaign. I expected nothing better, however, knowing his liberal bent and the intense pressure he was under from his ilk to tip the scale for Hillary. Trump should demand complete impartiality in the next two debates, a level playing field in other words, which, at least prior to the present administration, used to be the American Way!
Trump obviously has never boxed, which his performances throughout his entire campaign for President have amply demonstrated. Every blow thrown in a match is not telling, and insignificant blows should be shrugged off as you attempt to deliver telling blows to your opponent. Trunp, however, tries to counter every blow thrown at him, no matter how slight and insignificant, and wastes time and effort better spent in direct attack. Hopefully someone will come in with some good coaching prior to the next two debates so that his performance can be much more effective.
Hillary did say one thing that absolutely disqualifies her to occupy the position of Commander in Chief and no one, not Trump, not the media; nobody has picked up on it. In the present difficulties in the Persian Gulf our once mighty navy has been taunted, threatened, and humiliated by the Iranian Navy. Trump had stated after a recent incident when our ships were harassed and taunted in International Waters by the Iranian Navy that "they should, have been blown out of the water!" Hillary attacked this statement, saying, "He would get us in another war!", insinuating he was irresponsible and not of the levelheaded temperament worthy to command. Well for those of you that don’t know, Iran is the bully of the Middle East; they threaten and intimidate every other country in the region, and have continued to get away with it since Obama became President. For well over a Century our country has been the only boy on the block willing to stand up to the bullies and protect the weak and innocent of the World from these unwarranted attacks and intimidations. Our once great navy has assumed much of this dirty work throughout our history, and names such as Jones, Preble, Bainbridge, Decatur, Farragut, Sims, Nimitz and Halsey continue to inspire us to this day. No tin pot dictator would dare to pull the stunts that Obama has allowed the Iranian Navy to get away with in the day of these Great Leaders, because the outcome would have been just as Trump stated, they'd have been blown out of the water! Hillary is obviously of the same cowardly temperament as Obama, who draws meaningless lines in the sand, issues empty threats, refuses to retaliate when our military is attacked, pays ransom to get our hostages released, and then lies about it. This is the same attitude that gave the world the rise of Nazism and Hitler when Neville Chamberlain signed the infamous Munich Pact which gave us "Peace in our time!” “Those who do not know History are doomed to repeat it!”
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
An Unanswered Question
September 22, 2016
During the Presidential election of 2008 the question of the actual birthplace of Barak Hussein Obama came into question. The Hillary Clinton campaign first raised the issue, suggesting that he had actually been born in Kenya, his supposed father's home country, and therefore was not a Natural Born US Citizen and therefore ineligible for the Presidency. Obama steadfastly maintained that he had been born in Hawaii, and Hillary has since disavowed any connection with this assertion that he hadn't, saying that the party who had raised the issue was not a paid staffers of her campaign, was summarily dismissed, and that she apologized to Obama. Whether this is true or not I don't know, but Hillary has proved capable of saying and doing anything to get herself elected President. This assertion, however, was the catalyst that turned the question of his birthplace into a national issue. Many picked it up and began clamoring for evidence that he'd actually been born in Hawaii including Donald Trump. Scrambling to prove his Hawaiian birth, Obama pointed to a Honolulu newspaper that had printed news of his birth shortly after the fact. All this was well and good, but all it takes is a phone call to the news desk to get a birth announcement into the paper, newspapers don't send reporters to the hospitals every morning to verify who may have been born there the previous day like they do to the police courts to see who had been arrested. In the time line of events during this period, someone pointed out to Obama that he hadn't visited his grandmother in Hawaii in over two years. She was the one person that had done more for Obama than anyone else on earth, and that should she die in the meantime, and she was seriously ill, that it would look very bad for him, so off he scrambled to Hawaii, just a short hop from his home in Chicago if you take the Red Eye. He took full advantage of the photo op with his beloved grandmother, then promptly jumped a plane back to the mainland and his more pressing campaign appearances. Realizing the serious condition of his grandmother's health, and her mental state as well, he left a platoon of attorneys who camped at her bedside until she died to keep her from blurting out any information that might be detrimental to his well scripted life's history. Somewhere about this time one of his many relatives in Kenya declared emphatically that he had been born in Kenya, but this information was virtually ignored by the US news media, already in the bag for Obama anyway. In fact, so far as I've been able to ascertain, the news media accepted as fact Obama's claim that he'd been born in Hawaii, and not a single investigative reporter or detective was sent there to check the facts. I have heard of no former hospital employee being interviewed that may have been there at his birth, nor any past neighbors of his grandparents. Neither have Airline records been thoroughly searched, though his mother was known to have been in Kenya prior to his birth and had travelled there by air. I'm sure her Passport could verify the dates she visited Kenya, though I’m certain it’s conveniently no longer in existence. As well, it would have very easy for the Bush administration, still in power at the time, to check the facts, but apparently they were more concerned with political correctness, or so eaten up with ineptitude, that they failed to do so. Obama did come forth with more facts that supported his argument that he'd been born in Hawaii, but the Birth Certificate first submitted was computer generated and not the correct form of birth certificate in use when he was actually born. When another was submitted, purported to be the official long form, it was judged by forgery experts a fraud. Some state officials verified his claim as well, but government officials are easily corrupted and I put little faith in this testimony. The name of the hospital he was supposedly born in was submitted as well, and it turned that this hospital hadn't existed at the time of his birth. The hospital where he had been supposedly born had a name change, and he'd submitted the new name, not the original that it was known as at the time of his birth. If you were born in Constantinople you wouldn't tell people you had been born in Istanbul would you? Obama obviously doesn't know where he was born or he's lying about it. A doctor's name, who had supposedly delivered Obama, was also provided, but he was deceased and his records had all been destroyed. Most of this was extremely fishy, but the press, like good Christians that cling to the myth of Immaculate Conception and Virgin Birth, held fast to Obama's claim as if infallible. There's a wonderful Western Movie, The Man That Shot Liberty Valence that contains the line, "When the legend becomes fact, ...print the legend!" This is the route the media has taken and the Democrat Party as well, and anyone that discounts the authenticity of Obama's Hawaiian birth is immediately branded a Birther, branding him either a Right Wing Extremist or a nut case. I just conducted an informal poll among several correspondents of mine, all highly intelligent college graduates and decorated Vietnam Veterans. None rule out that Obama may have been born in Hawaii, but only one of the five of us is satisfied that the evidence produced by Obama conclusively proves that. After all, his college transcript and records are sealed by court order, as well as other details of his earlier life, which leads people to wonder what he's concealing. Other than being embarrassed by the grades I received in college, I could have done much better, I certainly wouldn't go to such lengths to hide them. And to top it all off, he is proven the most notorious liar to ever occupy the Oval Office. If he'll lie about one thing he's certainly capable of lying about another!
The issue came to the fore again a few days ago when Donald Trump mentioned that he wasn't entirely satisfied that Obama had actually been born in Hawaii. There was an immediate hue and cry from the Hawaiian Birth faction, including the media, the Congressional Black Caucus, Hillary Clinton and her staff, 'all the usual suspect' in other words, and it was overshadowing Trumps efforts to fully expose Hillary's lies, deceptions, and corruption. He made the wise decision to lay the issue to rest, at least for the timer being, and he announced a special Press Conference. In his opening remarks he announced that he'd come to the conclusion that Obama had been born in Hawaii and refused to discuss the matter further. This drove 'the usual suspects' into an even greater frenzy. They are now clamoring for Trump to apologize to Obama for ever daring to suggest that he hadn't been born in Hawaii. Well, I do believe an apology is in order but not from Donald Trump. If you ask me, Obama owes the World an apology! The sad fact is, though the World was in no great shape when Obama took office nearly eight years ago, it is in far worse shape today as a consequence of his incompetent and criminal administration, his meddling in World affairs, and his protection and promotion of Islamic terrorism. The sooner we are rid of him and his ilk, the better, and this includes Hillary Clinton and her entourage of sucker fish, and the scum Republicans that have turned their backs on their party to either support Hillary Clinton or are refusing to vote at all. The forthcoming election will be the most important of your lifetime, our once great nation, our economy, and our children's future lies in the balance. Cast your vote wisely and well, and cast it for Donald Trump!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
September 11, 2016
There was a great Rock 'n Roll song in the '50s by Sam Cooke that contained the line, "Don't know much about history." This could well be a description of Mike Pence. Republican candidate for Vice President. He declared recently that, "Hillary Clinton is the most dishonest presidential candidate since Richard Nixon." I'm now wondering where he got his education because he's so far off the mark it's almost pathetic. Exactly what did Nixon do that was so dishonest? He neither authorized nor planned the Watergate break-in, he only learned of it the following day when it was a fait accompli. He did attempt to cover it up and deny responsibility, but his main motive at the time was to protect his men, however misguided they were in their abortive effort. Afterward, in vain attempt to conceal the cover-up, he caused to be erased eighteen minutes of recorded conversation, which ultimately led to his downfall. Had he followed the advice of John Connally and destroyed the tapes, which had not been subpoenaed at the time and were his personal property, he might well have not had to resign the Presidency. Hillary Clinton obviously learned from this, and thirteen devices she used in the illegal sending of Classified State Department emails have either been entirely destroyed or disappeared completely, whereabouts unknown.
The man preceding Nixon in the Presidency, Lyndon Johnson, was dishonest to the core. His election to the Senate, the second step in the ascent that eventually led to the Oval Office, was as corrupt an election as ever recorded in this country. Additionally, as President, Johnson continued to call the shots of his significant holdings in Texas TV & radio stations when they were supposed to be in blind trust, and influenced legislation and regulations to increase the value of these holdings while in office. Nixon won his election to the Senate on the fair, nor had outside business interest to favor by his influence.
Then there was Bill Clinton, who sold hundreds of pardons just prior to leaving office. His wife later famously lied that they’d left the White House dead broke. One thing they did leave with was loads of furniture, china, artwork, and various other items belonging to the Nation. Fortunately, all these items had been properly inventoried, and the thieves were forced to either return them or reimburse the government for their face value. Just more glaring crimes committed by dishonest Democrat Presidents, yet Nixon remains the Democrat Party's poster boy for Crook!
Finally we come to the present occupant of the Oval Office, Barak Hussein Obama, whose plethora of lies are eclipsed only by Hillary Clinton’s, a man that has for all practical purpose used The Constitution as toilet paper, and the man that has thoroughly corrupted the Justice Department by the appointment of the criminal Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch as Attorney General, To add insult to injury he has also corrupted the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well by the appointment of James (No intent, no crime!) Comey as Director.
In light of all this Democrat corruption I would consider Richard Nixon hardly corrupt at all, and he wasn't at all a bad President, certainly far better than the three Democrats I have mentioned.
Mike Pence doesn't need to be running for Vice President, he needs to go back to school and repeat all those History classes he either cut or slept through.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
Hook, Line, and Sinker!
August 3, 2016
There are species of fish that are extremely difficult to catch, Trout, Tarpon, and Marlin coming immediately to mind. There are other species, however, that are so gullible they will take almost any sort of bait, and the Cod and the Sucker fall in this category, sometimes even going for nothing more than a shiny bare hook. If Donald Trump were a fish he'd be found among the latter species. The Obama administration has been flooding the country with refugees from Syria, mostly unvetted, and Hillary Clinton has declared her intention to continue doing the same. Because of the overwhelming number of terrorists incidents in this country since the first World Trade Center bombing, virtually all perpetrated by Radical Islamist, Donald Trump has declared he will institute a moratorium on immigration from certain countries where terrorism is endemic, and will allow no Muslim into the country without thorough vetting. This has struck a cord with the American People, who are far more concerned about this uncontrolled immigration, and the terrorism it has spawned, then the party in power. But Hillary and her co-conspirators wanted to do something to show that a Muslim could become a good American, and they baited a hook for Donald Trump in the process. They found a Muslim lawyer in New York whose son has been killed twelve years ago by a roadside bomb in Iraq. What they had to do to reward this man for speaking is unknown, but the Clinton Foundation has deep pockets. They trotted him onstage at the Democrat National Convention with his sad looking, scarf covered wife at his side as a prop. He delved into his love of his adopted country and how his son had gone off to war on her behalf and given his life. To this point in his speech there was nothing to find fault with, but then he lit into Donald Trump and his record of draft deferments. Had Trump let the issue drop, it would have been virtually forgotten the following day, but no, he's not one to ever let a personal attack go unrebutted. He is so vain and thin-skinned that no attack, slight, or insult, no matter how insignificant, must be allowed to pass without reply, and so he aggressively and viciously tore into the Muslim lawyer, Khizr Khan, and his wife. In other words he took the bait hook, line, and sinker, a wrong and impulsive act which has left him virtually defenseless, and he has since been remorselessly attacked, not only by Democrats and their media cohorts, but by members of his own party as well. Hillary Clinton must have been barking in glee! If he had responded at all he should have taken the ball back into Hillary's territory by suggesting that this Khizr Khan forgot to mention the most notorious draft dodger in American History, Bill Clinton, the husband of the Democrat candidate for President.
Only a couple of weeks ago the election was Trump's to win, all he had to do was stay on message, terrorism, immigration, and the economy, and continued attacks against his opponent, but in this short period of time he has thrown away much of his chance to be elected with his big, and uncontrollable mouth. If he goes down to defeat in November, the loss will be entirely his own fault, his place on the dung heap of American History will be guaranteed, and he will be equally despised and avoided by Democrat and Republican alike for the rest of his despicable life.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
The Scum Also Rises
July 21, 2016
The Presidential elections of the present century have presented the American voter with the most unworthy cast of candidates in the entire history of the Republic. Not a one, winner or loser, was suited by virtue of character, intelligence or ability to effective lead the nation. This year the choices are the absolute worst ever.
Donald Trump is a self-serving promoter, a loudmouth, a braggart, a hot-headed and unpredictable egomaniac so enamored of his own opinion that he often shuns far wiser counsel to go with his own gut feelings. Feelings that, more often than not, are hopelessly wrong. A Trump Presidency could well turn out an unmitigated disaster for our country. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, however, is far worse. Her lust for power knows no bounds, and there has been no character ever involved in politics in this country that can match her scheming, her lies, or her evasions and distortions in this quest for power. In just a little over two-hundred years we have come from a man reputed to have never told a lie, to one so devoid or truthfulness as to call into question any statement he makes, no matter how bland or innocuous it may be. In this obsession to lie, however, Barack Obama has more than met his match in Hillary Clinton. As to the specifics and magnitude of her lies, the evidence is there in public record for anyone that cares to see.
In addition to her monumental lies, she and her degenerate husband are outright thieves. Their theft of furniture, fixtures and china from the White House when Bill Clinton left office is well documented. Fortunately for the country, most of it they were either forced to return or reimburse the government for by the incoming administration.
Then there's her collusion with Wall Street and the great Banking Houses. She's been paid massive speaking fees on numerous occasions for short speeches to these organizations, the subject of which remains a secret, but it's perfectly obvious that their privileged position, exorbitant tax breaks, and lavish refunds will be allowed to continue under a Clinton administration, and their executives will continue to prosper beyond the dreams of ordinary American workingmen.
Not to be forgotten is the Clinton Foundation, set up in Canada where banking secrecy laws keep it hidden from US scrutiny. It is ostensibly a charitable foundation, but actually a Mafia-like operation that funnels money solicited from oppressive foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, for protection from US Laws, promotion of their special interests, and influence in government affairs. Though a small percentage of this money actually goes to charitable causes, The Clinton Foundation is in actuality a slush fund which the Clintons use for their lavish living and travel expenses and the maintenance of large personal staffs. This is a blatantly obvious conflict of interest, and a violation of the RICO Statutes, but the Clintons are as immune from prosecution by this corrupt administration as Hillary was with regard to the criminal handling of the most secretive government information while she was Secretary of State.
Hillary Clinton proudly bragged that when she and her husband moved out of the White House they were flat broke. In the intervening years she has served in the US Senate and as Secretary of State in the first Obama administration, as well as making speeches to various groups and organizations, hardly the sort of wage earning that would put her in the category of a Morgans, a Rockefeller, or a Rothschild. Her husband Bill, when not on various jaunts with the likes of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to his Orgy Island, has also been engaged in speech-making. During this period they have amassed a vast fortune totaling well into the millions, the greatest fortune ever amassed by a President after leaving the White House in fact. How all this money has magically appeared remains in great part a secret, yet Hillary demands she be allowed to see Donald Trump's tax statements.
I close with the prescient words of a former US President, and an honest one.
"No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook. It can not be done."
Harry S. Truman
God Bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
Ted Cruz
July 21, 2016
It occurred to me some months ago that Ted Cruz looked like a crooked gambler that would deal from the bottom of the deck. I stated that if John Ford, the Greatest Hollywood Director of all time, were still alive and directing movies he would certainly cast Cruz in this sort of role. I got no more than a chuckle from several friends for this observation, but now, after Cruz' speech last night to the Republican National Convention, it's obvious to the entire world that I was spot on in my analysis. He is without doubt, a slimy, lying, back-stabbing, double dealing, floor flusher of the first order. If Texas doesn't dump him forever from politics in the State it is no longer the Great Lone Star State of honorable men such as Austin, Houston, Travis, Crockett, Bowie, and the Texas Rangers, but the disgusting abode of Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, criminals and illegal aliens, of which I now count Cruz! (Go back to Canada you SOB, maybe you can find work there with the Clinton Foundation!)
Damn Cruz, Romney, Kasick, Rubio, and the rest of the back stabbing Republicans
God bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
Does she think we came to town on a load of turnips?
June 30, 2016
On Monday, former President Bill Clinton had a secret and private, half-hour meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch aboard her private aircraft at Phoenix Airport. Once news of the meeting leaked out, Lynch offered up an explanation, saying the meeting had been a purely personal call while both she and the former President happened to be at the airport at the same time. She said they discussed their grandchildren, their travels and other trivial matters and nothing whatsoever of an official nature. No one with a functioning brain is falling for this tripe for even one second. In the first place, Lynch is the Attorney General, the Number One Law Enforcement Official in the United States. It is her responsibility to conduct the affairs of her office with no hint of scandal or stain. Secondly, former President Clinton's wife Hillary just happens to be the Democrat nominee for President of the U.S., and presently under investigation by the Justice Department's FBI for potential violation of U.S. Laws regarding security of materials and communications of the most secret nature while she held the position of Secretary of State. There is strong evidence that she is guilty, and should be indicted. Should she be indicted she will be out of the Presidential race, and the then likelihood is that the Republican candidate would be elected. This would be catastrophe for the Democrat Party, President Obama, and the Clintons. Additionally, it would be catastrophe for Loretta Lynch as well because she'll be out of a job. Without a doubt, Loretta Lynch's future was the prime topic discussed during this meeting. Clinton no doubt pointed out to her that if the indictment is quashed, great rewards could come her way, especially so if his wife is elected President. What the details of these rewards would be is known only to the Clinton, Lynch and her husband, but the ,possibilities are many. If Hillary is elected, Lynch could continue in her present position as Attorney General, or, should she desire, be appointed to the Supreme Court. Massive speaking fees may also have been dangled in front of her, paid for by the Clinton Foundation, the slush fund, protection and influence peddling racket the Clinton's operate in Canada disguised as a charity, and safe from prying U.S. eyes. The sky's the limit, and Loretta Lynch well knows it!
This little episode reminds me of a favorite quote by H.L. Mencken;
"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place."
She's lying!
God bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
The Return of Dracula
June 20, 2016
Dracula, by Bram Stoker, is a fictional retelling of the Eastern European legends of the Vampire, undead fiends that prey upon the living. It remains to this day the greatest work of horror fiction ever written. In the story, Count Dracula, a Nobleman from the Land of Transylvania, and one of these vile creatures, travels to England. He comes on the crest of a raging storm aboard a schooner with a dead man lashed to the helm and the rest of the crew missing, yet the ship safely grounds herself in harbor. Unknowingly, authorities release the cargo, consisting of boxes of earth, to their consignee. Little were they aware of the evil contained therein. Resting in his coffin within one of the boxes of earth lay Count Dracula himself. Once reinterred in a crypt in rural England, safe in his coffin and surrounded by the earth of his native soil, he would rise every evening at nightfall to spread his deadly terror across a naive and unsuspecting land.
Another horror has now arrived in the Western World. Like Dracula it arrived from the East, and as well, it arrived on the crest of a storm, for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are sweeping across the lands from whence it came, leaving death, destruction, and despair in their wake. Welcomed into these countries with open arms, the flotsam and jetsam from this turmoil in the Middle East, contains within it the seeds of another evil far more deadly to the free world than a thousand Dracula's would have ever been.
The first World Trade Center bombing, the hijacked airliner attacks of September 11, 1993, the Ft. Hood massacre, the Chattanooga Enlistment Center shootings, the San Bernardino shootings, the Orlando nightclub massacre, and hundreds of other shootings and murders throughout Western Europe, all perpetrated by Radical Islamic Terrorists. What more do you need to see to make you aware that a monumental evil has infiltrated the Western World, and almost daily we see more deadly effects of it?
Yet, with hundreds of thousands of Muslims already here, they continue to stream into our country with little or no insight into their background or the danger they may present. Our President assures us that Islam is a Religion of Peace when overwhelming evidence tells sane men otherwise. Our’s is a tolerant nation, but no one other than a fool could declare Islam as tolerant.
Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is attacked and assailed, not only by Democrats and the media, but by members of his own party because he wants to assert some sort of positive control over who may be admitted to our country.
There are those that tell us that this perpetrator of this latest massacre in Orlando, Omar Mateen, must be labeled a Home Grown Terrorist because he was born in the USA. Being born and growing up here he's naturally supposed to learn to love baseball, hot dogs, 4th of July picnics and fireworks. Well now, is this really the case? He is not foreign born, but he is foreign seed, he is Muslim. His parents are Muslim immigrants and natives of Afghanistan. He was raised in a Muslim community, in which they tend to congregate separate from the rest of American society. He attended local Mosques, and quite likely listened to the hateful sermons that are preached in many of them, but of course we wouldn't know because due to the doctrine of Political Correctness, law enforcement officials are prevented by Federal Law from investigating possible terroristic influence if it involves a Mosque. This murderer grew up in a Muslim hothouse, surrounded by native soil just as Dracula was when he lay in that crypt in England. Foreign fertilizer was readily available to nurture this hideous seed while growing in that hothouse, by virtue of unlimited terroristic and evil influence available on the internet and through social media. Many questions are now being raised such as, "How, being a Muslim, did he get a security job in the first place?" Well, had he been denied because of his Religion the company that hired him would have been massively fined, if not run completely out of business, and had their government contract pulled in the process? He was investigated twice by the FBI, who cleared him both times, and now it's glaringly obvious that they either weren't doing their job or weren't allowed to.
Now Democrats and many Republicans in Congress as well, are pushing for more gun control as a means of stopping this violence. I equate this effort to hiding under the bed when you hear someone breaking into your house. Many entirely legal purchasers would be denied the right to purchase a weapon, and this Omar Mateen wouldn't have been one of them, because he had the appropriate clearance to buy one.
Yes, a monumental evil is loose in this land and it's name is Radical Islamic Terrorism! If massive Muslim immigration is allowed to continue it will only aid and abet this catastrophe. The future of this country and the Free World is at stake; this invasion must be stopped at the gate, and stopped now!
God bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large |
Donald Trump for President
January 22, 2016
San Diego Beachlife Magazine has been known and trusted throughout her existence for accurate, timely, and impartial reporting. Many other well known news organizations do not hold to the same high standard, and fail to report, misreport, or slant their reporting in a blatantly biased fashion for whatever their unscrupulous aims may be. We would never stoop to such underhanded and un-American prejudices and distortions. However, there comes a time when conscience compels us to take a principled stand, and with the most important Presidential election in our lifetime in the offing, now is the time when we must step forward and be counted. Our country has been misled for the past seven years by the greatest impostor, fraud, and liar ever known upon the North American Continent. He has taken our country from imposing heights, the beacon of freedom to the World, to a laughingstock among nations. Our economy is in shambles, unemployment is rampant, and thousands upon thousands have given up hope of finding work and dropped out of the labor pool altogether. Our former allies no longer trust us, and our enemies despise and openly ridicule and humiliate us. Our military is in shambles, and our once feared Navy has just been subjected to the most disgraceful episode in her long and glorious history. The political party responsible for these catastrophes must be prevented from continuing in high office. The likely candidate of this party is as despicable and untrustworthy as the man presently occupying the Oval Office. For the future security of our nation, for the welfare of our children and grandchildren, for the return of our Nation to her rightful place of leadership in the World, and the return of our Military Forces to a position second to none, we wish to declare our wholehearted support and endorsement for the candidacy of Donald Trump for President.
God bless America!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large |
Hillary, You're Pissing On My Boots!
In 2008 Barak Obama wrested the Democrat nomination for the Presidency away from Hillary
Clinton. Obama won it fair and square ...after a fashion, the dirty tricks learned in Chicago trumped
those learned in Arkansas, and he carried the day. It was a humiliating defeat for Hillary but she
put on a good show of accepting it gracefully, and promised to throw her support to the party.
Defeated she may have been, but it in no way lessened her lust to occupy the seat in the Oval Office. She sought, and received, the position of Secretary of State in the Obama cabinet. This was a wise move on her part because it kept her in the public eye, and through clever manipulation of press releases and other means, created the illusion that she was doing a remarkable job. Fact of the matter is, she did nothing remarkable at all, and accomplished very little. What she did that was remarkable was log more airline miles, days spent out of the country, and number of glowing press releases, in the history of the office. She resigned after Obama's first term in office to concentrate her efforts on winning the Democrat nomination for the Presidency in 2016. She left the office in the hands of a perfect stooge knowing he could never better her record there. For three years she moved serenely along the campaign trail, solidifying her position as the darling of the Democrat party, while her husband turned his attentions to living the high life out of sight of his otherwise occupied wife, and further enriching himself through fat speaking fees and shady dealings only now coming to light.
Though the Clintons and Obama have always professed mutual respect and support, the truth is they despise each other. Their relationship could more accurately be described as a Mexican Standoff. Obama needed the Clinton's support in order to pursue his nefarious goals as President, and Hillary needed his to bolster her position as Democrat Party favorite for the Presidency in 2017. The Clintons are no fools however, they already knew prior to the revelations of Edward Snowden that the government was spying on ordinary American citizens and lying about it. Hell, they did it themselves while Bill Clinton was both a Governor and President, destroying reputations, fortunes, and lives in the process. Hillary had no intention of putting herself in a position where Obama could know about, and monitor every move that she made. Imperiously, she refused to utilize the mandated official communication system in the State Department, creating her own. Here, so she thought, she was safe and secure from Obama's prying eyes. Unfortunately for her it turned out to be a glaring mistake, one that has now come back to haunt her.
There remained one little fly left in the ointment, the calamity of Benghazi during her tenure at State. Her bad judgment played a large part in the lack of security which led to her Ambassador and three other Americans being brought home in flag draped coffins. Had this disaster not occurred, her schemes may well have carried to fruition and her march to the Presidency come off without a hitch. This issue, however, has dogged both her and Obama from onset, and continues to this day. The glaring mistakes made that could have prevented it, the in competencies in reacting, along with the lies and cover-ups to misrepresent, camouflage, and hide the truth of it, would, if known, destroy the both of them. This makes certain that the Mexican Standoff between them remains, for if one goes down, the other will surely follow.
The lies and cover up started almost immediately after the Benghazi debacle, and they are well enough know and documented elsewhere that I won't bother to list them. Reporters were curious at first, but most soon bought the administration's line and dropped the issue. The President dismissed the matter as, "... bumps in the road." When called to testify before a Congressional panel Hillary declared, "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?" Further efforts by the Senate to uncover the truth of Benghazi were stonewalled and delayed by The State Department and the Obama administration. Political objectives continue to obscure the truth, and though it was accepted that mistakes had been made, these were ascribed to low level government employees, and the high government officials actually responsible walked away without even a slap on the wrist.
In the House, however, it is a different story. The stonewalling continues but the bulldog efforts of Rep. Trey Gowdy to get at the truth are bearing fruit, and this in spite of the despicable efforts of Rep. Elijah Cummings to foil the work of their committee. Here, it was discovered that Hillary had not used the official government communication system mandated by law for her official correspondence, but her own personal and private server. Also mandated by law are that all that all official communications be retained and kept secure for oversight if necessary, and the House committee rightfully demanded those pertaining to Benghazi. There was a little problem here however; all these communications were stored on the server installed in the private residence of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Here began another series of lies and cover-ups. Hillary volunteered to produce all emails pertaining to official business, declaring that no material marked Confidential was contained therein. And produce them she did, a pitifully small number, saying that everything else was of personal and private nature, and she had deleted them. Emails, however, do not exist only on the device on which they originate, they are stored on the server, the recipient also has a copy, and others may as well. These missing emails are beginning to turn up, and they put the lie to most of Hillary's declarations on the matter. The server is now in the hands of the FBI, but all indications are that all emails have not only been deleted, but that the server has been professionally wiped clean of all information whatsoever. Summonses by the House Committee to get those involved in setting up, maintaining, and servicing this private system to testify are now going out. One of Hillary's co-conspirators has already notified the committee that if required to appear, he will plead the Fifth. The whole scenario brings to mind a wonderful line by Sherriff Ed Earl in the play, THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS, "Boys, I got myself a pretty good bullshit detector, and I can tell when somebody's pissing on my boots and telling me it's a rainstorm." Well, Trey Gowdy knows Hillary's pissing on his boots and he intends doing something about it!
John E. Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
By: John Edwin Roberts
August 9, 2015
Fox News bills itself as ‘Fair and Balanced’. On Friday evening we discovered they are anything but. In the first debate of candidates for Republican Presidential nominee, the loaded questions they threw at Trump, the initial one ostensibly for all participants but in actuality directed only at him, were nothing less than blows below the belt.
There are presently seventeen Republican candidates. The leader of the pack is Donald Trump with a double-digit lead over his nearest rival. The bottom seven or so trailing rivals all hover around 1%, and haven’t a snowball’s chance in Hell of being the candidate. There are only a half-dozen serious rivals; nevertheless all seventeen were trotted on stage for this so-called debate. Most of the trailing candidates, perhaps all, would like to see Trump out of the race, but his up-front statements on the problems this country faces have struck a chord with the American People and he now enjoys massive support. Many of the trailing candidates have viciously, and aggressively, attacked Trump, rather than outlining their own qualifications or attacking the likely Democrat nominee, which they should be doing. When he responds in counterattack, they declare him angry, unprincipled, and vicious. They remind me of the tattletales most of us despised when we were in grade school. Trump, we are told, does not represent the Republican Establishment, whatever that is, but apparently it means business as usual, and that only increases his support by those that despise the present situation in Washington.
The opening question boiled down to would the candidates all take a ridiculous sort of Huck Finn Pirate’s Oath to fully support the Republican nominee, regardless whom he may be, and not to mount an independent campaign were he not. Well, Trump is the only candidate that could effectively mount an independent campaign, none of the rest could do so and even draw 5% support, so for them it was a non question. For Trump it was a trap, because the threat of his mounting an independent campaign, whether he actually intends to or not, is the only thing keeping other candidates from mounting more vicious attacks against him. He wisely declared, “No!”
Then there comes another foul, this from Megyn Kelley, another of the so-called ‘Fair and Balanced’ team. Did she want to know how he intended to solve the massive, and numerous, problems confronting this Nation considering his lack of in-office political experience? No! Did she want to know how his programs, and principals differed from those of the Democrat Party, and how they would be an improvement? No! She wanted to know if a disparaging offhand comment he’d made years ago about a disgusting woman with whom he’d had some differences, represented his attitude towards all women everywhere. It was without doubt, the most asinine and ridiculous question I’ve ever heard mounted in my years of following these so-called debates, and believe me; I’ve seen some doozies. He handled the question well, and, as he should, dismissed it with the contempt it deserved.
The reaction of intelligent people who watched the debate was surprising, surprising anyway to Fox News. They thought they’d scored a coup and struck a massive blow to the Trump campaign. Most viewers saw it just the way I did and considered it not only unfair and totally biased, but reprehensible as well. The claim of Fox News to be ‘Fair and Balanced’ is now exposed as nothing but a hoax. The gloves are now off, and it’s every man for himself and I’ve an idea that the way Donald Trump will fight back against his enemies will be anything but effete and pusillanimous! Thursday night, we saw the kind of Commander in Chief capable of standing toe to toe with Putin, Khomeini, and Kim Jong-Un. Trump, a welcome relief from our community organizer and sensible people feel that.
John Edwin Roberts - Editorialist & World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
By: John Edwin Roberts
June 22, 2015
The braying jackass of the Democrat Party brays yet again, “I am frustrated, and you have every right to be frustrated, because Congress doesn’t work the way it should,” His complaint falls on deaf ears, even the blind and corrupt loyalists of his own party are throwing their hands in frustration and ignoring his bitter words. No, Congress doesn’t work the way it should, or rather how he feels it should, which means it doesn’t dance to the tune of his socialist and utopian fiddle. Since the early days of his promised 'Hope and Change', 'Transparency', 'A New Start', and similar blather read from his ever present Teleprompter, his record is nothing but an economy in chaos, racial animosity not seen in decades, loss of national respect and prestige in the world, a thoroughly weakened and demoralized military, a war in the Middle East spiraling out of control, a Cold War rekindled from the embers of the heady days after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and disaster after disaster after disaster. He has failed in every effort he has made save bringing the country to the lowest ebb since the dark early days of WWII when the totalitarian states were on the march and victory, if perceived, was a dim light at the end of a tunnel. This country is the weakest she has been since the dark days of The Depression, when our leadership was lost in the wilderness and groping for a way. Even in the dark early days of WWII the country could rally to the words of a strong and virile President, knowing he wasn't lying, and leadership of our Army and Navy second to none. Sadly we have another nineteen months of this national tragedy before us until we may be freed of this monumental mismanagement and blight. In the meantime steel yourselves for more fleecing by a corrupt federal government that rewards indolence, incompetence and sloth, taxes that only go up, a dwindling retirement account, and health care costs unparallel in our history. We can only hope that after this next election this country can make a turn around and stride forward with purpose and determination, but given an electorate that followed a pied piper off a cliff, not once but twice in the past eight years; we could face a similar, or worse, fate in 2017. God help us!
John Edwin Roberts - Editorialist & World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
Why Romney Lost The Election
By John Edwin Roberts
In the marvelous essay on Boxing, My One-Eyed Coach, by George Garrett, you will discover the most succint explaination of combat in the boxing ring that you will ever find. "...to win in boxing you had to hit the other guy. To hit the other guy you had to move in close enough for him to hit you. No other way. One of the immutable lessons of boxing was that there was no free lunch. To succeed you had to be at risk. You had to choose to be at risk. That choice was the chief act of will and courage. After that you might win or lose, on the basis of luck or skill, but the choice itself was all that mattered."
Romney was an underdog in this most recent Presidential contest from the very begining. His wealth, his aloofness, his religion, all alienated many; and of course the parasites, the indolent, the n'er do wells of the country, all on the government dole, were firmly in the Obama camp for fear of loosing their unearned pittance. As well, the brain-dead liberals, those who still clung to the Opium dream of 'Hope and Change', remained onboard. It was an uphill battle for Romney for all these reasons, not to mention the inherent advantage to Obama of incumbency, and the almost universal willingness of the media to pervert their message to sway all possible support to the President.
A ray of hope. however, shone through in the first debate. Obama, completely defenseless without his teleprompter, was severely damaged by Romney's superior knowledge and concise explanations. He was staggered and on the ropes. Now, if ever there was a time, Romney should have moved in for the kill. Obama was vulnerable for so many reasons, the failed economy, Fast and Furious, and of course the coverup and lies related to the Beghazi debacle. Romney should have hit him then with everything he had. Sadly he did not, he went into a defensive crouch, and tried to coast to victory on the points he had accumulated in Debate #1. He failed abysmally, at best drawing in Debate #2, and was nowhere in Debate #3. Obama regained the lead, and with much questionable activity at many polling places in crital states, swept to victory.
Obama now basks in the glow of victory, and the country looks ahead to the most bleak future envisioned since our noble forbears embarked on that great national adventure, The American Revolution. Romeny must now look himself in the mirror ever single day of what remains of his miserable life, and reflect on the lesson that Mr. Garrett so eloquently expressed at the commencement of this article, and ones that Romeny failed completely to comprehend.
John Edwin Roberts
Editorialist & World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Will You Stand idly by while America is destroyed?
January 22, 2012
I was in South Carolina for the first time many years ago. While there I met only one native I considered really intelligent, a guy named Fowler. He wound up the financial head of the Democrat Party, and though I didn't admire his association, I could hardly deny my previous evaluation was correct. We are now faced with the monumental ignorance and stupidity of most South Carolinians that I observed all those years ago, they have chosen Newt Gingrich as their Republican nominee for the Presidency. Though undoubtedly clever, this man is the most unprincipled of all the Republican candidates and the most unelectable. He is in the same league with Bill Clinton, the Hero of the Democrat Party, as a man without principal, moral compass, or worthwhile purpose in life other than self promotion, enrichment, and aggrandizement. If he becomes the Republican candidate for the Presidency, the details of his censure by the Congress will be laid out for all the World to see, and they won't be pretty. As well, the Republican Party will be domed for the next four years, and the country perhaps forever. Aiding and abetting this monstrous possibility was the endorsement of Gingrich by the Governor of Texas, as monumental an ass as we've seen in a Presidential campaign for many years. We can only hope that the voters in the State of Florida will not be as gullible, stupid, and/or foolish, as those in South Carolina, and Gingrich can be stopped there. If not, God help us!
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
The Monroe Doctrine...
September 18, 2009
'Whatever happened to the Monroe Doctrine I so well remember studying in school? I learned it was one of the most important diplomatic moves ever made by the US, backed as it was by threat of force. Basically, it guaranteed the Western Hemisphere would be kept safe from the further ravages of Colonial rule and the meddling interference of European Nations. It has actually worked pretty well until recently. Oh there was that little tin pot dictator in Mexico who lasted a few years while the US was engaged in civil war, but that was sorted out before we had to step in and do it ourselves. After that came the Spanish American War, when we kicked Spain out of what was left of her colonial empire, and the Western Hemisphere was at last free of foreign oppression. Then, in recent times, a Communist regime came to power in Cuba, a regime still in power in spite of all US efforts to the contrary. It didn't take long for the Russians, our mortal enemies since well before WWII, to commence their meddling there. Before we knew it they had ballistic missiles in Cuba capable of reaching US targets with nuclear warheads. That was eventually put a stop to by the US agreeing to withdraw missiles from Turkey. President Kennedy was acclaimed a hero for his actions during that crisis, whether he deserved to be or not. Cuba then became a full, fledged puppet of the Kremlin, dancing to her bidding, and performing whatever tasks might be assigned. One of these tasks was to send an army to Angola. It's mission, to fight and destroy democratic opposition to the establishment of Communist rule there. To insure this effort wasn't botched, Russian generals were placed in charge. Once the misguided and incompetent Jimmy Carter was replaced, and a capable and intelligent administration in place, that plan was set awry, and Cuba's military power there destroyed. Lately the Cuban government is treated more a friend than an enemy by Washington, and we jail our former allies in fighting this evil regime on spurious and trumped up charges. Now we see the rise to power of another Communist Dictator in our hemisphere, the disgusting Chavez of Venezuela, Again the Kremlin sees fit to meddle in this hemisphere in direct violation of the Monroe Doctrine, and they are openly supplying weapons of mass destruction to Venezuela. These weapons are not defensive, weapons meant to safeguard the country against hostile neighbors, of which there are none, but offensive, with which aggressive warfare can be waged on neighbors who disagree. Is this not a clear violation of the Monroe Doctrine? It certainly seems so to me, but the man in the White House says nothing, and does nothing. In fact, the only aggressive action he is taking in this hemisphere is bullying the legitimate government of Honduras. The Secretary of State is his primary agent in this intimidating and thoroughly immoral effort. The President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, attempted to circumvent the Constitution there, and make himself a virtual dictator, in the same fashion that Chavez did in Venezuela. The Supreme Court there, in full compliance with the law, ruled these efforts Unconstitutional, and under direction of the Vice President, the military removed the President from office and escorted him out of the country. His fellow Dictator Chavez immediately raised a hue and cry for his reinstatement, quickly seconded by other Socialist and Communist leaning governments the World round, as well . own government and the UN. Obama is now using every diplomatic and economic means available to reinstate this criminal President of Honduras. It is in times like this when I am ashamed to be an American!'
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire!”
October 29, 2008
A few weeks ago I began receiving e-mails pertaining to allegations that Barak Hussein Obama, Democrat Candidate for President of the United States, does not meet the Constitutional requirements that would qualify him for the office. It is alleged that Obama was actually born in Kenya, his father's native land, and not in Hawaii, as he claims. I at first brushed these allegations aside as feeble attempts at disinformation. I have since begun to change my mind. In the first place, I can't understand why this requirement that a candidate for President must be a natural born citizen of the United States does not required verification at filing. As a natural born citizen of the United States myself, I have been required to produce my birth certificate any number of times. In fact, I thought it was a matter of public record, not a piece of privileged information that could be released only at the discretion of the party concerned. As well as I can recall, I have had to produce my birth certificate, or certified copy thereof, many times. I had to produce it in order to obtain a Social Security card, a driver's license, to enlist in the US Navy, and to obtain a US Passport, this last time after already having produced it for two other departments of the US Government. I believe I have had to produce it a several other times as well, but can't at the moment recall exactly what for.
Since this controversy began Obama has remained silent on the entire matter, but his refusal to address what appears to be a rather simple request has aroused suspicions that there may indeed be truth to the allegations. Subsequently, the uproar not having subsided, the Obama campaign has released a digital copy of what they purport to be his birth certificate. This copy, however, is so patently phony, that no intelligent person is buying that. I have examined the copy myself, and declare it a complete and transparent hoax.
As I think more on this subject, I recalled that Obama made a trip to Hawaii just a month or so ago to visit his grandmother. Seems he hadn't seen her in over two years, and she, the one person who has done more for him than any other on this earth. Perhaps the trip was for public relations purposes, voters wouldn't like it if he gave the appearance of ingratitude for all his grandmother's sacrifices on his behalf. Then perhaps there were other reasons as well? A few days ago he's back again, seems now his grandmother is gravely ill, and this may be his last earthly visit with her. Later information revels he'd taken a gang of lawyers with him on the trip, a rather curious group of traveling companions, considering you're on the way to visit your grandmother on her deathbed. This, however, is soon cleared up when the Governor of Hawaii announces that all records pertaining to Obama are under lock and key until after the election. Funny a man insists that hospital records pertaining to his birth and his birth certificate be kept under governmental lock and key? Since these allegations obviously won't go away with all the documents pertinent to the issue being kept in hiding, it puts in focus the expulsion of the author, Jerome Corsi, from Kenya a few weeks ago. He was summarily kicked out of that country on an obviously trumped up charge of working without a permit. I had no idea that authors are required to get work permits when visiting foreign lands, but then, after all, they may be gathering information pertinent to their livelihood? I suppose next time I go abroad I must be sure to have appropriate work permits in place less I face similar expulsion. Of course the fact that Obama, who has connections in Kenya through relatives on his father's side of the family, rather nefarious ones at that, could have had nothing to do with this. Hogwash! Kenya is the very place where Obama is alleged to have been born and there may be records there that Obama can't keep hidden. He definitely didn’t want Corsi snooping around there and finding out anything!
All my life I’ve heard the saying, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well I smell smoke! I think now that Obama was indeed born in Kenya and is frantically trying to suppress that fact until after he’s elected President. I think the gang of lawyers he took to Hawaii with him is there to sit by the bedside of his grandmother and insure she talks to no one other than immediate family and friends, and that no indiscrete questions are put to her. I think that Obama will take every step possible to keep the American People ignorant of the truth prior to his election and inauguration. Afterwards, for the truth is eventually bound to come out, he will depend upon the Democrat majority in the Congress, a group to which the Constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, to keep him from being thrown out of office. He may well succeed.
John Edwin Roberts - Editorialist & Correspondent at Large |
Stand By For Heavy Rolls!
October 11, 2008
In the US Navy, when severe sea conditions are to be expected, the announcement is made throughout the ship to, "Stand by for heavy rolls!" Our entire nation had better stand by for heavy rolls, because regardless of the outcome of the upcoming election, they will be encountered. Present indications are that Obama, the supposed harbinger of change, will win in a landslide. Much of the voting population has been convinced that the present administration is totally responsible for the present financial debacle, and the incompetent Bush Administration has been hung around McCain's neck like a millstone. Many have been convinced that Obama actually represents a change for the better, and will vote for him no matter what evidence may be presented to the contrary. Should Obama prevail, the celebrations will start immediately among the so called African American segment of the population. That will shortly be followed by drunken revelry, rioting, looting and wanton destruction. This segment of the population, as a consequence of one of their own being elected, will feel themselves above the law and proceed accordingly. In some major cities law and order may break down completely. Law-abiding citizens should take all precautions to safeguard their lives and property. In the unlikely event that McCain should win, the same result will accrue; only the first step will be omitted entirely, the second will be drunkenness only, before proceeding with rioting and the other remaining steps. Another certainty, in the unlikely event that McCain should win, is the Democrat Party will make the assertion that the election has been stolen, further enraging an already irresponsible segment of the population.
In addition to all law-abiding citizens taking necessary precautions, all local, state and federal authorities should be prepared as well. All law enforcement personnel should be mobilized and staged in proper location to proceed when called upon to deal with the lawless. Most states should mobilize their National Guard as well, and establish command posts to properly coordinate all forces at hand. Any official who does not take the steps necessary to prevent and stamp out lawless behavior will be guilty of criminal negligence.
Once lawless conditions are underway, do not expect the media to exert any influence to quell this disturbance. As with the Rodney King situation, they will only show film clips, or portions thereof, that will act as catalysts to the conflagration. The present financial crisis may well be aided and abetted by a civil disturbance of monumental proportion.
Remember, forewarned is forearmed, all responsible Americans take heed!
John Edwin Roberts - Editorialist & Correspondent at Large |
May 11, 2008
The primary election results in Indiana and North Carolina failed to bring a close to the drawn out fight for the nomination between Obama and Hillary. It appeared, for a time, that the party would go to convention with neither candidate holding the number of delegates required for unanimous conformation. It also appeared that the final determination would be made, not on the convention floor by the rank and file, but by the so-called superdelegates. Now these superdelegates are supposedly Democrat Party members of the highest standing, Jimmy Carter sorts, far above partisan politics and dedicated only to the ideals of the party and the best interest of our nation. Well anyway, that's what they're supposed to be. The whole idea seems a bit elitist to me, after all, isn't the Democrat Party supposed to be the 'one man, one vote' party, the party opposed to behind the scenes connivings and decisions made in smoke filled rooms? It looks more and more though, like business as usual. Some of the superdelegates, who've been pledging their troth to one candidate or the other, come Hell or high water, are now scampering down the lines like rats leaving a sinking ship. Under pressure from supporters of Obama, many are willing to abandon poor Hillary and leave her to sail her ship alone. (I wonder if husband Bill will eventually joint this crowd?) It's been a good show so far, much better than the run of the mill campaign. It's perfectly obvious that Obama and Hillary don't care the least bit for each other, and their version of 'The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat' has been a sight to behold. Let's hope this show isn't over yet, but it's looking more and more like it soon will be.
The recent primaries in Indiana and North Carolina were a split decision. Hillary won Indiana by a narrow margin, but North Carolina was a blowout for Obama. Indiana was interesting, as it is claimed that Hillary's narrow victory was influenced by Rush Limbaugh, a conservative entertainer with a popular radio show. I can't see how the Democrat Party can complain about this, as they've been using Hollywood Bubble-heads to campaign for their causes for years, but they all up in arms about it nonetheless. There were also some shenanigans in some of the "African-American" districts in Gary, Indiana, reminding me of Chicago when Kennedy was elected, or Texas during LBJ's first Senatorial campaign. The clamor was short lived however, and the media has apparently forgotten all about it. Many were surprised that Hillary did so poorly in North Carolina, as her husband Bill campaigned vigorously for her there. Bill, as you probably know, has been a staunch friend of the "African-American", having done much for them when he was President, and claiming, in fact, to be "The First African American President of the U.S." This would seem a rather preposterous statement on the face of it, but he's been able to make preposterous statements all along and get away with them. Bill Clinton's assistance to the "African-American" has indeed been substantial, and he certainly had some reason to expect their support, going so far as to take it for granted. Well Bill, all bets are off! He's been repaid, as the"African-American" has always repaid those that assist them, with ingratitude and contempt. In North Carolina they ignored Hillary completely and turned out in droves to vote for the candidate of their own race. Now does this really surprise anyone? In major cities all across the US, once the "African-American" has achieved a majority of voters, they have elected their own. This has given us some of the worst run cities, and most corrupt political machinery since the infamous days of the Nineteenth Century. If Obama indeed becomes the Democrat Party's candidate for President, they will turn out again, along with the liberals of this country, who conform to the letter to what Malcolm Muggeridge so accurately described in his magnificent report on 'The Great Liberal Death Wish'. They could well get him elected. If so, the decline of the U.S. as a World Power, which has been underway since the great Ronald Reagan left office, will continue unabated.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
Lagos, Nigeria - December 12, 2007
Stable security conditions which had existed for some months in the offshore coastal waters of Nigeria near the mouth of the Escravos River were shattered in the early morning hours of December 10th by piracy. Chevron Nigeria, Ltd. operates extensive offshore oil fields here, where two vessels under contract were boarded by pirates. The pirates assaulted the vessels by speed boat with automatic weapon fire, machetes and knives. The vessels were boarded in turn about an hour apart and apparently no alarm was raised until after the pirates had escaped with their booty. Crewmen and workmen on the vessels were roughed up and terrorized, as the pirates relieved them and the vessel of all easily transportable property, including cash, jewelry, computers, and cell phones. No other information has been released, and it is not known at present from whence the pirates came. Incidents of this sort continue to make this country the most dangerous place in the world for oil field workers. The Nigerian Government has been ineffective in dealing with the problem, and the US Government appears unconcerned, tied up as they are in imbroglios elsewhere. Fortunately no serious bodily harm was done to any of the victims and no hostages taken, but this only serves to illustrate how vulnerable these offshore workers are, and what little has been done to improve the security situation.
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998 |
3, 2007
Bob sent me the appended article nearly a year ago, having apparently
taken it at face value as being a stride forward in the uniforming of
military personnel. I took one look at it and realized it was a disastrous
idea, advanced by a so-called task force that knew absolutely nothing
about the working part of the term working uniform. I meant to comment
on it then, but until now have not taken the time to do so.
Any article of apparel containing polyester fabric is trash. I do not
wear it, nor do I allow my grandchildren to wear it. In the first place,
polyester is a sort of plastic, and when it burns, it melts. If it's
on your back it melts right into your flesh. In the second place, if
you've ever gone outside your air conditioned office in the tropics wearing
such apparel, you know it's not only hot, much hotter that practical
cotton fabrics, but it sticks to your skin most uncomfortably. Obviously
these stuffed shirts sitting on that board never had to work in a hot
engine room or on deck under a broiling tropical sun. Those of you not
in your dotage should recall how uncomfortable that dress blue uniform
we wore in parades became once June Week drew nigh, and that was only
wool, without the addition of polyester.
I went through boot camp a long time ago, forty-eight
years ago in fact, yet I still recall two lectures presented to us
there that stick in my mind to this day. First was a lecture on damage
control, and the importance of controlled flooding. The example cited
was either a German battleship or heavy cruiser. She was holed through
and through, and sinking, but as she went to the bottom, and with her
main deck awash, she was on an even keel and all batteries were still
firing! The second lecture concerned the sailor's cotton working dungaree
uniform, and the practicality and inherent safety of it. Not only is
cotton the most cool and comfortable of fabrics, it is safe. In a flash
fire from a volatile vapor or gunpowder explosion, it acts as a wick,
absorbing the heat of the flame. A graphic photograph was presented,
showing the naked backs of four sailors exposed to just such an explosion.
They had 2nd & 3rd degree burns on the
backs of their necks and hands, but the skin underneath the cotton shirt
was unharmed even though the shirts had been completely burned off their
backs in the flame! That made a believer out of me!
Nearly all of us served in Viet Nam where the working uniform was cotton
khaki for officers and chiefs, and dungarees for enlisted, or else wore
the jungle fatigues, which were all 100% cotton. These uniforms were
practical, easily cleaned, comfortable, and inexpensive. These uniforms
can also be folded once washed and dry, and put under the mattress on
your bunk, and come out nearly as smooth and military as had they been
Since I left the Navy another incident comes to
mind, similar in misconception to this present proposal. The Army adopted
synthetic fabric into it’s
field uniform and went to war with it in Panama. It had no doubt been
chosen because it wore well, did not fade, lasted longer than cotton
fabric, and did not wrinkle, all desirable characteristics from a Hollywood
soldier's outlook. The only thing wrong was once the men got into the
jungle wearing them they were dropping like flies from heat stroke and
exhaustion. The uniforms were then, most sensibly, replaced. They should
never have been adopted in the first place!
I have recently read a marvelous book, Queen Victoria's Little
Wars, by Byron Farwell and I recommend it highly as there
are parallels there to our present difficulties in Iraq & Afghanistan.
It also made mention of how soldiers of the Indian Army dressed entirely
differently from those in the Queen's Army in India. The Indian virtually
invented the practical cotton fabric, i.e. madras, seersucker, etc.
They incorporated these fabrics into their practical tropical uniforms
and could never understand why the Queen's soldiers wore such uncomfortable
wool clothing in that clime.
I might also add, cotton is a 100% American product, and in the section
of the country from whence I come, once King. In fact, some of my forebears
once raised the crop. I wear it with comfort and great pride!
John Edwin Roberts
Editorialist & World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
Mr. Roberts is responding to the following article which
apeared in.
Navy newsstand - "The Source for Navy News"
CNO Approves New Navy Uniforms
Michael Foutch | March 03, 2006
Washington D.C. - Outfitting the Sailor of the future took
another step forward last week when Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
Mike Mullen approved plans for a single working uniform for all
ranks and a year-round service uniform for E-6 and below Sailors.
Based on recommendations made during a comprehensive briefing by
Task Force Uniform Feb. 24, Mullen agreed to production of both
a BDU-style working uniform for all Sailors E-1 to O-10 and a
more practical, year-round service uniform to withstand day-to-day
classroom and office-like environments where the service uniform
is typically worn.
“These are good uniforms, designed to support the modern
Sailor,” said Mullen. “Durability, safety, ease of wear and
were all factors that weighed heavily on my mind, as did, quite
frankly, the survey data and the opinions of wear testers. This
wasn’t a popularity contest by any stretch, but we would have been
foolish not to consider the opinions of the men and women who
will wear these uniforms.”
The BDU-style working uniform, designed to replace seven
different styles of current working uniforms, is made of a near
maintenance-free permanent press 50/50 nylon and cotton blend. Worn
with a blue cotton t-shirt, it will include an eight-point cover, a
black web belt with closed buckle, and black smooth leather
boots, with black suede no-shine boots for optional wear while
assigned to non-shipboard commands.
“When I walk down the piers, I see a Sailors standing watch as a
pier sentry in January and it's 30 degrees and freezing rain,”
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (SS/AW) Terry Scott said.
“You have to ask yourself, does the uniform that we currently
issue protect us, and the answer is no.”
To meet the all-weather requirement, the new working uniform
will include several cold weather options, such as a unisex
pullover sweater, a fleece jacket, and a parka. It will also be made
three variants, all in a multi-color digital print pattern:
predominately blue, with some gray, for the majority of Sailors and
shipboard use; and a woodland digital pattern and a desert
digital pattern for Sailors serving in units requiring those types of
“The intent of TFU always has been to give our Sailors a uniform
in which they can work comfortably everyday and is more
appropriate for the joint environment in which we operate,” Scott
“Even better, we’ve created a uniform that’s also easier
maintain, is longer lasting, helps reduce the size of the sea bag,
while at the same time recognizing the tradition and heritage of
serving in the Navy.”
The service uniform for E-6 and below is comprised of a
short-sleeve khaki shirt for males and an over-blouse for females, made
from a wash and wear 75/25 polyester and wool blend, with
permanent military creases, black trousers for males with belt less
slacks for females and optional belt less skirt, and a black
unisex garrison cap. Silver anodized-metal rank insignia will be worn
on shirt/blouse collars and cap. The service uniform will also
include a black relaxed-fit Eisenhower-style jacket with a knit
stand-up collar and epaulets, on which petty officers will wear
large, silver anodized-metal rank insignia. Those entitled to
wear gold chevrons will continue to wear gold chevrons on the large
metal rank insignia on the jacket.
“In our research, we found the group most dissatisfied with
their present uniforms were E-6 and below,” Scott said.
The manner of wear for both of these new uniforms remains under
development by TFU and will not be effective until guidelines on
prescribed wear are incorporated in the Navy Uniform
“There are a lot of concerns about the manner of wear for the
working and service uniforms that we need to address, so we have a
smooth transition when the time comes,” TFU Director
CNO-Directed Command Master Chief Robert Carroll said.
The working uniform and service uniform are not expected to be
available for purchase and wear until late fall of 2007, after
which they will be introduced to Recruit Training Command and
eventually distributed to the rest of the fleet. Details on when the
uniforms will be available for purchase and wear at specific
geographic locations will be released at a future date.
Until the new uniforms are available for wear, all existing
uniform regulations will apply. During the expected two-year
transition period, Sailors will be required to maintain a complete
inventory of sea bag items with each reflecting a professional
“We want our Sailors to keep a professional appearance,” Carroll
said. “We don’t want people wearing worn-out uniforms because
they’re waiting for the new ones to hit the shelves.”
Once the working and service uniforms are adopted, Sailors will
receive a uniform maintenance allowance appropriate to support
purchase and wear.
The announcement of the new uniforms, Carroll said, is the
culmination of a three-year project that began with the charter of
Task Force Uniform to deliver a proposal to reflect the
requirements of a 21st century Navy. An analysis of a fleet-wide survey
conducted during the summer of 2003 led to the creation of
concepts for working and service uniforms for a wear test and another
fleet-wide survey last summer.
“I just can’t say enough about how meticulous and thorough TFU
Director Master Chief Rob Carroll and his team approached their
work,” stressed Mullen. “The process they established and
maintained was rock solid -- measured and analytical. They looked at
hundreds of options, studied countless pattern and color designs,
and fretted over every minor detail, from button style to
stitching. I am enormously proud of their effort, and every Sailor can
be, too.”
The work of TFU will not stop. Next on the agenda is to evaluate
additional uniform options, such as reviving the traditional
Service Dress Khaki uniform for chiefs and officers, conducting
research on the feasibility, cost and distribution of a
service-wide physical training uniform, consider adoption of a ceremonial
cutlass for chiefs, and investigate adopting a more practical
service-wide, all-weather coat that would provide a better military
“The bottom line for me in making these decisions,” said the
CNO, “is culture. Uniforms reflect our culture -- who we are --
what we stand for. I've said all along that no matter which way we
go, I want Sailors to look like Sailors. I really believe these
uniforms pass that test.”
0530 2 APR 07 local time - NIGERIA
I hope you are breaking this story, as you should be the first in the
US to recive accurate information regarding the incident.
The area in which Chevron's fields are located in this area is just
a few miles off the beach near the mouth of the Escravos River. Chevron
has a base camp and processiig facility at Escravos. The vessel seized
by the pirates was assailed by approximately a dozen boats, some dugout
type fishing craft, others speedboats, and the pirates were well armed.
They attempted to take the boat upriver with the material barge in tow
but went aground at the mouth of the river. Fortunately they only roughed
up the crew and did not take them captive and hold them for ransom. Obviously
the grounding prevented that option. They stole all they could carry
off, even making a return trip for more booty, but the tug captain was
able to alert Chevron authorities on another radio once they'd left the
barge in the first instance. It was hours before the pitifully ineaduaquate
security force provided by Chevron arrived on the scene. The boat is
presently immovable, the towing cable being wound in one of the ship's
screws, and the swells are presently causing the towed barge to bump
against the tug. Divers will have to clear the prop before the tug can
be moved. Indications are it was an inside job. Cell phones are now prevelant
in the 3rd world, and information of the ship's vulnerability must have
been passed to the pirates in that the boat caried no security force
More to follow.
Your humble reporter,
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
0030 2 APR 07 local time - NIGERIA
Just awakened, vessel getting underway to close on lay barge Cheyenne.
Tug boat Gulf Fleet has been siezed by militants in same general area.
Tug had just delivered a deck onboard a materhal barge which she was
towing that was set on a platform a couple of days ago. Our security
onboard (of somewhat dubious value) is alerted and we have gone to darken
ship to give better night vision to them. I have instructed them to shoot
to kill if militants approach this vessel. I will advise as
events unfold.
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
April 14, 2004
Pensacola, Florida
Dear Sir:
It has now become perfectly obvious to all but the
most blind of observers, that though the Bush
Administration had an excellent plan for the defeat of
the Iraqi Army and the toppling of Saddam Hussein,
they had little or none for the occupation and
administration of the country afterward. General Jay
Garner was not long at his post as administrator
before he was ordered relieved by Paul Bremer. Whether
Garner made significant mistakes, or just fell afoul
of the Bush Administration, I don't know. One thing I
do know, however, is that he did not make the
catastrophic mistake that his successor has, a mistake
that has led to utter chaos in Iraq and a situation
bordering on civil war.
In ancient times a defeated army was dealt with in one
of two ways, they were either put to the sword or led
away in chains. In more recent times, only those
unfortunate armies surrendered to the Russians in WWII
suffered a similar fate. As generals became more
enlightened and capable, their defeated foes were
often welcomed as comrades in arms for future
campaigns. This became the policy of both Alexander
and Caesar, two of the most successful generals in
history. In more recent times, defeated armies were
retained in camp, and even under arms in certain
situations, until conditions in their conquered
territory was satisfactory to allow for their return
to civilian life. The free world allies in WWII
retained the vast majority of their German and
Japanese prisoners in military formations for a
considerable time after the conclusion of hostilities.
The only successful instance I know of a defeated army
that was released in their home country prior to the
establishment of military and administrative authority
was the Southern armies at the conclusion of the War
Between The States. Armies are, after all, not of
themselves evil. They may be led by evil men, and
directed to perform evil tasks, but in the main,
armies are composed of young men performing the tasks
required of a soldier. Kept in place, a conquered army
can become a very useful tool. For one thing, disarmed
and in place they are capable of little mischief.
Under close supervision and direction they can be set
to useful tasks, with the bad apples in their ranks
being identified and weeded out as necessary. Turned
loose, with little skills other than those of the
soldier, they soon join the ranks of the unemployed
and a society in disarray. "An idle mind", they say, "is the Devil's workshop.",
and none, I believe, will argue with this old saw. Many of these summarily
discharged soldiers were shortly turned to evil
purpose by the persuasions and cash payments of the
henchmen of Saddam Hussein yet on the loose, or fell
in with the warlords who mask their evil ambitions
under the guise of religion.
It is now a bit late to reverse course and recall
the Iraqi army, that would be too much loss of face for
the administration, and too much fodder for the
Presidential aspirations of John Kerry. The US must
now either bite the bullet and fight and destroy the
forces that oppose them, or take the course of the
cowardly Clinton, who, after the debacle in Somalia,
declared victory and withdrew his army in humiliation
and disgrace.
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
February 17, 2004
Pensacola, Florida
Dear Sir:
The response of the Lexington Police
and Fire Department to the 911 'shooting and wounding' call at
Adams Lane on Friday the 13th, was incompetent to the
point of being criminally so. Not the individual
officers that responded, including the unfortunate
ones shot, but the persons in those departments
responsible for Operations. When the rescue unit
arrived, and the two paramedics proceeded to render
aid to the victim, why weren't the Lexington Police
there as well with guns drawn? This is the procedure
in any competent law enforcement organization when
confronted with a domestic violence shooting incident.
I suppose they were busy eating donuts and plotting
their next drunk driving entrapment. Shortly
thereafter, hundreds of law enforcement personnel did
begin converge upon the area, cordoning off all access
and closing the adjacent Interstate as well. Poor
Fontaine Hutchinson, and one of the paramedics
remained lying in the yard, both apparently dead,
though no one could say for sure. You should never
assume anything in this sort of situation, as any
competent Battlefield Surgeon will tell you. soldiers
have lain on the battlefield for days after being
wounded, and though thought dead, been found to be
alive when assistance was able to reach them. The
police should have immediately driven an armored
vehicle into the yard, shielding the shooting victims
in the process, and removed them. If no vehicle had
been available they should have ringed the house with
sharpshooters, fired in tear gas, and then if the
lunatic didn't immediately surrender, storm the house
with the SWAT team and take him out with stun grenades
and live fire. What should they give a damn about a
shooting suspect when his victims might be yet alive,
especially so when he was impeding assistance to the
victims? On top of it all he'd just murdered a fellow
officer! Not this bunch of bumblers, they then proceed
with attempts to get the lunatic to come out of the house and surrender. Nearly six hours transpire in
useless conversation before they finally fire tear gas
into the house and smoke him out. Any chance that
either of the victims might have been saved is by then
obviously long gone. At one time the Lexington Police
Department had brave, competent and resourceful
Officers, obviously no more!
Now this murdering lunatic will spend the
remainder of his life in the insane asylum, all at taxpayer's
expense, of course, and the families of the
unfortunate victims will have to console themselves
with police insistence that they were both killed
immediately when shot, and that nothing could have
saved their lives. Well of course you can believe the
police, they never lie. ....Yeah, right!
Thoroughly disgusted,
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
February 14, 2004
Lexington, Kentucky
Martha Stewart, a successful, intelligent,
entrepreneurial lady, has had her name dragged through
the mud, and her well deserved reputation trashed, for
a crime she didn't commit. The US Government is now
conducting a kangaroo court, in a monumental attempt
to put her behind bars, and all for the glorification
of the (so-called) Justice Department and a group of
slick and slimy prosecuting attorneys assigned to the
case. The media has aided and abetted this outrage to
the fullest by keeping her name and picture in the
forefront of news and portraying her as a criminal. "The truth",
they say, "shall set you free.",
but it obviously doesn't sell newspapers, so don't go looking
for it there. The real criminal in this case has never
even been mentioned, nor even hinted at in fact. He
remains unnamed and unindicted, and from the looks of
things, will go scot-free, while others suffer
underserved consequences for his crime. The story goes
like this, and pay particular attention, because
you've never gotten it in true format from either the
media or the government. I'm also going to lay it out
for you right here, without all the legal gobbledygook
and extraneous and unnecessary details. Sam Waksal had
a company called ImClone. It was a drug company, and
as such, it developed, well drugs of course. One such
product was a cancer fighting agent which had been
submitted to the FDA for approval, a sometimes long
and laborious process. The FDA at some point decided
it was ineffective. (A decision that has since been
reversed, a typical government action.) That
information, supposed to be of utmost secrecy until
released to the general public, was leaked to Sam
Waksal prior to this public release by someone within
the FDA. Who leaked it to Waksal we don't know, but
he's the crook that betrayed the public trust and the
man that should be serving ten to twenty years in the
slammer, not Martha Stewart. Now it gets tricky, the
information Waksal had is known as 'inside
information' for obvious reasons, and if you have it,
you are required by law to keep it secret and not to
profit by it. Waksal doesn't keep it under his hat and
tips family members to unload the stock. Now get this,
Sam Waksal doesn't tell Martha Stewart, he doesn't
tell stockbroker Peter Bacanovic either, he only tips
his family, but Bacanovic gets wind of it by virtue of
noticing that Waksal's family is unloading the stock,
and he puts two and two together. After all, this is
his job, he's a stockbroker, he's supposed to have a
feel for the market, as well as a responsibility to
his clients to advise them effectively on their stock
Well it looks to Bacanovic like
something has gone wrong at ImClone if Waksal's family
is unloading their stock and that it may soon drop in
value, perhaps drastically. Now Martha Stewart is his
main client as well as a friend, he makes vast amounts
of money as commission off her stock transactions, and
he retains this 'bread and butter' client because he
gives her good advice. He therefore orders his
subordinate, Douglas Faneuil, to inform Martha that he
expects ImClone to drop in value and advise her to
sell her stock before she has incurred a loss.
Martha didn't get to where she is in life by being
dumb, and so she immediately instructs Faneuil to
unload her holdings in ImClone. Well it isn't very
many days later that it becomes obvious that all this
ImClone stock had been most suspiciously sold right
before the stock dropped to nearly nothing in value.
It obviously doesn't take too much perception to
realize that the Waksal family members that unloaded
their holdings must have gotten that information from
Sam. Well Sam soon fesses up, and right now he's
serving seven years in a federal prison for his crime,
but he doesn't implicate Martha Stewart or Peter
Bacanovic, despite government entreaties that he do
so. Waskal doesn't implicate them because he told them
nothing, and even though the government offers him
leniency in return for this implication, he refuses.
Well by now Stewart and Bacanovic realize they're in
trouble, not because they've actually done anything
wrong, but because it looks bad, and much of Stewart's
fortune as well as Bacanovic's reputation is built on
public trust. At this point they cook up this
cockamamie story about an agreement to sell the stock
once it dropped below a certain value, and they so
inform FBI agents assigned to the case. Of course
Stewart realizes now this was a very serious mistake.
It used to be that you could lie to anyone in this
country you wanted to, so long as you weren't under
oath. It might not have been the proper thing to do,
but you couldn't go to jail for it. Well that's all
changed, our all knowing Congress has passed a law
making anything you say to a known FBI agent the same
as it were testimony under oath. (Of course the FBI
itself isn't held to these high standards, and
regularly lies with impunity to the American Public,
the Congress, and whomever. Otherwise the criminals
responsible for the murders at Ruby Ridge and the
immolation of the children at Waco would be in jail.)
Martha would have been far better off using the
Clinton Defense of "I don't remember." She'd also have
been better off if she'd read Hunter S. Thompson in
her spare time, who says, "Never believe the first
thing an FBI agent tells you about anything -
especially, not if he seems to believe you are guilty
of a crime." In the meantime the government has gotten
to Bacanovic's assistant, Douglas Faneuil, and forced
him to recant his previous testimony. In fact, they've
got his so scared he's willing to say anything they
want him to in order to convict Stewart and Bacanovic.
If the jury is willing to accept this testimony by a
notorious liar, perjurer, and doper, I suppose poor
Martha and Bacanovic are soon off to the penintenary.
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
Edwin Roberts
January 2, 2004
Lexington, Kentucky
are all well aware of the interruption in
international air traffic in recent days. Flights from
France and Britain have been canceled or delayed, and
one flight, at least, was escorted into US airspace by
armed fighter jets ready to blast it out of the sky
should it attempt to travel any path other than it's
approved flight plan. The plane was then held on the
ground for nearly three hours before passengers were
allowed to deplane. The explanation given was that
several passengers on the flight had similar names to
terrorists on the FBI's International Watch List.
After questioning, all passengers were released, all
apparently having been properly identified and found
to be harmless travelers. Now we learn that the French
Government has made complaint that faulty intelligence
is involved in the cancellation of at least one
flight. On this flight a child was one of the
suspects, his name having triggered suspicions. The
FBI is apparently unaware that the names Mustafa,
Abdul, and Mohamed are as frequent in the Middle East
as are Tom, Dick and Harry in the US. The other
suspected passengers were completely innocent as well.
(I wonder if all suspected passengers were checked to
see if they were carrying Almanacs?) Of course it
staggers the imagination to think that any terrorist
on an International Watch List would travel into the
US using his own name and passport. That would have
made about as much sense as John Dillinger checking
into the Palmer House in Chicago on July 22, 1934, and
registering under his own name. For those of you
unaware of History, this was the day he was
apprehended and killed by the FBI while leaving a
movie theater there. Apparently this hasn't occurred
to the FBI. I am beginning to suspicion that the FBI
is relying upon the same computer system that is used
to determine the National Champion in college
football, the BCS computer system. We are all well
aware that USC just nailed down the Championship
yesterday in the Rose Bowl by destroying Michigan, and
yet according to the BCS computers, the National
Championship will be determined in New Orleans in a
wholly meaningless game several days hence. I wonder
how the computer system matches up names. Ah, I think
I have it! The names of the terrorists on the FBI's
International Watch List are known, they are then
entered into the computer's data system. Then a
program is written to match names of passengers on all
international flights into the US against this same
list and to note suspicious similarities. Now let's
see, let's just say that six of the names on the
International Watch List are as follows: Howdy Doody, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook, Long John Silver, Black
Bart and Dr. Fu Manchu. An Air France flight from
Paris to LA lists on it's passenger manifest the
following names: Howard Dooley, Tinkem Beale, Captain
Hooker, L.J. Silvers, Bartley Black and Dr. Fulham
Manchester. The computer immediately seizes upon the
obvious similarities of the names and this information
is rushed to the desk of the FBI's Terrorism Duty
Officer, who immediately passes the information
directly to FBI Director, J. Edgar Ashcroft. The vast
might and bureaucracy of the Federal Government then
grinds slowly into motion, soon developing the
momentum of a Juggernaut, which can be neither delayed
nor deterred in it's self righteous course of action.
The consequence of this monumental waste of government
time and money, is the offending flight is delayed or
canceled, and the plans and business dealings of
hundreds, perhaps thousands, 'gang aft agley'. The
aforementioned Howard Dooley, Tinkem Beale, Captain
Hooker, L.J. Silvers, and Doctor Fulham Manchester,
innocent victims of a computer mismatch, are free to
continue there travels unmolested. Well unmolested
until perhaps the next time the computer matches their
name against the FBI's international Watch List and
then it's, "Deja Vu all over again." Quite frankly, I
would rather my security be dependant upon the police
force of Mayberry, North Carolina, than the FBI,
known, by the way, in some knowledgeable quarters, as
Fumbling Bumbling Idiots!
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
January 1, 2004
Lexington, Kentucky
So what's
th' big deal?
The overwhelming fear in America today isn't Terrorism,
it's Mad Cow Disease! It seems that if you ingest beef from a Mad Cow
an insidious protein invades your body, eventually settling in your brain
where it multiplies and turns it to sponge.
Hell, 90% of Americans might
as well have sponge for brain for what little use they get out of it,
so what difference does it make if it's already sponge or eventually
will be? (Perhaps with Mad Cow more people may vote for Howard Dean?
That could be of great concern to Republicans. J. Edgar Ashcroft better
look into the possibility of just such a conspiracy!) The important thing
is the price of beef is going down and now I have changed my mind about
the menu and will have steak for dinner tonight instead of pork chops!
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
John Edwin Roberts
November 18, 2003
Somewhere in Tennessee
was driving through Dixieland last night, frantically surfing the radio
dial for something I could possibly stand listening to, but with very
little success. Finally I got a bit North of Birmingham and Nashville's
WSM, the finest Station in the South, came into range. A short while later
I learned that Don Gibson, a true great in the music industry, had passed
away that afternoon in Nashville at the age of seventy-five. It was sad
news, but as the station played some of his classics in tribute, a warm
glow began to envelop me. Gibson wasn't like one of the pretty boys stars
of today who prance around in
front of a rock band mumbling the insipid drivel that is foisted off on
the public as country music. No indeed, Gibson, a North Carolina native
who had broken out in the music business around Knoxville nearly fifty
years ago, was the Real McCoy. He was an accomplished guitarist, a very
good singer, and a
magnificent song writer; in short he could do it all, and did! A member
of the Grand Ole Opry for forty years, the Songwriter's Hall of Fame,
the Country
Music Hall of Fame, and with a long list of awards, tributes and recognitions
far too numerous to mention, he was indeed a giant in Country Music. His
music also had broad spectrum appeal, not only did he top the Country
charts on many occasions but his music played well on the Pop charts as
well. Many of his songs, with their plaintive sound and message of heartbreak,
were covered by R&B artists. His music can still be heard today being
played in the heart of the Cajun Country of Louisiana. No one that grew
up in this country during the late 50's and 60's, when Don Gibson hit
full stride, could help but be moved by the likes of OH LONESOME ME, SEA
like that of other American greats, will live forever. Farewell Don Gibson,
thank you, and God bless you.
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
November 6, 2003
New Orleans, LA
enemy now faced in Iraq is without doubt the most uncivilized foe our
country has encountered throughout our history. They are not an army,
represent no nation, country, tribe, nor civilization, and they are totally
barbaric and vicious in their methods of warfare. They are loosely affiliated
groups of terrorists and assassins only, and as such are nothing but outlaws
and outcasts of civilization. They are protected by no international law,
treaty or convention of war, and US troops are not required to deal with
them as enemy combatants. When encountered in hostile situations they
should be struck and eliminated from the ranks of the living in the most
efficient manner possible. They have no international rights to protect
them from whatever may happen to them should they fall live into our hands,
though we as Americans can be expected to behave in a civilized manner
regardless. This, however, does not mean that we should behave as fools,
consequently exposing our troops to unnecessary death and destruction
because of some lamely conceived notions about the delicacy of methods
of interrogation which must be used to obtain critical information from
a prisoner.
Army has recently filed a criminal assault charge against an American
officer who coerced an Iraqi suspect into providing information that foiled
a planned attack on U.S. soldiers. The interrogation technique utilized
caused no physical harm, but was quite effective in frightening the prisoner
into revealing a deadly plot against US troops as well as the name of
his co-conspirators. A proper report of the entire incident was made by
the officer in charge to his superiors as required by regulations and,
quite properly, he considered the matter closed. Not so however, some
group of army inspectors arrived at a later date to conduct some sort
of review of the command. In the process the report of the incident was
discovered and subsequently, criminal assault charges have been brought
against the officer involved. He now stands to appear before a court martial
board, and if found guilty, may expect punishment up to and including
dishonorable discharge and imprisonment.
This is an absolute outrage! A competent and conscientious officer may
forfeit his career, his reputation and his future because some chair bound
weasel in the Pentagon has decided to court martial him. I suggest a congressional
investigation be convened to look into the entire matter, not only into
the incident itself but into the circumstances surrounding the preferring
of the actual charge. I also suggest the inquiry look into the officer
or officers in the Pentagon that are responsible for preferring this charge,
both as to their reasons for doing so, as well as to their own competence
as combat soldiers. I suspect you will find no combat records of any merit
whatsoever, only desk bound generals with monumental egos to balance their
complete lack of operational ability. If court martial charges are to
be brought against anyone I suggest the Pentagon officers responsible
for preferred the charge be tried for criminal incompetence. As well as
the damage to the officer charged, if these charges are maintained, damage
to the army itself will become monumental. Troop morale, already low,
in spite of government assertions to the contrary, will plummet even further.
If an officer doing his job in pressing the war against the enemy is ruined
for doing his duty, can any reasonable soldier be expected to see any
point in subjecting himself to possible court martial and ruin? Our troops
will begin to avoid the enemy rather than seek him out, in hope of seeing
their tour in that Hellhole come to an end so they can return safely to
their home. The parallels to Vietnam are becoming uncanny!
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
John Edwin Roberts
October 31, 2003
New Orleans, LA
As is most often the case,
the mainstream news organizations almost immediately deliver the most
spectacular and sensational news. Quite often this story raises questions
that a perceptive person would like followed up and answered. Most often,
however, the story is completely forgotten after the initial reporting,
and mention is never made of it again. A case in point is the death of
the highest-ranking Army officer killed by hostile fire in Iraq, Lt. Col.
Kim S. Orlando of the 101st Airborne Division. Another US soldier was
also killed in the incident and others wounded, as well as several bodyguards
of a Muslim cleric also killed and wounded. It seems the Lt. Col. and
his men were acting in the capacity of military police and were attempting
to calm the group of the cleric's bodyguards who were handling the weapons
were carrying in a most hostile manner. They did not attempt to disarm
them, just to convince them to bring their arms to the port arms position
rather than pointing them in a threatening and hostile manner.
The Lt. Col. was trying to persuade a particularly obnoxious bodyguard
who was brandishing his pistol in an extremely hazardous manner to put
it away. The situation grew tense, and, as stated in the official report,
"..a female soldier fired a warning shot." Once that occurred
all Hell broke loose with the death and destruction already described
a result of the melee. Any competent soldier will tell you that once bullets
start to fly a situation can very rapidly get out of hand, as obviously
happened here. Therefore, one primary lesson of combat troops and military
police is 'fire discipline'.
What I want to know is was the soldier that fired the initial shot instructed
to do so or was it entirely of her own volition? It could well have been
justified, but again it could have been an incompetent or foolish act
leading to the multiple deaths and injuries. Is the army's Inspector General
looking into the matter, and when will the result of his inquiry be put
forth to the public? The fact that the soldier in question was a female
also raises other questions, questions as to the competence of females
for front line positions. Most thoroughly competent military men feel
they are not, but of course reason is often overturned by the laws and
edicts issued by the US Congress. You may be assured that San Diego Beachlife
Magazine is trying to find the answers to these questions, and when we
do we will immediately release them to our readers.
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
Edwin Roberts
October 30, 2003
New Orleans, LA
Poor Sap!
Poor Nathaniel Heatwole,
he's the poor sap that smuggled the box cutters and modeling clay onto
the airliners to prove that present security was
completely inadequate, in spite of declarations and pronouncements from
the government entirely to the contrary. Well he proved his point, proved
his point beyond a shadow of a doubt in fact, and now the poor boy's in
the most terrible trouble imaginable!
Technically he has committed a crime, a federal crime, but far, far worse,
he has committed an unpardonable offense against high and mighty officials
Washington, one for which he will never be forgiven and for which he will
pay dearly. He has embarrassed and humiliated not only the Transportation
Safety Administration and it's officials, but in the process, the Homeland
Security Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well. The
latter organization is the one that will cause him the most grief.
It is a cardinal rule at the FBI to hide all mistakes from public view,
which they have done recently with respect to the Ruby Ridge incident,
the massacre of the innocents at Waco, and the so called 9-11 scandal.
'Lie and Deny' is the order of the day at the FBI when it comes to mistakes
and crimes committed by it's employees and officials. Nothing much has
changed there, in fact, since the days of the infamous J. Edgar Hoover.
Now Heatwole has again exposed the FBI's false claims to the public view,
and he will be charged with every crime they can cook up in punishing
him. The fact that his purpose, however misguided, was in promoting the
public good, and he had no intention of using his so-called weapons in
any hostile manner hatsoever, will in no way diminish the charges against
him. The Director of the FBI has been embarrassed, and J. Edgar Ashcroft
is not the man to take this lying down! No, by god, J. Edgar Ashcroft
is going to get even, and if he's able to arrange for the accused to be
tired before one of his stooges, rather than a fair and even minded judge,
I see nothing less than twenty-years in the federal penitentiary for poor
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine
Edwin Roberts
27, 2003
New Orleans, LA
a reporter myself, I understand that to be in the forefront of your chosen
profession you must go to the location where news is being made. Many
times this places you in the very path of great and imminent danger but
any reporter worth his salt will be there regardless. I was therefore
very gratified to see on the news last night that Great Icon, that National
Institution, that Magnificent Man, none other than 'Gunga Dan' Rather
himself right there in San Diego and facing the worst fires in all of
California history. He had strategically placed himself right there by
San Diego Harbor, no doubt assisting the bucket brigade in their efforts
to quench the fires, and in the background you could plainly see the smoke
rolling off the hills to the East of the city. Unfortunately I am unable
to be there myself, but were I, why you would find me right there by my
fellow reporter's side, ably reporting the news in the very teeth of imminent
danger. Yes, it's very dangerous
there by the dock in San Diego Harbor, at least twenty miles from any
active fires, and close to the very finest restaurants, hotels and bars.
I'm surprised the son-of-a-b@#$* didn't don firefighter's apparel to make
him appear even more credible, just as he once posed in fighter's garb
in Pakistan with a rag tied round his head, pretending all the while to
be at the front line in Afghanistan! Yeah, that Gunga Dan's a real piece
of work ain't he? In actuality, being a Staff Reporter for San Diego Beachlife
Magazine, had I, or another fine reporter such as Charles De Tomasi of
the International Bureau, been in the area you could have found us perched
atop Frank Tom's observation deck overlooking Harbison Canyon and right
in the midst of the firey inferno that is East San Diego County. I am
sure my fearless Boss, Editor Marshall, can be found in a position of
similiar access to the actual fires as we speak. Therefore, if you look
for real news, don't bother to tune in the evening gabble from such as
Gunga Dan, or the other two nightly nitwits, but go right straight to
a real news source!
John Edwin Roberts
World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine |
John E. Roberts
Editorialist and World Correspondent at Large
San Diego Beachlife Magazine ® 1998
email: JohnEdwinRoberts@sdbeachlife.com
The views and opinions expressed on this web site are soley those of the original authors and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Tom C. Marshall or San Diego Beachlife Magazine® or any/all contributors to this site. |
All Photographs, Writings
and Other Content Copyright
© John E. Roberts, © Tom C. Marshall and
San Diego Beachlife Magazine®
 Tom C. Marshall
PO. Box 70053
San Diego, CA 92167
Email Publisher@sdbeachlife.com
(619) 222-5489 |